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You hold the admission letter in your hand. This is the twelfth time you have read the letter...


Until my life is exhausted
at home
Fairchild University of Magic

Dear <name>,

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that we offer you admission to the Fairchild University of Magic Class 355.

Your thoughtful application and remarkable accomplishment convinced us that you have the intellectual energy, imagination and magical prowess to flourish at Fairchild University. Among the over 500,000 applications that we read, you are one among those whose distinguished record of academic excellence and personal achievement have stood out the most. We are thrilled to welcome you to the Fairchild community and look forward to the unique and extraordinary contributions we know you will make to the intellectual and extracurricular life of our campus.

While we have every reason to believe that you will complete your school year successfully, remember that your admission is contingent upon your continued strong academic performance in the program you present to us in your application.

Once again, I extend my congratulations to your admission to Fairchild and welcome you to the Fairchild family.


Gentiana Roseluck
Director of Admission
Fairchild University of Magic

You hold the admission letter in your hand. This is the twelfth time you have read the letter, and there is no mistaking it. Next month, you will start attending the Fairchild University of Magic as one of the new admissions for Class 355.

Fairchild University is one of the oldest learning institutions of magic in the world and one of the most prestigious. Among 500,000 those who applied for the admission, only 50 have been accepted for this year, and due to the high-quality education in this university, only the selected few will graduate with highest honor.

What is your name?

[] Write-in

What is your gender?

[] Male
[] Female

Choose your background:

[] Noble Blood - You are a member of a noble family with prestigious ancestry. Your magical prowess is dependant to your lineage.
[] Common Blood - You are a member of common folk with no known magical lineage. Your magical prowess is due to hard work and dedication.

Which school of magic do you excel in?

[] Elemental
Fire, wind, earth, water and other additional elements outside the classical ones.

[] Summoning
Call forth magical creatures to do things in your behalf, contractual or otherwise.

[] Light
Holy magic, purging in nature.

[] Dark
Unholy magic, atrophy in nature.

[] Alchemy
The law equivalent exchange, transmutate one thing into another.

[] Blood
Using blood, whether from self or other, to fuel magic.

[] Shamanism
Commands the spirits to do your bidding.

[] Druidism
Commands the nature to do your bidding.

[] Write-in
Any form of magic is acceptable.

Other necessary things will come during your enrollment into the university. Please look forward to your school year in the Fairchild University of Magic.


Have fun!
[X] Reo
[X] Male
[X] Common Blood
[X] Unholy Magic

We are certainly not villain material? I mean, we summon demons and stuff. How can we be evil? :V
[X] Vivienne
[X] Female
[X] Noble Blood
[X] Alchemy

If we're going with the noble option, is there going to be a vote for lineage or will that be predetermined?
[x] Alicia Fairchild
[x] Female
[x] Common Blood - You are a member of common folk with no known magical lineage. Your magical prowess is due to hard work and dedication.
[x] Elemental
[X] Rebecka Saracen
[X] Female
[X] Common Blood
[X] Write in: Supernatural Martial Arts
[X] Ulysses Morrow
[X] Male
[X] Common Blood
[X] Summoning
Adhoc vote count started by Ash-13 on Jun 9, 2018 at 9:03 AM, finished with 22 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Ash-13 on Jun 9, 2018 at 9:03 AM, finished with 22 posts and 13 votes.
[x] Alicia Fairchild
[x] Female
[x] Common Blood - You are a member of common folk with no known magical lineage. Your magical prowess is due to hard work and dedication.
[x] Summoning