The Bioboosted Armor (Guyver X A Certain Magical Index Quest)


So whats your opinion on the brutality of Guyver

I've read through the Manga up to the part when Sho's friends get taken to the Island, so I've seen a lot of the brutality that can happen in it.

To give an opinion on it, it's like any really gory manga/anime/light novel. At certain points the Body Horror stuff is ok, sometimes it's cool, and other times it can seem excessive.

But this is assuming you mean brutality as in violence. If you mean something else, please let me know.

Also, wow that discussion.

I always seem to choose to do Quest that have a shit ton of discussion on them without being actually able to participate myself, since I'm actually the one with the least amount of knowledge.

But, for the Index being chosen thing, I am also of the group that the little miss has some of the highest amount of mental fortitude of the group. I haven't seen much, but the way I understand it is the Books in her head are the equivalent of the Headbands from Afro Samurai: Things that just by the nature of existing can cause mass amount of destruction, genocide, and mind rape.
I'm gonna leave the vote open until tonight at about 11:45 PM.

After that, all have a Vote Tally and call it.

Post-Accelerator Time

Index as the Host

At most three Advent Ships. Two which have probably been found by the Higher Authorities already.

And the Guyver's Purpose is to Learn.

Any Objections or does anyone see any inconsistencies in the votes?

If not, expect the next Update either this Friday or Sunday.
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jul 3, 2018 at 12:46 AM, finished with 52 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Tiny Nun with Really Big Gun
    -[X] Post-Accelerator
    -[X] Index
    -[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
    -[X] To Learn.
    [X] Kamjo Touma- Post
    [X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
    [X] To Live
    [X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
    [X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
    [X] Kamjo Touma- Pre
    [X] Misaka Mikoto - Pre
    [X] Plan: A Certain Scientific Railgun Guyver Edition
    -[X] Pre-Touma Memory Loss
    -[X] Misaka Mikoto
    -[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
    -[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
    -[X] Post-Accelerator
    -[X] Index
    -[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
    -[X] To Learn.
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Yeah, when I look at the list, Index really is the most 'Viable' target.

Nobody on that list actually needs help to be relevant. So I roll back and decide based on what the Unit might actually be interested in. Of the motivations involved, the combination that most made 'Sense' was Index + Learning, because those two will get on like a house on fire.

Touma... I considered him for a bit, but then I realized a simple truth to any narrative story. Imagine Breaker just wouldn't allow him to get any other power, his Misfortune would get in the way first--probably leading to Index finding the damn thing first and quite possibly thinking it's a big jawbreaker or something.

And then we lead to hilarity as the biggest archive of forbidden knowledge in the setting gets an Unintended Interaction Device glued to her. Because the Units are not actually intended as superweapons. It's a side effect of what happens when an ordinary hostile environment suit used by these guys gets in the hands of a human, who have just this horrible self-feeding loop with them that turns it all into a ridiculous superweapon, that mind control doesn't work on.

Guyver, after all, is the Advent word for Out of Control. It's not the natural name of the units, because they're not special in themselves. It was the equivalent of "Let's dress the monkey up in people clothes" leading to the monkey exploding three sizes and murdering your scientific expedition.
Guyver, after all, is the Advent word for Out of Control. It's not the natural name of the units, because they're not special in themselves. It was the equivalent of "Let's dress the monkey up in people clothes" leading to the monkey exploding three sizes and murdering your scientific expedition.

That's pretty much exactly what happened.

"Let's give one of our benign, completely non-threatening environmental suits, to the creatures we created to be unstoppable killing machines for use in our intergalactic war. What could go wrong?"

*One dead T-Rex, Three Blasted Ships, and a Dead Human later*

"Screw this planet! We played God and we payed the price! We're outta here!"
Acknowledged, dedicating systems to the accumulation of information and otherwise.

Finalizing the bonding process. Scanning for abnormalities…abnormality found.

Host's brain contains a large amount of information related to "magic". Host brain identifies this information as "Grimoires".

Estimate amount of information….comparable to 103,000 volumes of written literature.

Dedicating additional systems to study/decipher volumes. Will be notified when analysis has been completed.

Grimoires are beings studied. 0/100,003 deciphered.

Bonding process 95% complete.

Query: This Unit comes equipped to impart knowledge of its operation onto the Host. This will allow ease of use and a better understanding of how to operate the Unit. However, it is also possible the Host will be intimidated by that much information, or it won't be as willing to make use of it.

Should this Unit impart knowledge on its operation to the Host?

[] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.

[] Negative. The Host will have to experiment and figure out how to use the Unit on its own. This might allow you to gather some interesting data on the Host.


Bonding process complete.

Systems coming online.

Unit activating.

Optics coming online in 3…2….1…

A human is the first thing you see.

Your scanners immediately pick up everything around your immediate area, giving you an approximate outline of everything noteworthy.

You are in a standard living quarter for more advanced homo-sapiens. The walls are made of a material that would be easy to break if you need to make an escape. The floor is littered with random bits of debris that register as a type of sustenance for a human body. Along with some larger objects that seem to have no purpose outside of allowing a human to recharge their energy. There is an electronic device to your right, with more closer to the exit. Some of them are giving off heat, possibly indicating the use of food. Next to them is a bigger device whose temperature is low enough to allow for the preservation of edibles.

A quick scan through the still unconscious Host's memories is enough to give you all the terms for the various objects in the room.

You then turn your focus to the two organisms in front of you.

One of them registers as a type of feline. Its mismatched fur stands on end as it stares at you with wide unsure eyes. It is not in any position to pounce or scratch you, as ineffectual as that would be, and its heart rate is still steady. No adrenaline is being circulated, and the ears are flicking back and forth waiting for you to make a move or sound. Your mouthpiece releases some air pressure as you turn to the human in front of you.

Scans indicate a homo-sapien somewhere within it early to mid-life span. A quick scan of his biology indicates that this is a male of the species. His heart rate has increased to a high amount, but there's no evidence of the fight or flight instinct that humans have been implanted with. His body is relatively healthy, though you count numerous places where he has been seriously wounded that have been healed. His eyes are firmly on you, while his hands and legs stay planted to the floor.

It takes approximately one minute, twenty-two seconds for the human to open his mouth. Your internal translator takes over as he says one word, "I-Index?"

Your systems search for the word "index" but do not find anything that would match the definition for such a thing in your current area. You stand completely still waiting until the Host awakens….

….Statement: It is not necessary to wait for the Host to regain consciousness.

There is much you can do and discover until the Host regains her faculties.

[] Your scanners are picking up possible evidence of Advent Technology nearby. Investigation of such a thing is imperative to your Host continued survival….as well as your research.

[] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.

[] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.

[] The best way to gather data on an unknown is to experience it yourself. It should be easy enough to leave this room and begin observations on the immediate, general, and larger area.

[] Write in…

Sorry, it's so short. I was having trouble deciding how to start this whole thing, and how I wanted the Guyver's "voice" to sound.

In the end, I decided to go with something approaching HK-47 :p.

If you wish to do multiple actions, go right ahead. Be aware though they will cost you time, and circumstances may occur that interrupt your actions...such as Index waking up and discovering a sentient, bio-armor has hi-jacked her body.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.

[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.

Load data
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.

Initiate mutual data transfer for optimal future performance.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
One of them registers as a type of feline. Its mismatched fur stands on end as it stares at you with wide unsure eyes. It is not in any position to pounce or scratch you, as ineffectual as that would be, and its heart rate is still steady. No adrenaline is being circulated, and the ears are flicking back and forth waiting for you to make a move or sound.
Feline located. Priority 1: Pet Feline :D

[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.

Not telling her about our functions is an easy way for getting her killed.

[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.

"JuSt A sUiT, DoN't MiNd Me"
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[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.

[X] You have no stored data of this current world, and an inhabitant of the general area is currently right next to you. This is a perfect opportunity…though it will require some work communicating with the human.
[X] Affirmative. The Host will know how to effectively use the Unit. This will include how to call it, most of its functions, etc.
[X] The Host surely must have memories of this place. A simple deep brain scan will tell you all you want to know about the area….to the best of the Host abilities of course.
Confirmation: Will give Host full information regarding the Unit and will attempt communication with the life form in front of it.

Addition: The Data Sheets regarding this Unit and the Host have been completed. Must remember to check them periodically (IOW The Character Sheets have been updated).

Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jul 12, 2018 at 5:40 AM, finished with 16 posts and 14 votes.
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