OC: Man I need to update the servant and master matrixes later.
[X] Read your spellbook
-[X] See if you can't find anything that could help in this situation, like something to keep you and at least Archer and Lancer from disappearing if the Grail was turned off.
-[X] Also if you find a spell Rin could cast and would like make a copy of it for her, as a way of cheering her up.
I decided to read behind one of the couches. Opening up the tome, I started reading up ways for us servants to survive after the end of the war. I spent some hours looking across page after page but as far as I can tell, unless we got a nice stable leyline I do think any of the masters on their own can sustain us without the grail to provide the crutch. At one point while I was reading Rin came back and the two heirs of their respective families got into an animated conversation with Shirou and the servants (both magical and non-magical) chiming in their thoughts.
I thought of seeing if any of these spells can be used by Rin but as I expected, magecraft from the age of gods and modern magecraft are two different things entirely. Though to be honest most of my own spells were designed with Divine Words in thought so in the end only those who know Divine Words can use them. Even worse, I'm actually using this as an opportunity to study my own magic because even I don't have a firm grasp yet on my own spells. Damn this shit's hard, I'd have an easier time getting Sisyphus to stop pushing that damn boulder then figure out the complicated nature of my own magecraft... Wait why do I feel like someone's poking my head?
Looking up I saw Rin peeking from the edge of the couch. "Hey, Assassin. What are you doing there? We're having an important meeting and we could use your know how, or least as much as you know in that state of yours."
"Coming! Coming!" Floating up and closing my tome, I dropped down to the front of the couch and saw a large manuscript of a complicated ritual written long ago with a diagram in the middle. "Strange, seems like parts of it are missing."
"More like blotted out." Luvia interjected. "There are parts of the text that look as if someone went and covered them up with ink on purpose and judging by the looks it seems like it had been like for several decades."
"Also if I may add. It seems to me that this butler can't help but notice that edge has a slight rip though it has been slightly smoothed over by the flow of time."
Rin simply sat there. Staring at the manuscript in deep thought. "Hey Rin, what are your thoughts on this?"
"I'm frankly not quite sure. I've looked this manuscript over hundreds upon thousands of times while I was growing up but I always felt like something was missing here."
"You're the heir of the family that created this ritual and you're saying that you don't know? My, the holes are starting to show." She gave a small snicker.
I could see a vein popping out from Rin's head. "Anyways. Worrying about the missing information is useless at the moment. All we have is this manuscript and a few books and notes that my family has written about the war over the years. It's all we have and we'll just have to work with it."
"If we must." Luvia looked over to my direction. "Assassin, while you were reading your tome and all, we had discuss about going to into the caves at the base of Mount Enzou. It sits right on top of a leyline so investigating the cave is a priority. However it seems like there are barriers inside to keep people from interfering with it. Miss Tohsaka, you wouldn't happen to have the keys to the door would you?"
"It's my family's magic. I should be able to disable them. I should let Kirei know too, he is the overseer after all."
I scanned my eyes across the pages. Taking up as much as I could possibly pick up. "Hmmm... I'll be honest with you two, with a manuscript like this I have a better, firmer idea of the Holy Grail but ultimately I think a hands on approach would be a good idea. We'll never know if anything is wrong if we don't get our hands dirty."
"So it seems like a trip to the cave... Teh no Sakazuki if I read it right... is in order."
"Seems like it. I'll go over to my mansion to pick up some equipment. You should go pack up some things for the trip. I think your butler knows the area more right?"
"I have made some grocery trips though I did get confused a few times, other then that I'm fairly familiar with the land."
"That's good. Is it fine if your group will meet us by the abandoned gas station on the road to Ryuudou Temple."
"We'll meet you there. You are the second owner of this land so it's only natural that you know this place more. We'll follow your lead for now."
"That's good then. Shirou, come with me over at my place I need your servant to carry some stuff for me."
He raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm strong on my own Tohsaka, I can carry some stuff on my own."
She pointed at his broken arm. "Not in that state you aren't. I could use some healing gems when we get at my place but it'll still take a while to heal up on its own, my gems will merely accelerate the healing."
The young man simply sighed but complied with Rin's opinion. Lancer walked up to me as she squats next to me and whispered. "It's so nice of him to try to be helpful. Must be frustrating to not be able to help people."
"You can say that again. Though we better go help Rin out before we do anymore chatting." Lancer nodded with me as w headed towards Rin's mansion. Lancer was coming out of the basement with bags full of whatever Rin owned. Shirou self volunteered to keep watch, looking out the window to see if anyone weird comes by. I was with Rin in the attic, grabbing some notes and gems. Rin gave me specific instructions not to go near the box in the corner. Not sure why, though the air that was emanating around it scared the tartarus out of me.
While levitated some stuff that we needed for the trip Rin started to chat with me. "So Assassin, what were you looking for in that tome of yours?"
I gave a small pause before I spoke again. "Well, you were looking all stressed and all so I tried to look for a spell you could possibly use to cheer you upp but as far as I can tell, my magic might not be compatible with yours."
She started at me for a while. Then she gave a sigh and a tired smile as she patted me on the head. "For a supposedly evil witch of Greek mythology, you're a kind person aren't you?"
"I'll be honest with you, what vague memories I have are enough for me to say that I'm a victim of circumstance."
"Heh, isn't everyone?"
"I guess you could say that," I gave a blush.
"Hmmm... I was being a bit stressed out was I? It would be nice to just cool off. Though that idea of yours does sound nice."
"Well the problem really is that the spells were made to work with my divine words. Not to be mean or anything but you humans pretty much lost the ability to speak anything resembling divine words."
"Hey it's not my fault that our modern magecraft isn't as fancy as whatever you guys did back in the day."
"Hey, it's only the means of accessing that's really the problem. If you could speak divine words then you could go belt out any spells of mine that are compatible with you. At least, that's my theory. I'm still figuring out the kink of my own spells."
"Well if you could do that then I'd be leaps above other maguses."
"Well... maybe we could if we..."
Note: Assassin won't do any of these option immediately. Only after the visit to the caves will she do them.
[] Use a bit of divine blood (Genetic modification ho!)
[] Make clever use of mystic codes. (Item Creation ho!)
[] Heavily modify some spells that best suit you. (Magecraft ho!)
[] ...Nah, probably more work than it's worth (Pass these options)
[] Write in