Input noted. I'll be sure to remember giving you a day before closing votes and making new updates. If there's anything else that needs improvement, let me know.

Don't worry too much, except for missing votes people rarely complain, since this is, in the end, your story :3 It's like an rpg, we are, together, a single player, but you are the Master who conducts the whole world.
Votes closed. Tally time.
Adhoc vote count started by Alchemy on Apr 24, 2018 at 9:16 AM, finished with 12 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
    [x] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
    - [x] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
    - [X] Jack (Available)
    -[x] Cameron
    -[X] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
    -[X] Jack (Available)
Alchemy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Bond Increase? (+75 to pass) Total: 44
44 44
We're Going Places
[The Winning Votes]
[X] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood
[X] Jack

"I don't see why not," Jack gave you a thumbs up, "Besides, the faster you get used to New Alyon, the better."

Mortimer snarled at the idea, and growled at you before crawling into the corner of the dining room. This wasn't how he acted towards you before, so you and Jack left, not wanting to be around when it goes rabid.


You followed Jack across the hallway outside your apartment, down a flight of stairs, and through the doors. Thankfully, you didn't run into the Landlord, the only being that Mortimer hated more than your eyepatch-wearing friend- And maybe you.

Outside was less chrome than your nearly colorless suite. Daylight streaks through every gap between the labyrinth of buildings before you, as hundreds of Faceless scatter across the sidewalk. Towering over much of the city were skyscrapers, reaching out to the fluffy white clouds above. Welcome to New Alyon.

"It's crowded," you remarked, watching dozens of automations moving along the road.

"You should see how it looks like on weekends." Jack shuddered, and looked at the approaching vehicles. "But the place will grow on you, with time. It worked for me, at least."

"How long have you been here, anyway?"

There was silence. Ignoring your question completely, Jack turned his head further away from you, and waved at a yellow cab that's coming your way. "There's a clinic in the back alleys of Hedge. Let's get that arm of yours fixed up, alright?"

The taxi stopped by the door of your apartment, and you hitched a ride.


Under the shadow of every structure, Hedge was a Blind Spot, filled with secrets closely guarded from the higher-ups. When you were dropped off into this place, Jack advised you to not lag behind. With how much the dumpsters rustled here, you took his word and kept up pace, snapping some pictures here and there.

[Photos of the Blind Spot taken.]

A few stray dogs loiter around, gritting their teeth and barking at anyone who steps close by. They had their own share of marks, scratches, and lost fur, making Mortimer look like a saint amongst canines. Even then, they crawled back into their trash heaps, as Jack past their territories.

Or could that have been you that scared them off?

Your little stroll along the blind spot came to a close, when you reached a building that didn't look as bad as everything else. A neon sign hanged above the glass doors, with the words: Sawbones Meds. Your friend pulled the door open, and you got inside.

It's not large, nor does it have much visitors. A few benches are positioned in front of walls here and there, and a small ceiling fan in the lowest setting keeps the place from overheating, but that's pretty much it if you're looking for accommodation. You and Jack approach a messy counter, covered in papers and colorful pills, half-filled vials, and a bell. You tapped the last one, and a high-pitched ding strikes your ears.

A groan came from the other side, and then a clerk perked up from below the table. "The ageless eyepatch!" He greets. "Do you need me to patch up that other eye of yours too?"

"Not yet," Jack rolled his eyeball. "Where's the actual doc, Flay?"

"Slowly bleeding to death, you know, the usual. Leaving me to do all her work because she decided to help those who don't deserve it..." The attendant answered, shuffling through his papers and vials, before glancing at you. "Give those street rodents a hand and they'll take... an arm. Heh. Get it?"

Flay reached for your limb and took a good look at the red streak. After a minute, he just picks up a few yellow pills from his counter, puts them in a plastic, and hands them to you. "Just take one of those after dinner for 3 days. You'll be fine, don't worry!" The clerk told you. "Anything else that you need? I'm sure Jack can afford it for you."

[New Item: Strange Medicine: Has 3 uses. It's probably good for you.]

[] Ask for Pain Relievers
[] Ask for Sleeping Pills

"Well, if it helps you sleep at night..." Jack pulled out his wallet and handed the clerk $10. "C'mon, we're done here."

"Come buy again!"

[New Region: Blind Spot: The shady side of New Alyon, and a complete unknown to the ones who run the city. It's very lively after dark.]
[New Area: Sawbones Meds: Probably the only safe zone in the Blind Spot. You can get cheap medicine here.]
[Friendship with Jack has not increased.]

"You'd probably want to gather up strength if you're interested in the Blind Spot."


On the first day, let there be light... Wait, it shouldn't be this bright-

It was a bumpy ride getting out of Hedge, but this second taxi got you out of there. Upon arriving into a more colorful side of the city, you stepped out of the cab, and trailed Jack through the sea of Faceless.

By some miracle, you never had your friend leave your sights. Every time you felt you lost track of where he was going, you seem to know exactly where he is seconds after. Thank goodness, you were afraid that you'd get lost here.

The sun was bright and it scorched the air around. An umbrella would have been great to fend of the burning waves of heat, but you made do. Besides, with all this light, you didn't have to use the flash of your camera at all. Each shot you took was more than worthy of being placed in your record, which made you happy.

[Quality photos of the Bright Side taken.]

You stop by a lonesome cafe, Spice Road, in the midst of the restless outdoors. Inside was lit with oriental lanterns, and a number of Faceless were happily glued to their phones in peace. Staff rushed from one table to another, some carrying platters, others carrying long paper bills. You manage to snatch yourselves a seat a glass wall, and took one last picture before settling down.

"I won't be paying for this next time," Jack says, reading through a menu in his hand, "Spice Road is quite expensive, but their dishes are great. Want anything?"

[] Coffee (+2 Agility. Decreases chance of raising Nightmares.)
[] Seafood (+2 Mental. Restores 1 Hunger State.)
[] Meatloaf (+2 Strength. Restores 2 Hunger States.)
[] Heart-tato (+2 Tenacity. Increases Max Willpower by 1.)

"Alright... I'll just get coffee." Jack took note of your request, and called in one of the staff.

In ten minutes or so, your food arrived. After you've finished up, you notice that the Mark, that red thing on your arm, has grown smaller.

Since you have no business here, you and Jack went elsewhere. The Bright Side isn't as painfully far as Hedge, and he's not keen on spending more money, so you just walked back home.

[New Region: Bright Side: The colorful central city. Its most cheerful in the morning.]
[New Area: Spice Road: A costly cafe with specially made treats. You can get special food items here.]
[Friendship with Jack has not increased.]

"Hey, you could probably work there. Just make sure you're quick to take orders if you plan to."


You return back to the door of your chrome apartment, with an array of new photographs for your scrapbook, and an idea on what some places are like. Once Jack got you back home, he walked off, saying that he needed to run some errands. After pasting the pictures you have on your scrapbook, you begin to feel nauseous.

It became a blur, as your surroundings dissipated into fog and static. Reaching out from nowhere was an alien tongue, calling for you. While it was incomprehensible, you understood what it wanted you to do. Succumb.

You resist for now, wrap your head around things, and soon your vision returned as well. A migraine remained- Or was that the alien inside of you speaking? You can't tell the two apart. Under the heat of afternoon daylight, you ponder on what to do next...

It's High Noon
(Choose One)
[] Apartment (Choose One)
- [] Go Job Hunting
- [] Just hang out at home, procrastinating.
- [] Get film footage
- [] Talk to a friend about your condition... [Must have a friend along]
- [] Explore New Alyon
- [] Visit An Area [You have to name the place you go to]
[] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
- [] Transform (Does ???)
- [] Go Actual Hunting (Appeases Hunger. Calms your inner monster for a bit, but has a chance to cause bad things.)
[] Have a Friend?
- [] Cameron
- [] Sheryl
- [] Jack
- [] Mortimer
Last edited:
[X] Ask for Pain Relievers
[X] Heart-tato (+2 Tenacity. Increases Max Willpower by 1.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Have a Friend?
-[X] Sheryl
[X] Ask for Pain Relievers
[X] Seafood (+2 Mental. Restores 1 Hunger State.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Have a Friend?
-[X] Sheryl

Lets eat some seafood so we have a bonus to our job hunting roll.
[X] Ask for Sleeping Pills
[X] Heart-tato (+2 Tenacity. Increases Max Willpower by 1.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Explore New Alyon
[X] Ask for Sleeping Pills
[X] Heart-tato (+2 Tenacity. Increases Max Willpower by 1.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Have a Friend?
-[X] Sheryl
[X] Ask for Pain Relievers
[X] Heart-tato (+2 Tenacity. Increases Max Willpower by 1.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Have a Friend?
-[X] Sheryl

You know, this is exactly what I was going to vote for o.o Do you read minds? See the future?
[X] Ask for Pain Relievers
[X] Seafood (+2 Mental. Restores 1 Hunger State.)
[X] Apartment (Choose One)
-[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Have a Friend?
-[X] Sheryl
Votes are closed. Tally incoming.
Adhoc vote count started by Alchemy on Apr 25, 2018 at 9:09 AM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
Alchemy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sheryl Friendship? (45) Total: 64
64 64
The Means Of Production
[The Winning Votes]
[X] Pain Relievers
[X] Heart-tato
[X] Go Job Hunting
[X] Sheryl

You found your darts loving friend in her room, as well as that blasted pug chewing on one of Cameron's "collectable" toys. Not wanting to waste any time, nor to risk being near that dog, you explained how you wanted to earn a buck or 80.

Sheryl was surprised when you went to her for help, but was more than willing to lend you a helping hand.

"W-Well, we can get started right now if you'd like!" Sheryl smiled, before picking up Mortimer. "I'll just get Morty in Cameron's room, so that the pup won't be alone while we're gone."


The first thing Sheryl tried to do was to take you around the Bright Side, specifically to a few small convenience stores that she used to work at. Quite a few of them were hiring, and the job ain't that hard, but Sheryl figured that you won't settle for a low paycheck. You left each one of the dead end job sites without being employed just yet.

Next, she brainstormed was for you to be a carpenter, since you were crafty and all. "With some wood and a bit of glue, you could probably create a few knicknacks," Sheryl encouraged. "I'll even help you with finding people who'll buy them!" You consider the idea, but move on to another job opportunity.

You remembered that café you and Jack went to, and how they're hiring more waitresses/waiters. If the food there is expensive, then surely the pay must be good too. But, you're not sure if you could keep up with the pace there...

Running out of ideas, Sheryl pointed you to an elderly artist on the street, not too far from your apartment building. The old man was selling vibrant paintings, wooden sculptures, and even clear-cut photographs to a lovely, seemingly wealthy couple. Think you could do the same? The selling part, of course.

"I think that's all we can do... Sorry, but I'll try better next time."

[Sheryl Bond Increased]

With not much luck, you return to your apartment to catch a break. Maybe you've explored all the choices now? You sigh, but then hear the whining of an immature person who can barely take care of himself in your apartment. With a suspicion on who it was, you and Sheryl rush to knock on Cameron's door.

It opened quickly the moment your hand hit it. You were sure you didn't hit it that hard, but let the strange thing slide.

Inside, you find your typical dumb blond on the floor, face buried in a book of sorts as Mortimer tried comforting its pathetic owner. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing. I'm just dealing with the spawn of the devil." Cameron sighed as he showed you a page filled with equations. "How am I supposed to even know what value X has? And what do I do with Y?"

Cameron placed the book down, and let out a defeated grown. Keeping Mortimer as his pillow, he looked up to you, refusing to get up. "I'm going to fail the exams next week if I don't figure out how this works..." Cameron sighed. "Not only am I clueless, but I'm also bored as hell..."

After Cameron continued on about ranting how he won't need to know what Rational Algebraic Expression are for in real life, Sheryl glanced over to you with an ingenious idea. "Hey Mira, aren't you smart? Maybe you can tutor Cam for money!"

"Miraaaa," A rotting mind, Cameron, flopped on his side and grunted, reaching out for your foot. "I am in great pain, please help me."

"Well... Have you decided yet, Mira?" Sheryl asked next to you.

The Means of Production
[] Choose A Job
- Checkout (+$5 daily. No special requirements. Takes away your free time in Morning and High Noon.)
- Carpenter (Money depends on what you make. You can choose when to work on your products. Freedom. Uses Tenacity.)
- Waitress (+$20 Daily. Must have 12+ Agility. Takes away your free time Morning till Eventide. Uses Agility)
- Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
- Cameron's Tutor (+$10 per session. You must be able to make Cameron pass his tests next week. You can freely choose when to tutor Cameron. Uses Mental.)

Now that you have a job, you take comfort in knowing that you actually have a chance to pay your part of the rent. You thank Sheryl for her help, and she seemed quite happy with herself.

"Well, it's what friends are for!" Sheryl grinned. "I just wish I could have been more... helpful, ya know? But I'm glad you're finally a part of the working class, unlike our frizzy dolt!"

"Hey, Twitch is a job too, dart-head!" Cameron protested from the ground.

The two took part in a friendly argument about whether or not streaming is a job, and turned to you to judge who's right. You tell them that...

[] Twitch is a job too (Increases friendship with Cameron)
[] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)

And with that, their debate came to a close. Sheryl went back to her room and continued practicing darts, and Jack is yet to come home. While the sun was starting to set, tinting the skies in a vibrant orange, you wonder on what you could do next.

[] Apartment (Choose One)
- [] Just hang out at home, procrastinating.
- [] Get film footage
- [] Talk to a friend about your condition... [Must have a friend along]
[] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
- [] Transform (Does ???)
- [] Go Actual Hunting (Appeases Hunger. Calms your inner monster for a bit, but has a chance to cause bad things.)
[] Have a Friend?
- [] Cameron
- [] Sheryl
- [] Jack
- [] Mortimer
[x] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[x] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)
[x] Apartment (Choose One)
- [x] Just hang out at home, procrastinating.

Should probably try transforming at night. Maybe hunting if we are feeling lucky.
[X] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[X] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)
[X] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
-[X] Transform (Does ???)

We probably should try out those Alien Urges before they start trying US out.
[X] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[X] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)
[X] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
-[X] Transform (Does ???)
[X] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[X] Twitch is a job too (Increases friendship with Cameron)
[X] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
-[X] Transform (Does ???)

I wonder why people don't want Cameron's friendship? I mean, we already increased with Sheryl, and we live with all of them, we should at least have a good relationship with all, even if we focus on one or two as true friends. Also, it's strange to me seeing people in this site saying that twitch is not a job o.o
[X] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[X] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)
[X] Alien Urges... (Choose One)
-[X] Transform (Does ???)
[x] Street Photographer (+$10 daily. Takes away your time at Morning and Eventide. You might be introduced to rich, interesting people if you're good enough. Uses Charm.)
[x] Twitch isn't a real job (Increases friendship with Sheryl)
[x] Go Actual Hunting (Appeases Hunger. Calms your inner monster for a bit, but has a chance to cause bad things.)

Imagine how many doors taking a celebrity's photo would open for us
Last edited:
And the trend continues, no one likes twitch, apparently. Or maybe it's Cameron that no one likes?
Votes closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Alchemy on Apr 26, 2018 at 8:35 AM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.
An Alien Form
[The Winning Votes]
[] Street Photographer
[] Twitch Isn't A Real Job
[] Transfom

The alien's words began to ring in your head again, with each sentence having the same, repetitive meaning. Its tone, the urgency of its snuffed-out gurgling, suggested that it wasn't demanding you of something. No... It sounded more like an offer, one of power.

These urges of yours are merely the will of a beast's, yet, they have a semblance of humanity, intelligence, within it. A beast only prioritizes its shelter, prey, and brood- But the being calling for your aid, is inviting you take part in its master plan. And with its recent cry taking hold of your train of thought, you decide to finally give your answer.

"Mira... You don't look too good," Sheryl said, as she looked at your complexion. "Are you alright?"

She was right. You were as pale as a corpse, and just as cold. You manage to face her, "I'm just tired from today, thats all." You assured. "I'm gonna hit the hay early, alright?"

"I understand," Sheryl raised an eyebrow, but didn't want to pressure you further. "Sleep well, Mira!"


Sawbones Meds is the only place in Blind Spot where you can get yourself fixed, but that doesn't mean that was all the place was for. This place had the ability to hurt the body, and drain the soul.

Your name was Flay, who was, yet again, alone by the counter, forced to serve the mindless brutes of this ghetto. You make a quick buck, sure, yet never had anything in the world that made you want to spend. Every one of those rodents, the miserable dogs outside your door could tell that you hated this.

But still, you endure. Haha, maybe you weren't so different from Eyepatch after all. You stay in this forsaken place just for that one person, that shining beacon of light, who just wanted to make this place better... You know all too well what happened when she came back with the Lycan's Mark.

A hound that towered over you had taken place of your master, and it was devoid of her care for others. You couldn't have hurt the monster yourself back then, and so you've locked her up in the storage and called the police.

The Bobbies took her away after an eventful night. You never saw her again, but ever since, you felt like you were being watched. The dogs, they howled and kicked down the doors you hide behind, and are getting closer to breaking down your feeble barrier. If you were to leave this place, you would most certainly be marked as well.

Sawbones Meds was your fortress, the last line of defense against the creatures of the night. Undeterred by the growls in the winds, it stands tall as a refuge to all in the Blind Spot. All but those dogs. As for you? You are its third, and its last guardian.

Those wolves think they can breach the doors? That they can huff, puff, and blow your house down? "Well," you grit your teeth, "Not on the hair of my chinny-chin-chin."


You've locked the door to your room tight, and bunkered in your lonesome. Every curtain served as a veil, separating you from the rest of the world at last. In the middle of your domain, you stood tall and firm, while chilling miasma crept from your foot- Making its way to flood your room with the smog.

Fog floated from beneath and up your nostrils, and you felt constricted by a rope. Iron strings strangled your mind, but even that felt numb. Half a minute in, and you grabbed your face, wanting to feel something other than freezing ice.

But instead, your consciousness floated in an endless, cold void. Shivering in the dark, with no warmth in whatever you held on to.

You watched as your body began to change shape. Most of it was hidden under blankets of mist, but you can definitely see your skin reach the peak of its pale hue, sense the frosting spikes jolt out from your back, and feel your hair entering crystallization.

The air cleared, and you found yourself taking a brand new form. You were no taller nor shorter than before, but the grey crystals that formed along your colorless skin, and the diamonds that cased your head and hair.

You were not a monster. You are a single star, under the weight of twin moons in the sky.

[Invader Form Achieved]
[Alien Instincts Expanded]

Beneath Two Moons

[] Alien Instincts
- [] Prey On Morsels
- [] Tinker With Camera
- [] Send Out Parasites
- [] Discover: Self
[] Detransform, And...
- [] Go To Sleep
- [] Hang out with a friend
[] Bring Friend?
- [] Cameron
- Sheryl
- Jack
- [] Mortimer
[X] Alien Instincts
-[X] Tinker With Camera

I'm getting some nice peter parker vibes, here :V