Tribe Creation 0-2
The frozen lands of Solitas are cold, unforgiving, and valuable. No where else in Remnant do Dust crystals of such size pierce through the ground. No where else in Remnant does the weather freeze Grimm and Men solid. No where else in Remnant does the ground choke itself with writhing vines, strangling the life out of lesser plants.

Your people know Solitas better than most. They are scholars, mystics and scientists, working to unravel the secrets of the world even as their bellies growl and fingers blacken. They know the pain they feel is the payment for a golden age to come. The Four Kingdoms were so advanced, but they fell because they grew complacent. Your people will never let that fall happen again.

Solitas is a large continent, and though much of it remains inhospitable for life, there is a diversity to the tribes. Who is your tribe?

Choose ONE from the Unique Starting list OR Choose ONE each from the Location and Specialization lists.

[] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
-[] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial, Warhawks dislike a Keeper as leader.)
-[] You come from the Warhawks, who have defended the tribe for generations. The Keepers are content to simply let their knowledge rot while the rest of the world dies. You will change that fate. (Bonus to Martial, Penalty to Learning, Keepers dislike a Warhawk as leader.)
-[] You are neither Keeper nor Warhawk. Instead you are a Gatherer, part of a minor faction made up of those who are not scholars nor warriors. You exist outside of the caste system, and you may be just the force to resolve the tensions between the Warhawks and Keepers. (Bonus to Stewardship, gathering of Artifacts is easier, the Keepers and Warhawks dislike having a Gatherer in charge.)

[] Scholars of the Solitary Eye: During the time of the Four Kingdoms, your ancestors were banished to the Lonely Eye island in the center of Lake Solitas. The world saw fit to forget you, and your people only noticed the fall when the meager supplies stopped flowing. Even among the tribes of Solitas, however, you are considered barbarians. Your homeland is frozen even during the summer, and what little resources on the island have been used generations ago. Your people have made countless sacrifices to survive, but you have grown strong for it. Your people are masters of Lake Solitas, and with weapons of Dust you will strike the weak and ensure your tribe's survival. (Gain Dust Working 1, unique technology Dust Weapons 1, warriors use weapons made from Dust Crystals, leader must succeed at Raids or preform Sacrifices or be Sacrificed in turn. All tribes hate and fear you. Your island, however, is very safe.)

If you do not choose one of the Unique Starting tribes, instead choose from below. Planned voting only.

Your Tribe's name:
[] Write-In.

[] The Ruins of Atlas: Grimm infested and haunted by the ghosts of the unburied dead, the Ruins of Atlas still hold great secrets. Once the greatest center of learning in Remnant, the great research complexes surrounding the Atlas Academy are strangely quiet. Few tribes dare travel near the city, and fewer still call the Ruins home. For the Reclaimers, however, the Ruins are a holy land which hold manifestations of their machine god. No one is sure which is worse: the Grimm or the Reclaimer expeditions.

[] The Grimmsbane Mountains: To the north ofSolitas, the Grimmsbane Mountains stand like a hateful wall to any who would claim mastery over them. From a distance, the mountains seem surrounded by a sea of dark trees, but as one nears, the trees reveal themselves to be the ancient frozen forms of Grimm. The men who call this land home as equally unforgiving, the cold breeding hard folk. Even in the days of Atlas, no one could master the Grimmsbane Mountains. No one.

[] The White Castle: On a mountain near the Old City of Mantle, there stands a magnificent castle made of the purest white. The tales say, long ago, the White Castle was the home of the Schnees: the family which ruled over Atlas with an iron grip. The Schnees have not been seen since the fall of Atlas, and the only route up the mountain to the castle was destroyed long ago. Tales still remain of a thousand thousand rooms adorned with countless Dust crystals, stocked with food enough for a million lifetimes. No one who has ventured to the White Castle ever returned, but strange lights can still be seen near the grand structure.

[] The Longhorn Plains: If there is any portion of Solitas which can be called fertile, it is the Longhorn Plains. On the southern edge of Solitas, the Longhorn Plains' suffers less during the cold winter, and it's black soil nurtures much life. However, while the Longhorn Plains are rich in life, very little Dust can be found on the plains. As a result, while the people of the Longhorn Plains are well fed, they must use their strength alone to defend against the Grimm.

This option can be taken with any of the options below, with the combination counting as one choice. Age of Grimm is not a happy setting, and the thought of "We are suffering together" has yet to take form. People are scared of things which are different, and Humans notice the small difference between them and Faunus all to easily.

[] Faunus Refuge: Your people were once slaves in Solitas. By the sweat and blood of Faunus, the riches of Solitas were uncovered for Atlas. Long before the fall of Atlas, the Humans had the decency of calling you slaves, rather than the euphemistic "Outsourced Contractors." With the fall of the Four Kingdoms, what few Faunus who lived in Atlas once more found themselves slaves, but your tribe is free. You have learned from the past, and you will not let your people suffer in bondage. (Tribe is made up of Faunus rather than Humans. Bonus to raids taken at night. Access to unique Faunus abilities. Other Faunus tribes like you. Humans hate you and use your people as cheap labor.)

[] Dust Studies: If there is a single resource which is worthy of worship, it is Dust. Without Dust, the Grimm would have destroyed the Four Kingdoms long before their decline, and without Dust, your tribe would not have survived until now. Dust is a gift from the one who created Remnant, and it must be respected. (Gain Dust Use 1, religion is Proto-Children of Remnant, all people are made from Dust and to Dust do they return. Leaders are chosen for their mastery of Dust and many venerate a specific type of Dust as their own.)

[] History of Heroes: Remnant's history is filled with tales of great warriors, people who hunted the Grimm and drove them back into the darkness from whence they came. The greatest of this warriors, the Huntsmen, had Auras which could turn aside the blows of a thousand Beowulfs, and it is tales of the Huntsmen which give your people hope. By emulating the Huntsmen, your people will one day drive back the Grimm, and claim Remnant for themselves. (Gain Huntsmen Teachings 1, religion is Proto-Progenitor, the Aura is sacred and the death rate is higher for children due to the process of Aura unlocking. A favored Huntsman is selected by a hopeful leader, and their teachings must be followed.)

[] Reclaimer: The relics of the Four Kingdoms contain great power. Others may look at a relic and see a hunk of iron, but your people see the power within. You will find the sacred relics, liberating them from the hansd of the unbelievers. All hail the mighty Machine! (Gain Religion and Trait: Reclaimer, leaders are chosen by the number and quality of artifacts they find. Dismantling an artifact is a sin against the Machine and Destruction of a artifact is the greatest heresy.)
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[X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
-[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
As a side note, everyone can feel free to cut out the fluff from my options. I tend to write a bit too much on the options. (I really should break the fluff and the options up into their own sections, but... eh.)
[X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
-[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
-[X] The Schnee tribe.
-[X] The White Castle
-[X] Dust Studies
--[X] Faunus Refuge

Yes, I am indeed certifiably insane. :evil:

does anyone else have the sheer balls to match my vote or try to up the ante? I certainly doubt it! :cool:

(though I do hope so)
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[X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
-[X] Gatherer

This seems interesting. Through our might and quest for knowledge from our tribe, and from our stewardship, we shall reclaim the technology of the old, and rebuild Atlas greater then what it was. And die trying from either the Grimm, removed via faction revolt, raiders, assassination, disease, assassination via Grimm or disease, the quest of rebuilding gone horribly wrong, or right, etc. All will probably not achieving our goal
[X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
-[X] Gatherer

This seems interesting. Through our might and quest for knowledge from our tribe, and from our stewardship, we shall reclaim the technology of the old, and rebuild Atlas greater then what it was. And die trying from either the Grimm, removed via faction revolt, raiders, assassination, disease, assassination via Grimm or disease, the quest of rebuilding gone horribly wrong, or right, etc. All will probably not achieving our goal
coward, Joker up and join the insanity train! :p
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[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
-[X] The Schnee tribe.
-[X] The White Castle
-[X] Dust Studies
--[X] Faunus Refuge

[X] Plan: Glory Bound
-[X] Ruhm Tribe
-[X] The Longhorn Plains: If there is any portion of Solitas which can be called fertile, it is the Longhorn Plains. On the southern edge of Solitas, the Longhorn Plains' suffers less during the cold winter, and it's black soil nurtures much life. However, while the Longhorn Plains are rich in life, very little Dust can be found on the plains. As a result, while the people of the Longhorn Plains are well fed, they must use their strength alone to defend against the Grimm.
-[X] History of Heroes: Remnant's history is filled with tales of great warriors, people who hunted the Grimm and drove them back into the darkness from whence they came. The greatest of this warriors, the Huntsmen, had Auras which could turn aside the blows of a thousand Beowulfs, and it is tales of the Huntsmen which give your people hope. By emulating the Huntsmen, your people will one day drive back the Grimm, and claim Remnant for themselves. (Gain Huntsmen Teachings 1, religion is Proto-Progenitor, the Aura is sacred and the death rate is higher for children due to the process of Aura unlocking. A favored Huntsman is selected by a hopeful leader, and their teachings must be followed.)
[X] Plan: Glory Bound
-[X] Ruhm Tribe
-[X] The Longhorn Plains: If there is any portion of Solitas which can be called fertile, it is the Longhorn Plains. On the southern edge of Solitas, the Longhorn Plains' suffers less during the cold winter, and it's black soil nurtures much life. However, while the Longhorn Plains are rich in life, very little Dust can be found on the plains. As a result, while the people of the Longhorn Plains are well fed, they must use their strength alone to defend against the Grimm.
-[X] History of Heroes: Remnant's history is filled with tales of great warriors, people who hunted the Grimm and drove them back into the darkness from whence they came. The greatest of this warriors, the Huntsmen, had Auras which could turn aside the blows of a thousand Beowulfs, and it is tales of the Huntsmen which give your people hope. By emulating the Huntsmen, your people will one day drive back the Grimm, and claim Remnant for themselves. (Gain Huntsmen Teachings 1, religion is Proto-Progenitor, the Aura is sacred and the death rate is higher for children due to the process of Aura unlocking. A favored Huntsman is selected by a hopeful leader, and their teachings must be followed.)
thanks for at least manning up and not going with the standard option even if you won't joker up and join the insane train.
[X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
-[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
-[X] The Schnee tribe.
-[X] The White Castle
-[X] Dust Studies
--[X] Faunus Refuge

This can only end in !FUN!
It's almost as if people can read my mind. What could possibly go wrong with calling your tribe the Schnees? What could possibly go wrong?
The story continues even if the hero is dead. Hasn't George taught us all that?
I'm assuming full dynasty extinction.

The fact that you're willing to follow through is admirable though.

Gonna swap votes, I'm not ready for dwarf-fortress levels of difficulty.

[X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains its name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider, and Reclaimer attacks.)
-[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves with the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
Hmm, it's like people want to experience the temptation of my Revelations reference. Interesting...

Edit from 5/26/19: Not even I know what the heck I was referring to here.
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