[X] Try to use whatever arcane knowledge you have to figure out at least what the vortex does
I tapped on Archer's shoulder for a bit. "Huh? Need something?"
"Set me down, I need to examine this... Vortex thingy..."
"Fine, but I'll pick you back up if you're feeling like collapsing again." Taking me off her back, she set me right at the edge.
"Assassin? What are you doing?"
"I'm getting to the bottom of this Rin."
It's a weird sensation to say the least. It almost feels like I'm at the edge of the world. They say that if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you, but all I'm seeing is a really big vortex, that's disappointing. Looking into it more, I could tell that something about it seems to be true. I no that makes no sense but stick with me.
There are, in essence, two kinds of magic. Magecraft and True Magic. Magecraft, if I'm to be honest, is basically false magic. It's sorcery that can't make miracles, it can only produce things that make sense in the laws set forth by Gaia. True Magic on the otherhand is similar with one key diffrence, it's magic that can make miracles, it's magic that creates the impossible. This vortex? It's something impossible.
I levitated a few things from Rin's bag, an old rolled up balled of strings made of spider silk and a small dagger. Making a cut across one of my palms, I let the blood soak the silk completely. Stopping the wound from bleeding further with a simple adress of my will, I grabbed the end point of the string and wrapped it around my hands before throwing the ball into the vortex. "Exerevnó."
Rin stared at me as I started my magical vortex fishing. "Assassin, just how is this supposed to accomplish anything?"
"I want to something similar to what you did earlier. This time though, with something that won't get lost." The string started glowing as it travelled farther into the vortex. "Archer, if I start to get pulled in and I can't pull it out, shoot the string for me okay?"
"Shoot the string? I'm more worried if anything comes out of this vortex."
"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I think. Rin, hold me." She picked me up, holding me below my arms.
"You know you're actually quite heavy."
"Kids in general are heavy Rin. Suck it up."
"That reminds me," Luvia interjected. "I think I've asked this already, though I have no recollection of it, why are you in the shape of a child?"
"Oh nothing, just a simple prank of sorts." I offered, trying to avoid the subject.
"Of sorts?" She looked at me with an inquisitive glare.
"You'll see later." I pulled my hood down.
"I think that explains the hood. Don't want us to see the face yet huh?" Archer added. "Still though, the voice does sound familiar."
"Well, just be patient and... Wait I think I got something." I started to tug on the string, using my levitation in conjunction to help pull out whatever I just grabbed. "I think I'm getting something, it's... It's..." A blade tangled in my blood soaked string. Not just any blade, it was a black blade made of extremely fine craftsmenship. A short curved blade that had a red hexagon pattern etched onto its being.
Rin stared at it in confusion. "Eh? A sword? How in the world did it-" She gasped as another blade shot out of the vortex and like a magnet clasped itself into the other blade. As if it were its direct opposite, the sword had a white blade devoid of any complex pattern.
Archer looked at the twin blades and back towards the vortex. "Just what is in there anyway?"
Luvia shook her head. "I'm not quite sure if we really want to know."
I set my findings to the ground, taking care to unravel the string from the twin blades. I held them in my hands, I'm no expert on swords but even with my Item Creation I don't think I can match the quality of these blades. Once more it seems like they're attracted to each other, who ever made these must be a master of sorts. "Hey Rin, what're your thoughts?"
She took a good look at them. "I think they're maybe Chinese made? I don't know but it certainly has a Ying Yang motif."
"Well, I guess we can call these the first results of our investigation." I placed them inside the duffel bag before walking over to the edge again. "Now then, lets see what else we can get."
This one took a slightly more longer time. About 10 minutes or so. This time I fished out a hand knife or more specifically a switch blade. On its hilt was the word 'Seven Nights' written in kanji. I stuff that in the duffel bag.
The next thing I fished out was a card of sorts. On it was a picture of a beast/man hybrid of sorts with a cleaver. I pocketed that.
The next item was confusing. "Assassin, why is there a torn piece of paper taped to the string?"
"How should I know? We're doing magical fishing in a lake of swirling prana. Why are you even questioning this?"
"I may be a magus but even I would like some sembalance of sense every now and then." She groaned out.
"Hmmm? It's seems that there's something written." Luvia pointed out.
Bringing the note closer to my face, the others started to huddle behind me. It reads the following...
"Natsui, if you want to enter this rabbit hole.
You'll need a means of safe travel.
-Future Natsui
P.S. You'll need to cast off that
container for the trials ahead."
"Huh? Just who is this Natsui? Do any of you know a person named Natsui?" Luvia asked.
"I do..." Rin said with a pale face. "Assassin, isn't that your cover name?"
"Yes, it is but... Future Natsui? That's intruding into the realms of Second Magic... And why Natsui?"
"You think it's because you don't want to use your true name?"
"I guess but... Just what's even happening?"
"I do believe that we might be getting into something that's may be..." Luvia trailed off.
"Maybe what?" I asked.
"It seems prepousterous but..."
"What if we're dealing with more then one Grail." I finished for her. We all stood there in silence, trying to process what we're even suggesting.
"So... Can anyone explain to me what's going on?" Archer said, looking at the four of us with confusion.
[] Well I guess it is a good time to get back to camp...
[] See if you can get a least one more thing before leaving.
[] Write in