I'm not saying that the Sith are okay. Hell they deserve a good genocide, but you can't wipe out the sith unless you get rid of the force. Plus you know what they say, an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
Also there are sith that don't out right do the things you mentioned above. Not all of them are bloodthirsty savages, plus most of the sith simply believe in power or survival of the fittest, so the things above won't really be done by true sith.
A List of such Sith:
Revan - I generally don't know of any instance where he was a sociopath, egomaniac, or cruel. (There is nothing wrong with being an Opportunist)
Marr - He wasn't a Egomaniac or a Sociopath and didn't just perform casual murder or really allow it.
Jadus - He wanted to end slavery and reform the empire.
Vectivus - Really was the nicest of the sith and had no evil in his heart. None of the above apply to him as faults.

A handful of Sith. Doesn't disprove my point since they were exceptions to the rule. You can't wipe out the Dark Side. But yes. You can wipe out the ideology and teachings of the Sith if you have unlimited resources and the patient to root out every single Sith holocron and artifact.

Most Sith are exactly as I described them. Plus backstabbing. Can't forget the backstabbery.

Most Sith twist 'survival of the fittest' to mean that those whom are not as strong as them should serve them in whatever way they see fit or die.
A handful of Sith. Doesn't disprove my point since they were exceptions to the rule. You can't wipe out the Dark Side. But yes. You can wipe out the ideology and teachings of the Sith if you have unlimited resources and the patient to root out every single Sith holocron and artifact.

Most Sith are exactly as I described them. Plus backstabbing. Can't forget the backstabbery.

Most Sith twist 'survival of the fittest' to mean that those whom are not as strong as them should serve them in whatever way they see fit or die.
Those exceptions were the most powerful and wisest of the sith and were the main ones that led the sith and taught new sith. When the rule of 2 was created they were the sith completely. You cannot remove the sith it is like removing the jedi. You can't!

You can give them a different name, look, culture, whatever. Dark Side will corrupt them cause them to give in to emotions of pain and suffering, hatred and anger, fear and etc. They will be just like the people you described with the ones I described as the leading ones and the ones that actually accomplish things and get things done. Why do you think the jedi haven't wiped out the sith yet or vice versa.

Edit: I believe that playing a sith would be fun because we never be the bad guy (If we choose that path we don't have to be the bad guy). The dark side has a lot of cool powers that we hardly explore like Force Storm or the ability to eat a planet or transfer our essence into new bodies. Just to name a few.
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[X] Mid Rim (Nexus of the galaxy. Both the Core and Rim are open … but don't get caught in between.)
-[X] The Nexus (Moorja): A simple agriculture world, this world should have been simply another resource for greater powers. Somehow it has instead gained control over the important intersection systems of Haarn and Yag'Dhul. It is able to sustain itself off of trade but can it use that trade to grow stronger and further its influence?
Inserted tally

EDIT: Alright, it looks like Team Evil wins. Give me a couple of hours for lunch and something else and then I'll work on character creation.
Adhoc vote count started by Killerflood on Jun 23, 2018 at 12:15 PM, finished with 28 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
    -[X]Break the Chains (Korriban): Long in decline, the Sith Empire hasn't had a Sith on the throne in a long, long time. A cutthroat council of lords sits as "regents". Well, they used too until you came along. Will you break the Empire's chains and lead it to dominion? Or are you just another so called "Dark Lord of the Sith."
    [X] Core Worlds (Densely Packed and heavily industrialised. Be wary, independent powers abound.)
    -[X] Call for Empire (Empress Teta): Empress Teta is the grand power of the Core. During the early stages of the Crisis, it jockied for power over Coruscant but was unable to overcome their opposition and was defeated. Now though it has come to claim the Deep Core as their own. With a stable foundation, will the Empire bring order to the rest of the galaxy?
    [X] Write In: The Black Sun will Rise! (Mustafar): A Vast Criminal Syndicate the Black Sun has existed since the days of the Old Republic. Be it Piracy or Smuggling there is no criminal enterprise which they would not engage in. But now as the galaxy is in Chaos the Lords of the Black Sun have decided to reach for heights no seen since the rise of the Hutt Cartels, they seek to carve out their own personal kingdom within this galaxy.
    [X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
    -[X] No More: your world is one of refugees. Long ago the frist colonists came fleeing the ravages of the Sith. During the republic more came fleeing the growing corruption consuming it's halls. During the clone wars they fled from the CIS's cruelty. Now no this age of chaos a battle cry raises against the fear that drove your ancestors to this world: No More!
    [X] Outer Rim (Sparser, fewer powers but also small resource density)
    -[X] Blue Tidings (Dac): Dac is a planet of two separate peoples that has only united again recently. Finally allied once again, maybe there are further opportunities for alliance amongst the stars? Or maybe , even if the pleasure cruisers of yesterday are gone they can be used for something else?
    [X] Mid Rim (Nexus of the galaxy. Both the Core and Rim are open … but don't get caught in between.)
    -[X] The Nexus (Moorja): A simple agriculture world, this world should have been simply another resource for greater powers. Somehow it has instead gained control over the important intersection systems of Haarn and Yag'Dhul. It is able to sustain itself off of trade but can it use that trade to grow stronger and further its influence?
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Start Up: Character Generation
Korriban, home of the Sith Empire. For millennia, it has seen its fortunes rise and fall with each Sith Empire that comes to power. Its heights in the Great Hyperspace War, the Galactic Civil War, and that period which had driven you to near obsession: the New Sith wars. Korriban itself is near useless for anything other than its symbolism and the stories of it being a Force Nexus. It is here where the Sith met their end.

A small force of the Brotherhood of the Sith had been split off from Ruusan in order to ensure the Jedi's destruction. Taking inspiration from Sith of old, they were tasked with laying waste to Coruscant. They only just succeeded. They retreated here, to Korriban, after their raid of Coruscant and the destruction of the Jedi Order. Weakened as they were and unaware of the disaster of Ruusan, they arrived merely to run to mutual destruction against Bane and his apprentice. While the Republic was tearing itself apart with the Crisis, the Sith were now openly devolving into their own blood letting. A group of men were able to claw their way to the top. Styling themselves "Regents" to the Sith throne, they managed to gain control over the core territories.

But without any true Sith to lead, what once was an Empire that spanned the Outer Rim has now devolved into a mere pocket. Century after century, the Regents let slip more territory. Due to war or internal conflict, it didn't matter. The Sith "Empire" is now but a shadow of its former self. And you are certain that the blame rests with the Council of Regents. Weak men with no ambition. It was an obligation for any true Sith to overrule them.

And you did so with flourish by using your ...

Excellence Choice (Pick One):
(Each option is tied to a specific primary skill. This will be your most effective skill at the start and will start at 21-25)
[ ] Might (Martial)
[ ] Silver Tongue (Diplomacy)
[ ] Subtlety (Intrigue)
[ ] Bribery (Stewardship)

Professional Choice (Pick One):
(This will be your secondary trait. (16-20) Cannot pick the same as above.)
[ ] Martial
[ ] Diplomacy
[ ] Intrigue
[ ] Stewardship
[ ] Learning
[ ] Lore (Requires you to have Force potential.)

Dump Stat (Novice; Pick One.):
(This will be your worst trait. (6-10) Cannot pick either that is the same as above. If you choose not to have any Force potential, this will default to Lore.)
[ ] Martial
[ ] Diplomacy
[ ] Intrigue
[ ] Stewardship
[ ] Learning
[ ] Lore

// OOC: The rest of your stats will be competent. (11-15) Dice rolls will be giving exact numbers.

And yet the Regents hold on by a mere thread and cower on Athiss. They aren't even Sith and yet they call you an Usurper!? They have no right to claim power over the Empire! But then again … do you?

Force Sensitivity (Pick One):
[ ] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
[ ] Being Sith is merely a way of life! (No Force Potential)

In the end, they do not matter. They will be dealt with in time. No, your focus is forward. As you quietly walk through what you consider the Valley of Tombs, you vow that you won't be buried here and left to dust like so many before you. The Galaxy awaits! And with you at the reigns, the Sith will rise again!

[ ] Name: (Write In)
[ ] Gender (Pick One): Male/Female
[ ] Species: (Write In)
[ ] (Optional. Can be decided later.) Picture:

// OOC: Please, pick a species that makes sense. How would a Quarren survive on Korriban? How could an Ewok become supreme leader?
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[X]Plan Darth Satan
-[X] Might (Martial)
-[X] Lore
-[X] Diplomacy
-[X] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
-[X] Name: Lucifer Starlight for we are the guiding light from which the benevolence of a new -empire rises!
-[X] Gender: Male
-[X] Species: Arkanian-Sith Offshoot
-[X] Picture:
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[x] plan; i`m a wizard
-[x] Subtlety (Intrigue)
-[x] Lore (Requires you to have Force potential.)
-[x] Martial
-[x] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)

[x] male
don`t have a name or race in mind really
[x] Plan: Lady Sith
[X ] Might (Martial)
[X ] Intrigue
[X ] Diplomacy
[X ] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
[X ] Name: Terra Moonlight
[X] Gender: Female
[X] Species: human
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[x] Plan: I want my super weapons
[X ] Might (Martial)
[X ] Learning
[X ] Diplomacy
[X ] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
[X ] Name: Fazk Bomi
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Species: Arkanian
[x] Plan: I want my super weapons
[X ] Might (Martial)
[X ] Learning
[X ] Diplomacy
[X ] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
[X ] Name: Fazk Bomi
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Species: Arkanian
May want to specify if your purebred or not that aside I'm still hoping to go that way, Lore would include knowledge of all those glorious force based super weapons, and various old sith super weapons. Especially if we want to make a bunch and mass produced super weapons from something like the Sun Razer
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goood goood soon all shall hail satan!
[X] Plan Second Reign of Axe
-[X] Might (Martial)
-[X] Intrigue
-[X] Diplomacy
-[X] Yes, I am Sith! (Force potential.)
-[X] Name: Karradas Vuipter
-[X] Gender (Pick One): Male
-[X] Species: Sith Pureblood
-[X] Picture: