The Bioboosted Armor (Guyver X A Certain Magical Index Quest)

Scanning Host brainwaves….complete.

Host Identified as:

Pre-Touma Memory Loss:
[] Kamjo Touma

P: Anti-Mage: His right hand is known as Imagine Breaker. It has the ability to negate any and all supernatural powers, with no currently known limit.

P: Analysis, Adapt, Ass Kick: Touma is actually pretty good at studying his opponent's method of fighting and coming up with a way to counter it. This doesn't always work since all he can do is street fight, but he's really good at street fighting.

P: Level 0 Stigma: Touma is considered a Level 0 by Academy City standards. On the one hand, this means he gets disrespected by everyone else in the city. On the other hand, it also means everyone underestimates him when they fight.

C: Such Misfortune: Touma's right-hand cancels out all supernatural forces. Including luck. This means the man is exceedingly unlucky and gets into bad situations all the time. Unlike the anime/novel, this won't only extend to seeing girls naked/stripping them. It will have an effect on combat as well. Don't expect all your plans to work out as Murphy's Law will come to fuck you up.

C: Semi-Normal Dude: Even with Imagine Breaker, Touma has no real magical powers. He's just a normal guy. Meaning he can be killed by bullets, stab wounds, being crushed, etc. On top of that, he has no real way to defend or attack outside of physical combat.

C: My Arm causes Angst!: This Touma doesn't like his arm. At all. He sees it as more of a burden and a bother than anything else. The only time he sees that he can use it for good is after he helps Index. Don't expect him to use his arm unless he absolutely has to.

[] Index

P: A Literal Magical Index: Has the knowledge and information of 103,000 Grimoires in her head due to her Perfect Memory. She is able to access this knowledge at any time, and can correlate it between the Books to discover/use magical rituals and otherwise in different ways.

P: Perfect Memory: She remembers everything thanks to having a literal Perfect Memory. You won't have to be doing all the computations, and memorizing during battle.

P: Sister of the Church: While technically a "Sister in Training", Index is considered apart of the Church of England. This gives her clout and influence among some of its members, especially since she has the Grimoires memorized.

C: Bottomless Stomach: For being a Sister, Index can be considered the definition of Gluttony. She never seems to get full and constantly requires food. Even eating an entire fridge isn't enough. If she doesn't get a continual source of food, she can fall out and be unavailable.

C: I'm Not a Mage: Index is actually a relatively normal person. She doesn't have any magic power, which is what makes her perfect for memorizing the Grimoires. Unfortunately, this also means she's relatively useless when it comes to combat. Though she can use the knowledge gained from the Books to help in battle, she can't be a front line bruiser or spell caster….without training anyway.

C: Memory Erasure: Is currently cursed to die after a year of time has passed. This was done by the Church to prevent her from betraying them and using the 103,000 Grimoires against them. To combat this, her closest friends have been forced to constantly erasure her memories year after year, else she dies. This can be negated, but not without some force being used.

[] Misaka Mikoto

P: Shocker/Railgun: Misaka is one of the strongest Level 5 Espers in Academy City. She can harness the electromagnetic forces generated by her body as a weapon. This has been used to shock enemies, disrupt/operate electrical machinery, and use metal objects as ammo for her Railgun attack.

P: One Woman Army: While not invincible, Misaka is a damn good combatant. She's able to take on entire groups of her own clones, each with a weaker copy of her own abilities. She's even been able to stand up to Accelerator, even though she never beat him.

P: I've got Connections: Her friend Kuroko is apart of one of the law enforcement group Judgement, giving her a good source of information for just about anything that's going on in the city. Whether Misaka asks/receives that information or not depends on her.

C: Pride: Exceedingly prideful. To the point where she tried to fight a war against the people who made her Sisters all on her own with no help whatsoever. It almost resulted in her purposely fighting Accelerator so she could die to save the Sisters. Unless something happens that knocks this sense of pride out of her, she's gonna make stupid decisions for the sake of her own ego.

C: Number 3: She's the third most powerful Esper in the City. This means that there are a lot of people who are going to be gunning for her or want her for one reason or another. Being the third affords her some leeway, but once she gets a Guyver, ohh man that will change.

Post Touma vs Accelerator:
[] Kamjo Touma

P: Anti-Mage: HIs right hand is known as Imagine Breaker. It has the ability to negate any and all supernatural powers, with no currently known limit.

P: Analysis, Adapt, Ass Kick: Touma is actually pretty good at studying his opponent's method of fighting and coming up with a way to counter it. This doesn't always work since all he can do is street fight, but he's really good at street fighting.

P: Cardboard taste Great!: Touma's really good at making idealistic speeches that don't make any sense. He doesn't even believe half of them, but they're really good at tripping up his enemies by completely breaking down everything they believe in. It also makes it really easy to turn them to his side after he's done kicking their ass.

C: Such Misfortune: Touma's right-hand cancels out all supernatural forces. Including luck. This means the man is exceedingly unlucky and gets into bad situations all the time. Unlike the anime/novel, this won't only extend to catching girls naked. It will have an effect on combat as well. Don't expect all your plans to work out as Murphy's Law will come into play more often than not.

C: Semi-Normal Dude: Even with Imagine Breaker, Touma has no real magical powers. He's just a normal guy. Meaning he can be killed by bullets, stab wounds, being crushed, etc. On top of that, he has no real way to defend or attack outside of physical combat.

C: Keep it a Secret: This Touma has lost any and all memories of his past self. Though he is similar, he is a completely different person from the Touma of the past…..a fact he is trying to hide from everyone. You won't be able to fix his damaged memories, as they are no longer apart of who he is. And you can't let anyone catch on to his ploy. Especially Index.

P/C: Chronic Hero Syndrome: Touma represents instinctual Heroism. If he can do something to help someone and make their lives better he will do so. No matter what gets in his way. This makes him a pretty cool dude, but it also causes a lot of problems for him. Behind his happy demeanor lies a wreck of trust and self-esteem issues that can make him lose heart when pushed. On the other hand, it's one of the main reasons so many people are drawn to him.

[X] Index

P: A Literal Magical Index: Has the knowledge and information of 103,000 Grimoires in her head due to her Perfect Memory. She is able to access this knowledge at any time, and can correlate it between the Books to discover/use magical rituals and otherwise in different ways.

P: Perfect Memory: She remembers everything thanks to having a literal Perfect Memory. You won't have to be doing all the computations, and memorizing during battle.

P: Sister of the Church: While technically a "Sister in Training", Index is considered apart of the Church of England. This gives her clout and influence among some of its members, especially since she has the Grimoires memorized.

C: Bottomless Stomach: For being a Sister, Index can be considered the definition of Gluttony. She never seems to get full and constantly requires food. Even eating an entire fridge isn't enough. If she doesn't get a continual source of food, she can fall out and be unavailable.

C: I'm Not a Mage: Index is actually a relatively normal person. She doesn't have any magic power, which is what makes her perfect for memorizing the Grimoires. Unfortunately, this also means she's relatively useless when it comes to combat. Though she can use the knowledge gained from the Books to help in battle, she can't be a front line bruiser or spell caster….without training anyway.

C: Everybody wants Me: Thanks to Touma, she no longer has to have her memories erased every year. On the plus side, she can now go on and live a normal life as much as she wants. On the bad side, this means the second the magic world gains wind of what's transpired, everyone will want to capture her for one reason or another. And if she has a Guyver? That chance will increase by double.

[] Misaka Mikoto
P: Shocker/Railgun: Misaka is one of the strongest Level 5 Espers in Academy City. She can harness the electromagnetic forces generated by her body as a weapon. This has been used to shock enemies, disrupt/operate electrical machinery, and use metal objects as ammo for her Railgun attack.

P: One Woman Army: While not invincible, Misaka is a damn good combatant. She's able to take an entire group of her own clones, each with a weaker copy of her own abilities. She's even been able to stand up to Accelerator, even though she never beat him.

P: I've got Connections: Her friend Kuroko is apart of one of the law enforcement group Judgement, giving her a good source of information for just about anything that's going on in the city. Whether Misaka asks/receives that information or not depends on her.

C: Pride: Exceedingly prideful. To the point where she tried to fight a war against the people who made her Sisters all on her own with no help whatsoever. It almost resulted in her purposely fighting Accelerator so she could die to save the Sisters. Unless something happens that knocks this sense of pride out of her, she's gonna make stupid decisions for the sake of her own ego.

C: Number 3: She's the third most powerful Esper in the City. This means that there are a lot of people who are going to be gunning for her or want her for one reason or another. Being the third affords her some leeway, but once she gets a Guyver, ohh man that will change.

C: Tsun Tsun~: Has a crush on Touma, but can't spit it out. Anyone who knows this trope can see why this is a Con.

[] Accelerator

P: The Strongest: The number 1 most powerful Level 5 Esper in AC. Period. He has the power to change the vectors of just about anything by doing advanced computations for them in his brain. As long as he can compute it, he can change the vectors of just about anything. Even turning the air into plasma.

P: The Atoner: While he is violent, rude, and an all-around jerk, he doesn't like it. He actually wants to be a good person but doesn't see any way to do that after all the pain he has caused. However, that doesn't mean he won't try to do good if he has a chance…he'll just do it his way.

P: The Dreaded: Comes with the territory. There is hardly a single Esper in Academy City that doesn't know who he is or isn't afraid of him. As such, he lives a relatively quiet life, since most people are too scared to actually do anything to him. That and he seems to able to keep out of the eye of the magic side quite a bit.

C: I Am a Monster: Sees himself as a monster and all around bad person. As such, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if it means victory for him. He takes great joy in the battle and knows a countless number of ways to use his powers effectively.

C: Publicity is a Bitch: Being the strongest Esper in the city, a lot of people want him under their thumb. Expect the government to come knocking on your door more often than not, and have a bunch of Espers out for your blood.

C: Down, but not Out: After his loss to Touma, he's lost a lot of his cred. He's still the strongest Esper in the city, but not as many people are afraid of him anymore. If he's not careful, he could end up biting off more than he can chew.

[] Motoharu Tsuchimikado

P: Spy Spy Spy: Is literally a triple agent for the Churches, Academy Cities Government, and the Darker Side of Academy City. They are all aware of this, but allow him to have complete autonomy cause they know there's nothing they can do about it. He's got connections, and he's not afraid to do whatever he needs to accomplish his goal.

P: Lying is Second Nature: He doesn't have a problem with lying, even to his closest friends. This has the upside of making him extremely unpredictable, as no ever really knows when he's telling the truth. It also useful for bluffing the enemy and catching them off guard.

P: My Style is Impetuous: While using magic will hurt/kill him, he has developed his own method of fighting and is damn good at it. He can hold his own against most Magicians and Espers with little trouble, despite not being able to use any powers of his own.

C: Siscon: He has feelings for his stepsister, and is proud of it. She's the only one he has any real sort of loyalty to. This does mean that anything involving his sister will affect him significantly. If she dies, he'll hit a BSOD and be unreasonable for a while.

C: Untrustworthy: Side effect of every other word out his mouth being a lie. Just about no one really trusts this man, and for good reason. No one truly trusts him and they will have very little trouble stabbing him in the back…since he does it on a day to day basis. And while most of the organizations that he's apart of allow him autonomy, this can only go so far.

C: Using Magic Will Kill Me: He can still use magic, but thanks to the Esper Indoctrination Procedures, it will cause all the blood vessels in his body to explode. He can mitigate this thanks to his ability, Auto-Regeneration, but it ain't perfect. He can't just get away with using a big spell repeatedly and shrugging it off. It will catch up to him.

[] Aisa Himegami

P: Deep Blood: Has blood the literally kills vampires as soon as they taste it. On top of that, they are inexplicably drawn to the smell of her blood, even if they know it will kill them. While she doesn't have any powers of her own, with a Guyver this could be boosted to a new level.

P/C: No Presence: At some point, she seems to have just…faded from importance. After about one episode of being center stage, she hardly does anything else. On the one hand, this means very few people ever mess with her and she lives a relatively normal existence. On the other hand, this has caused her to develop an inferiority complex about how she's almost useless and never involved. A Guyver will change this….for better and worse.

Host identity confirmed.

Beginning deep geometric scan of the planet…..complete:

[] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.

P: There's a lot of Advent tech lying around. If you're able to get your hands on it, you can evolve into even more advanced forms than before.

P: Advent tech will allow access to many things not thought possible, such as new weapons, better armor, and you might even be able to repurpose an Advent ship to your needs.

P: These ships probably have some Guyver Units lying dormant within them. Finding them will allow you to gain a large advantage by having a group of Guyvers to back you up.

C: There is no way higher authorities haven't gotten their hands on some of this tech. It is only a matter of time until they figure out how it works and start to create their own biological monsters with it. Expect this world's version of Zoanoids.

C: There might be Guyver Units in these ships…meaning that others can gain a Unit and there is no guarantee they will be friendly. They might even be openly hostile towards you.

C: With so many ships hidden within the planet, two things are certain. One, there is a Zoalord on this planet, probably bidding its time until it can reveal itself to the world. Two, there is something else on this planet powerful enough to absolutely destroy five Advent ships. Is it a Guyver, or something else?

[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.

P: Not as much Advent tech just lying around. You're gonna have to work fast if you want to grab up anything that can help you evolve….or just steal it from those who have it.

P: Advent tech will allow access to many things not thought possible, such as new weapons, better armor, and you might even be able to repurpose an Advent ship to your needs.

P: These ships probably have some Guyver Units lying dormant within them. Finding them will allow you to gain a large advantage by having a group of Guyvers to back you up.

C: While the higher authorities do have access to these ships, don't expect them to be able to make Zoanoids or equivalent as quickly as they would if the above options were picked. You'll have quite a bit of time before something like that happens.

C: There will still be Guyvers, but only two others. The competition between the three of you might get heated if you want to grab some of the tech before they do.

C: There is still a Zoalord on the planet somewhere, but they are most likely fast asleep and not that dangerous…for now.

[] No Advent tech detected. No evidence of there presence anywhere.

P: No chance of Zoanoids, equivalents, or other Guyvers appearing at all. You're the only one of your kind.

P: No Zoalord to possibly become a major problem later on in the Quest.

C: You're the only Guyver on the planet. The minute the higher powers become aware of you everyone will be gunning for you. Everyone.

C; No chance of gaining any advanced evolutionary forms (Gigantic and Exceed). You're stuck with whatever you evolve naturally.

Beginning internal systems check.

Weapons check….complete. High-Frequency Blades, Gravity Controller, Heat Beam, Sonic Emitter, Containment Space, and Megasmasher are all operational.

Parasitic Control Unit….functioning at peak efficiency.

Other systems….ERROR. ERROR. Internal functions more damaged than originally predicted.

Scanning….unable to understand.

Unit….feels….a sense of….purpose.

Seeking definition of "purpose"….definition not found.


Unit's purpose is…

[] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
P: Regenerative properties will increase greatly. Nothing short of their atoms being smashed will permanently kill the Host.

P: Gain the ability to talk to the Host through the bio-link you establish with them. This will help immensely during combat as you can give the Host information on the environment they may have missed.

C: You will ensure the Host safety. At. All. Cost. If they take actions that will without a doubt result in their death, and they are completely aware of this, you will not hesitate to take control.

C: Any emotional damage the Host suffers, especially if it is from you (directly or indirectly), you will feel the pain. If it is great enough, you will not come when the Host calls.

[X] To Learn.
P: Scanners will be upgraded to be able to see any organic life's inner functions and workings. You will know the weaknesses and strength of their anatomy at a mere glance.

P: Gain access to certain evolutionary upgrades not before accessible through lesser constraints on your mind.

C: Research and learning is everything. There is no length you will not go to study that which interest you greatly. No length.

C: If the Host gets in the way of this, you are perfectly capable of taking control and performing the task anyway. The Host might be distressed afterward, but you can't stop the march of science.

[] To Destroy.
P: All combat systems will be improved. Powers normally reserved for when the Host has better control over the Guyver will be unlocked, along with access to its "Out of Control" variant that can be used at will.

P: The Host body will be slowly shaped to be more used to and excel at combat. By the end, they should be strong enough to best a Hyper Zoanoid without the Unit. With the Unit, at least 10,000.

C: A side effect of this increased focus on combat, is increased aggression within the Host due to the propagation of hormones that lead to such development. The Host will slowly become more aggressive, belligerent, and harmful to themselves and those around them.

C: You are made to destroy. To maim. To kill. If the Host will not allow you to indulge in such tendencies, you will take matters into your own hands. (There will be a Killing Urge value that will increase every time you don't take an action that is violent or destructive. Certain conversation choices will not be available at higher levels, and once it hits max level, you will seize control from the Host and murder everything and everyone around you regardless of allegiance or circumstances)

[] To Live.
P: Empathetic Sensor will be created for the purposes of understanding how to "live". These will make it easier to study other sapient's emotional state during and out of combat.

P: Will be able to give the Host advice on what to say during conversations. What you say will be based on your analysis of the Host and the other sapient's emotional state. Though what you suggest won't always be the right thing to say.

C: Answer is too vague to draw a defined conclusion….but…the Unit will…attempt to understand. Such an endeavor will require more computing power, thus causing combat systems to suffer a tiny bit.

C: This Unit will require an even deeper connection to the Host to "live" so to speak. Any permeant damage to the Host might drastically alter this Unit's ability to operate. This does not mean all damage, only very dire injuries (i.e. Sho losing half of his brain).

Alright, here's the update.

Now for the next thing that's gonna take a while, explanations:

Character Choice: Sorry if a character you were hoping for isn't here. Either I couldn't figure out anything interesting to do with them, had trouble coming up with good Pros and Cons, or just didn't feel confident writing for them. I hope the ones that are there are too enough people's liking though. I hope I made a good selection and haven't made anyone too uninterested.

I separated the Timelines between Pre-Touma Memory Loss, and Post-Accelerator fight, cause I felt like those would be the best ones to have to choose from. Mainly cause of Touma. The anime makes it pretty clear that Touma Post Memory Loss is completely different from who he was before. A completely different person just about. As such, choosing to do anything Pre-Memory Loss will make things really change, as it will affect Touma's decisions later on the line.

Advent Tech: This is pretty self explantory. Did the Advent come here and use this place as a Testing Ground or not? If yes, expect a major shift in some things, as the higher powers figure out how to create Zoanoid-esque creatures or even original bio-monsters from the discovery of the Advent tech. Who knows, maybe the Advent had something to do with the creation of Magic and Esper powers? If no, then you don't have to worry about that, but you won't be able to get Gigantic or Exceed. Not only that, but everyone will be gunning for your Host as they will have the only Guyver on the planet.

Purpose: I decided to do this, mainly cause without it this would just be "Give a Certian Magical Index Character a Guyver". As such, the Purpose is to make the Guyver a separate character that you all will control. Whoever your Host is will still be their own character, but you will have be able to have an effect on their decisions. Don't let the decisions for this fool you though, you will always be able to communicate with your Host is some fashion. Helpful and Live will just have better ways to do so than the others.
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[X] Kamjo Touma- Post

I like the idea of essentially building him from scratch with the same social connections but all sorts of fun while having a few perks and the idea of someone who would never let a little girl who loved him so much know that she was a stranger simply so he could be kind to her

[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.

Minimal Guyver shit which is just Mind numbingly brutal and often even for Anime Standards

[X] To Live

While possibly making this Alien War machine a person buy teaching it how to live while learning it for ourselves on an existentialist route which Im kinda on a kick about lately
Ild also be willing to vote []To Defend the host
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[X] Motoharu Tsuchimikado
[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.

Anyways, time to Ascend the side character. Tsuchimikado plays all sides against all sides.

Plus he'd probably gain the most from the Guyver regeneration. The amped up regeneration.
[X] Kamjo Touma- Pre

Making Touma much less squishy sounds good to me. And I'd prefer it be him before he permanently loses lots of his memories.

[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.

I feel like going all out and having lots of Creator stuff in the setting.

[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.

And I like this one the most. Much higher regen, and we can talk to Touma much more easily.
[X] Kamjo Touma- Pre

Making Touma much less squishy sounds good to me. And I'd prefer it be him before he permanently loses lots of his memories.

[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.

I feel like going all out and having lots of Creator stuff in the setting.

[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.

And I like this one the most. Much higher regen, and we can talk to Touma much more easily.
I like your way of thinking but I present my newly edited first post for consideration and debate my fine minded fellow
[X] Plan: Tiny Nun with Really Big Gun
-[X] Post-Accelerator
-[X] Index
-[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
-[X] To Learn.

Why you ask?

Because from what I know of ToAru, everyone else is a big deal, while Index is a plot coupon.

She's amusing, cute, and deserves greater relevance than as a damsel in distress. Especially in this age of heroes.

And in light of that, the Motivation that best fits is To Learn. Because look at this girl, she has enough data stored in that brain that even the Mysterious Precursors would be impressed!
I like your way of thinking but I present my newly edited first post for consideration and debate my fine minded fellow
Having to deal with Touma's lost memories, and the risk of the Unit suffering permenant damage when the wearer's injured with Live are dealbreakers for me.
[X] Kamjo Touma- Post
[X] Detecting small instances of Advent Technology. Estimate at most three large bodies. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
[X] To Live
Having to deal with Touma's lost memories, and the risk of the Unit suffering permenant damage when the wearer's injured with Live are dealbreakers for me.
Ok I concede those two but I would Argue against yours that the Advent level should be lower Because that guyver Shit is brutal even by the Standards of Berserk(and Thats when you know its brutal) and almost as often as Berserk
Kind of seems like giving a gun to a serial killer
He's...actually he's pretty stable, despite what the pros and cons makes it sound like. He acts morally for entirely personal reasons, in that if any of the factions he's working for wins, his sister is going to be 'cleaned up' as a loose end or annihilated as collateral damage(as in, both the Church and Academy City's ultimate goals are apocalyptic in scale).

With the net result that he's functionally Kamijou Faction because thats the faction that wants all these bullshit to stop and let people live in peace. He's the one in the faction that sees nothing wrong with evil actions, but fights evil because they threaten the only thing he cares about

Now give the man a Guyver. :D
Ok I concede those two but I would Argue against yours that the Advent level should be lower Because that guyver Shit is brutal even by the Standards of Berserk(and Thats when you know its brutal) and almost as often as Berserk
I'm aware of that, I've watched the OVA series and the anime several times over the years, and read the manga all the way up to Exceed's debut.
Something else that I really need to start doing is making voting options more concise. And I like to say I've become a better QM:p.

But anyway, if anyone would like to make a Plan vote like @Alectai go right ahead. I will accept that as well. If you wish to change your vote so fits more with Plan style, that works too.

Also, to clarify on the To Live option, when I say "Permanent Damage", I mean "Any Damage the Guyver can't easily Regenerate."

Touma losing his arm? Bad, but not too bad. No real damage will be sustained.

Touma losing about half of his head? That's gonna sting. I'll go ahead and make it clear.
[X] Kamjo Touma- Pre
[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
But anyway, if anyone would like to make a Plan vote like @Alectai go right ahead. I will accept that as well. If you wish to change your vote so fits more with Plan style, that works too.
So its based on Individual votes the most popular Charecter the most popular level and the most popular Directive will be used regardless of the grouping not always matching up
I'm aware of that, I've watched the OVA series and the anime several times over the years, and read the manga all the way up to Exceed's debut.
I like your plan but the Advent level is just too damn high they were bad enough full force without magic on top of their Psychic bull shit but at least they couldnt pass it off as esper powers or unusual magic at their peak. Lower levels their not as big a threat(Though still Sizeable) while still making us not on everyones shit list simply for existing
edit: Plus warm up times always a good thing
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So its based on Individual votes the most popular Charecter the most popular level and the most popular Directive will be used regardless of the grouping not always matching up

Really? Didn't think of that. I mainly just want to stop things from getting too confusing.

I figured I'd use Voting by Line/Block in order to keep the majority, but if that doesn't work I'd would manually count it.
[X] Misaka Mikoto - Pre
[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
[X] Kamjo Touma- Pre
[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
[X] Plan: A Certain Scientific Railgun Guyver Edition
-[X] Pre-Touma Memory Loss
-[X] Misaka Mikoto
-[X] Many instances of Advent Technology discovered. Estimate about five large bodies hidden beneath the earth. Might be more instances elsewhere. Can't pinpoint exact locations, but will dedicate computing power to do so.
-[X] To Defend the Host. At all cost.
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