[X]"Yeah... if something like that happened tonight, it wouldn't be a problem at all, would it." (Commit to tracking down the Caster tonight)
[X]The rest of your day will be dedicated a hundred percent to the armor.
You sigh. Participating in the meeting would be useful -- sharing information and coordinating with allies is always helpful, even if there's things they won't talk about in front of you -- but most of that you can do in the dream later with Da Vinci's communicator. "Thank you, but I will have to pass on that today," you say. "I have a project I'm hoping to complete before nightfall, and it will take me most of the day."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Mash says.
"Just so you know, we'll probably be asked to start heading back to hq soon," Ritsuka says. "Da Vinci's already passed a copy of the data to Ser-- er, to Twice, so they'll probably ask us to do some extra scans for stuff we missed and then tell us to head back."
"Who's Twice?" you ask.
"Oh, right," Ritsuka says. "He wasn't on the call yesterday, was he... am I not supposed to talk about him?"
Mash looks thoughtful. "Possibly...?"
You shrug. "It's fine. Please don't worry yourself about it." You pause as you turn to leave the kitchen, then grab the bag of food for Shaptasuka. He's still asleep, but you probably won't be coming back out to feed him before nightfall.
His cage is currently on the kitchen counter... actually, looking at it, he isn't asleep. He's just pretending. You'd known that he was clever, but he'd even fooled you for a moment there. "So you're with us then, Shapta?"
"I'm seven," the parrot says quietly, one eye cracking open. "Praise me today?"
"I'll be busy in my workshop from now until I go to sleep," you say. "I won't have time to talk to you, let alone praise you like you keep yammering on about."
Shapta hops slightly on his perch in order to face you, both eyes only slightly open. Maybe he's more sleepy than you thought? "But I'm a pretty bird."
You shake your head. "I have more important things today, Shapta," you say.
"I'm seven."
"I know," you reply, rolling your eyes. "I'll bring you dinner tonight, but I'm too busy until then. Sorry, Shapta."
"I'm seven, I'll remember," Shapta says, eyes drooping shut. "Sagittarius. Capricorn. I'll remember."
And then he's legitimately asleep this time.
Setting that odd interlude aside, you put the food in Shapta'suka's cage for later and head out for your workshop.
Armor is not, by itself, technically complex. When you get down to it, it's just sheets of metal shaped to be worn and deflect blows. Once you'd actually done the preparatory work, making an ordinary suit of armor wouldn't take you much longer than making a set of spoons.
Making a mystic code is more complicated, especially the type of mystic code you make. All of your own codes are designed to link to your artificial circuits. As such, you need to create an entire new set of circuits and put it inside the code. This lets the code itself act as an extension of your own body, both on a physical and conceptual level.
That alone is enough to complicate things. But Noa doesn't have your artificial circuits, and probably doesn't even have circuits at all. So you'll need to find a different way to connect it to her instead, on a conceptual level. And the obvious connection there is, of course, 'dragons.'
So to start with, the armor needs to be much more intricate in design than just a sheet of metal to deflect blows. You need to make the whole thing as much like a dragon as possible, not just the pieces from your cabinet.
There's only so much you can do without making the project take weeks though. So you settle for the general shape. From the outside, the armor is covered with the shapes of hundreds of scales. From the inside, sinew and flesh. The tail-hairs are there too. You'd needed more than the single hair you'd thought at first, but all three turns out to be enough, woven in and out of the metal in a design that mimics the layout of a dragon's veins. They stop at the elbows, however. When the gauntlets retract, the veins in her upper arm will line up with those in the armor, and the blades you placed in there will bridge the two.
You had only intended to work until it was time to sleep, but as the hours stretch on you find yourself loathe to stop. You had made a decision, this morning, to make as much progress on this armor today as possible. You'd hoped to have it entirely finished by the time you spoke with Noa next, even though it would be nearly impossible. Perhaps it is because you are torn between those two decisions, or perhaps because of your determination, that the dreaming world begins to bleed into the edges of your vision. By the time you finish, you are no longer in your workshop. Or at least, not your workshop in the waking world.
"So this is the armor for Noa, then?" Sengo asks. He'd joined you several hours ago, but this was the first time either of you spoke. You'd simply exchanged glances, and he began working the bellows for you on his forge. Which had helped immensely, as it turned out.
"Yes," you reply. "Thank you for your help, Sengo. I would not have been able to finish this tonight without you. It went very quickly." And its true. While he couldn't help you actually forge the metal, and didn't know anything about making armor to begin with, his techniques with a forge and bellows were leagues beyond your own or even your Uncle's. But you suppose that's to be expected from a Heroic Spirit who ascended through sheer skill in the craft.
"It was no trouble at all, Cal," Sengo replies. "Where did this forge come from, though?"
"My workshop," you say. "I didn't realize I could bring it here, at least not like this. It should only be items that I'm physically touching, and not everything was. The transition was seamless." Which probably means you managed to fall asleep mid-swing of the hammer. At least the forge going with you means you probably fell onto the floor instead of white-hot metal. You'll deal with that when you wake up.
"Feel free to use it, if you think it will be helpful," you add. You're fairly certain that he'd ask you something like that eventually anyway. "Before that though, let's wake up the others."
"So this is the armor, huh?" Noa says. "Well, I like the design... Reminds me of Percy's, except less creepy."
It did come out looking rather well, in your opinion. The shoulders had needed to be similar in shape to the original out of necessity, to fit the mechanisms for her helmet. But the rest... The colors of the armor are inverted, now being primarily red with silver highlights. The Aries-esque shape on the chest-piece has been replaced with the bone-white symbol formed from the draconic bones, and the red sections are indistinguishable from scales without looking very closely.
"Percival?" you ask. "Well, I appreciate the compliment. I've never done a project quite like this before."
"It seems awfully tight though," Noa says as she looks down the neck. "I'll barely fit in this."
"That's the idea," you say. "I made it skintight."
"You what?" Noa says, dropping the armor with a clatter. "You were able to get it that accurate just by-- by--"
"Magus," you point out.
"That's creepy."
"Again: Magus."
"...I've met Merlin, so I can't disagree."
"The armor is a mystic code designed to enhance your draconic traits," you explain."You can activate it by retracting the gauntlets with your prana burst skill. There's a pair of blades in each gauntlet that will dig into your skin just enough to connect the artificial circulatory system with your real one. After that, all you need to do is cycle your prana through the chest-piece and back to yourself."
"Prana burst skill...? Wait, how do you know about the dragon thing?"
"Mordred Pendragon,"You point out, electing not to mention the whole skill sheet thing. "It's not that big a secret in magical circles. Or at least, it was mentioned in my Uncle's study materials."
"I... See," Noa says hesitantly. "I'll just... try it on then. And these blades...?"
"Just below the palm, against the wrist," you say. "You'll need to reinforce them with prana first, otherwise they'll slide off your skin and end up in a compartment at the back."
"Got it."
While she goes back to her room to change, you call up Da Vinci on the communicator.
"Ritsuka and the others are on the way to Leo today," she tells you once you exchange greetings. "Saber, Berserker, and Shielder went into the building in Ophiucus again, but Rider's gone too. And unlike the others, I didn't catch where they went."
Well that's ominous. "You'll call me when they make a move?"
"Of course."
"Thank you," you say. "Anything happen last night that I wouldn't know about?"
"That I can tell you?" Da Vinci says rhetorically. "Well, some kind of strange phenomenon appeared off and on over Aquarius for a while. My cameras weren't in a position to catch it, but whatever it was changed the light. It was like night-time." She tsks. "Unfortunately I didn't spot it until I went through the recordings later, so I wasn't able to get more data than that. But judging by the fluctuations, I think it moved to Scorpio before vanishing."
"I see. And is there anything you can tell me about Caster?"
"If you mean the one who's in Capricorn..." Da Vinci muses. "She's blonde, very fancy clothes, likely French nobility from the design and symbols -- Capetian Dynasty, to be more specific."
"That's 987 to... about 1300 AD, right?" you ask, thinking back to your studies.
"1328," Da Vinci corrects.
"Right. Once she got to Capricorn, where did she go?"
"Didn't catch it, unfortunately," Da Vinci replies. "I only saw it from the cameras in Sagittarius I was using to watch White Saber's fight. She used some sort of spellbook to carry herself over the boundary with wind magic, but then she was out of my range."
"But she's still here in this district?"
"If she left, it wasn't by the bridges."
"Thank you for your assistance, Da Vinci," you say. "Please let me know if anything comes up."
"I'll do what I can."
"What's this about a Caster?" Noa asks as you hang up.
"Someone who fled into Capricorn last night," you explain. "She's a spellcaster of some kind, so I was hoping to recruit her." You pause. "The White Faction have all retreated into their little fortress for the moment, so we can't do much to act against them right now."
"Suppose you have a point," Noa admits.
The two of you -- as well as Avenger, once he returns from eating -- try to come up with a few ideas for how you'll go about searching. Ultimately, you decide to start your search
[ ]In the upper floors and bedrooms of the palace.
[ ]In the palace's grander rooms.
[ ]In the tunnels and basements.
[ ]In the palace's satellite buildings.
[ ]You'll split up to cover more ground (Write in who goes where)
[ ]Write-in