My Last Mission.
QM's Note: So while I leave the vote till tomorrow, re-watching P5's opening in the casino got me thinking I should write up this short 'pre-opening' scene, about Sarah's last heist with her old Gang before she called it quits.

I can remember the very heist that, once and for all, broke my faith in Phantom Thieves.

I was on the other side, in the heartland of the American Mind they called the Frontierland, 'Manifestos'. Three of my then-fellow thieves and I had been sent to track down the Shadows belonging to my old school's Student Press, to rob them of any desire they may have to rat us out.
I could see the concern, but our school's Press was no nosy media titan, I'd only known them has just a bunch of hardworking if hyperactive students. Were they really the ones people like us, committed to our own brand of justice, who'd taken down teachers, principals, corrupt cops, greedy businessmen, should be robbing the souls of?

My then-superior was after no less than the Press' supervising Teacher's Shadow, whereas I'd been left with er, less demanding fare.
Across a dusty desert street from me, in the Manifestos' eternal noon, I was staring down... no more than a little girl.

"No. 17, do you read me? Over" came my superior on my walkie-talkie, a manifestation of one of our group's long-range Personae.

My lips trembled as I strained to respond. I even recognized this girl, she was the younger sister of the Press Club President. I remembered she'd followed her older brother to school one day, she may have a little too eager and nosy, but come on, she wasn't even in middle school yet!

"We cannot risk information on us ending up in an easily manipulated mind. Over" my superior crackled back with.

"W-who are you? S-stay away from me?" this young girl's Shadow squealed, as she transformed into a sugary, princess-like pink demon I'd heard called Strawberry Frost.

Turned out I didn't need to even summon my Persona, as several rounds from my gun were enough to hit her weakness and send her falling down. Out from her Shadow a shining heart-shaped locket came tumbling forth, picking it up I took it this was her Treasure.

"Good, now report back to base, over and out" the walkie-talkie gave its last crackle.

But as she lay there on the ground, I gritted my teeth and prayed my Gang really was no longer monitoring me, and swiftly gave the locket back to her and instead took of one her bows. "I-it's okay, here's your Treasure back. I'll... try to fool them into thinking this bow here's your Treasure" I stuttered as I tried to think of what words to say in a situation like this. Her Shadow just kept shivering, speechless.

At that moment, all I could think was how this could even be the same band of Thieves I once was a proud member of? This wasn't the first incident like this either, I mean we once tried to steal the heart of a local rich kid just to coerce him into giving us money, our Boss said we needed the funds. Another time we took a homeless guy's heart because we thought he was spying on us.

I could take it no longer. How could we seriously call ourselves a Rebellion anymore; I mean against what, the Tyranny of a little girl?

Soon as I got back out of that otherworld, Manifestos, I walked directly back home through the cold night, went straight up to my parents and stammered out "M-Mom, Dad, there's... there's something I desperately need to tell you, I don't know who else I can turn to...".
To be honest, I did think for a second that having Sarah quit over being forced to go against a child might've been a bit on-the-nose, but the feedback I've received so far has been positive, so okay.
Reason I'm mostly vague about her old gang is that I kinda wanted to keep the details about them a surprise should they resurface.

Minor detail, but some of you may have noticed that teacher Valerie Bailey's last name used to be Byron. Changed it because I was possibly thinking about Lord Byron (or maybe his alter-ego Childe Harold) being a Persona here (heh, almost like that one Billy & Mandy episode).
Votes closed, next chapter soon.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Apr 21, 2018 at 11:02 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.
Afternoon with your first... Acquaintance.
Trying to make friends with at least someone, I spotted Amelia down at a nearby skate park. Her boarding practice was interrupted when two men came up to her, both of them wearing crinkled and dirty San Leonardo uniforms with a black-and-crimson armband added.

My stomach quivering, my gut reaction was to step right in and intervene, if my assumptions about was what happening were correct. But... I couldn't, I guess my spine was shaking too much. Huh, not so daring out here in the physical world without a Persona, am I?

I was still a bit too far off to make out what they were talking about, though I did see Amelia fall silent for a second. Thankfully, she soon shook her head and glared at the two gang-members, I caught her raised voice telling them to "Back off! I'm not interested".
I gulped as I looked on from afar, but luck was on Amelia's side, as those two gang-members simply walked away, with scowls on their faces and a spit to the side.

I almost fell as I way stumbled my way down a ramp into the skate park, to the point where Amelia had to come lift my arm to keep me from tripping. "T-those guys looked tough, a-are you alright?" I asked her.

She just smirked. "Hell yeah, I'm perfectly A-OK. Trust me, as mean as those two thugs tried to look, wimps like them wouldn't dare do a thing while its still daylight out. 'Sides, this is LA, couple of goons like that ain't nothing compared to some of the shit I've seen".

She then took a closer look at me and said "Oh yeah, I remember you, your name's Sarah Ka- Kona - Kazi- Sarah, right? Well hey, guess we better get to know each other if we're gonna be classmates. Well, you can already tell I'm big into skateboarding and, well, 'art' let's call it, but enough of me, what's your thing?".

I bit my lower lip, it was hard for me to answer that when for so long, all my other hobbies had been put aside to focus on Phantom Theft. I did have the idea of checking out a clothes store later today, so I mumbled out "Uh, I guess fashion?".

"Oh Jesus, don't tell me I've been saddled with a wallflower for the year" Amelia groaned for a second, though to my relief her face quickly brightened up again and asked "Come on, surely you're into somethin' more specific? Like everyone's into clothes and stuff, well 'cept that Bertrand guy I guess".

Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to slightly give away the truth, and Amelia more than looked like the sort who wouldn't freak out on me. "Er, I'm into researching on crime, in particular I've been trying to keep up with that whole Phantom Thief thing".

"Hey, same!" she smiled, before she added "Well, us and like everyone else keeping up with this country's news right now. Kinda hard to tell who in LA's a Phantom Thief or not, most gangs try ta keep quiet 'bout that sort of stuff, well 'cept to easily impressionable teenagers so they can sucker 'em in with the glamour".

I could see Amelia squinting at me every other second. She would've seen me with Gene earlier, so wait, was she getting the impression that I was working for the cops, trying to rat her out?

"I'm an artist, so I figured I could sign up for one of 'em as a forger, but eh none of the local ones appeal to e, and none of the big inner-city ones would care 'bout some scrawny rat-girl from the 'burbs. Out of the local, we of course got the vampire obsessives runnin' through the night with billowing cloaks. There's a bunch of wrestling Heel-type guys, oh, we even got a bunch of superhero-themed Thieves out and about, figure they at least should be good for a laugh" she filled me in.

Good, now I knew exactly what sorts of costumed criminals to avoid. I naively hoped life in LA would be smooth sailing from the on.

"Thing about Phantom Thieves, even the minor-league guys are moving on past burglary and into shit like drug-dealin', prostitution and runnin' gambling rings. Of course they, somehow, do it all in your mind now, 'change people's hearts' they say, which I guess means they'd... take away people's inhibitions, make 'em riskier with gambling and prostitutes, or jack the drugs straight into their brains?" she rambled on a bit more, as I winced with each new crime she brought up.

To my surprise, Amelia soon burst out laughing and said "Man, I can't believe it, I'm startin' to sound like some grouchy old woman! 'Kids these ain't committin' crimes like how we did back in my day!'".

I thought by now it'd be best to change the topic, so I tentatively asked "So, what do you think of San Leonardo's?".

"Oh that? Hmm, hardly looks different from my old school, expect I'll be kicked out of here for graffiti-ing it up too, or not since I hear they've already got a Gang goin' around. Nice old building though, could use some murals.
As for the other kids, well I know Tiffany and she's a cool girl, though maybe a bit too saccharine'n'sweet despite what the black leather and piercings would have ya think. Ruth's kinda cool I guess, I mean keep fightin' the good fight, sister.

That Bertrand guy, well he hardly looks the type to bother anyone, so there's that. Think I've seen him 'round town a few times, startin' to wonder if that guy has a place to live...
Now Felicia, well I see ya quakin' with me even mentioning her name, but I'll play devil's advocate and say she'll prolly add some real spice to our days. I mean, I thought I was a rebel, but she makes even me look all 'law-abiding-citizen'.
Oh, and our teachers? Feh, won't even dignify that with a response" she finished.

I didn't even have to ask anything, as Amelia immediately went on to another topic with "Oh hey, said you were into fashion right? Well as a local, I can take ya away from all that big bland mall shit and lead ya on to some, shall we say, more 'off-beat' alternatives. Know a pretty cool clothes shop and hair-stylist".

I laughed a little, and without thinking said "Really? Thought you'd be the last person to know a hairdresser".

I then clenched myself, but to my relief Amelia just grinned and took my words in stride. "Hey, 's okay, I can take a joke. Honestly I get all suspicious of people who're polite all the time, and I wouldn't have shaved it in the first place if I couldn't take a barb or two my way."

"Oh, but since ya bring it up, if you're wondering what's with my do or lack thereof, I er..." she then stopped, which was eerie what with how active a talker she'd been before, but she finally came back with "Ah, it's more convenient, help save money, plus more aerodynamic since I'm a 'boarder".

Leaving the skate park, she lead me to this messy-looking side-street, only barely wider than an alley, marked with graffiti yet which had many stores, though quite a few I noticed had already been boarded up.

Soon enough we reached a hair-stylist, 'Rouge Gallery', and a stuffed clothes store called 'The Satin Subterranean', their customers appearing to be fellow punks like Amelia, along with your long-haired headbangers, bang-swept goths, flannel-fashioned slackers, bronze-bolted steampunks and Harajuku-aping otaku.

Even now, I couldn't help but think how convenient these places might be for a Phantom Thief, with quick access to disguises and changes of identity. Well, old habits die hard.

"Pretty cool places, amIright? Hey, maybe a new style's what ya need after a flight all the way from, ah Boston I'm guessing from your twang, to help pick up from that jet-lag?" Amelia chirped in. Well, I did have some cash spare...

Hair-colour (pick more than one for multi-tone):
[ ] Keep it black.
[ ] Dye brown.
[ ] Dye blonde.
[ ] Dye red.
[ ] Dye blue.
[ ] Dye pink.
[ ] Dye green
[ ] Dye purple.
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Pixie cut.
[ ] Straight bob cut.
[ ] Wavy bob cut.
[ ] Curly bob cut.
[ ] Straight and long.
[ ] Straight and wavy.
[ ] Long with ponytail.
[ ] Long with twin braids.
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Just jeans and T-shirt.
[ ] Something girly, frilly and flower-studded.
[ ] Something rebellious, torn and ragged.
[ ] Something elegant and high-class.
[ ] Something old-timey and quaint.
[ ] Write-in. (Add Glasses? Y/N)
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[X] Dye pink.
[X] Long with twin braids.
[X] Something girly, frilly and flower-studded.

Dress Up The PC.
This is going to have SV go nutso
Since this is a more inessential vote, I was thinking of calling this one after only a single day rather than two. That said the vote will have some effect on you beyond just cosmetic.

By the way, a couple of updates ago I was being kinda about which sport exactly Ruth plays. That's because I was thinking of deciding it should you choose a sport yourself.
By the way, do you think it might give the Quest more direction, and make it feel more like P5, if I wrote Goal: <Do such and such> at the top of every post, or would that just be redundant?

Oh yeah, any more guesses about Amelia's Arcana now that you know her a little more?

Edit: Also, I'm watching Johneawesome's LP of P5 for motivation and inspiration, though that'd be relevant to mention.
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Gonna leave my next update for just a little while longer, try to time it for when the site's more active, even if that might mean the thread just gets pushed down faster.

By the way, I was curious if any readers were Los Angelenos themselves? Since I've never been to the city, or er the US altogether (never had the money for a flight), though I've been researching the city please let me know if I screw anything up about it in the future.
Votes closed, update soon.

So with pink-and-black hair, I guess we'll be looking something like Neo (RWBY), Nagamani (KanColle) or Stocking, even if technically only one of them has part-black hair and Sarah doesn't really have a personality like any of them.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Apr 23, 2018 at 5:56 PM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.
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Votes closed, update soon.

So with pink-and-black hair, I guess we'll be looking something like Neo (RWBY), Nagamani (KanColle) or Stocking, even if technically only one of them has part-black hair and Sarah doesn't really have a personality like any of them.
...Ideas! meet me in the PM.
End of the First Day.
QM's Note: The "Girly, Frilly and Flower-Studded" dress gives you +1 to Kindness.
'Just jeans' would've given you +1 to Proficiency, 'Rebellious' +1 to Guts, 'Elegant' +1 to Charm and 'Old-timey' +1 to Knowledge. In retrospect, maybe +1 to Kindness should've been something local-made or thrift store-y, bu eh.

The hairdresser was a black lady slightly older than me who introduced herself as Tamara, her own hair right now in highlighted dreads, though I could see from some photos she showed me that they were but one of many hairstyles she'd taken. When I mumbled that I was new in the area, she in turn said "Really? Well hey, welcome to the West Coast, hope LA doesn't let you down like it does so many others, ah, should not have brought that up.
Anyway, cool you found our place on only your first day here- oh I see, a punk-girl showed you here. Always good to know a girl who knows a girl, Lord knows you won't get anywhere without connections in this world of ours.
Huh, San Leonardo's? Hmm, not heard good things about that place, though of course I'm betting it'd be pretty tame compared to an inner-city school. Oh hey, they got that athlete though, last I heard his name was, er, Rory right? Oh, my apologies" she said when I corrected her on Ruth.

The employees over at The Satin Subterranean were nowhere near as talkative, they were mostly a bunch of mopey, bang-covered part-timers who only ever gave a nod and sigh in response to me. The apparent store owner though was... certainly something. He was fully Japanese, had spiky bangs dyed red beneath a purple headband, and wore bright pink trench-coat held together with one too many belts.

I came out of the changing room slightly shaking, as opposed to Amelia who strode out with flair, wearing... opera gloves, thigh boots and a one-piece dress. Knowing her previous image I couldn't help but giggle at this "I, um, didn't figure you for that classy".

Her eyebrows briefly twitched at me as she said "Hey, what're you implying?!", but a couple of seconds later she was laughing that remark off too "Yeah, it's weird, but I still like pretty stuff, like I feel I ain't too old to still be playing dress-up, ya know".

I then feel silent, as I remembered another certain sort of people who weren't 'too old to be playing dress-up', in masks, coats, suits and shrouds. But I suspended those thoughts, smiled back at Amelia and went to pay for my new clothes.

"'Sides, least this get-up's grown-up and all, you look like you could be auditioning for Strawberry Shortcake," Amelia grinned and chuckled "Oh, guess ya gotta be gettin' to your grandparents soon, so it looks like I'll have to put the rest of the tour on hyperdrive".
The rest of the alley had everything from little art galleries, underground record stores that one would question the necessity of in the Internet age, more cafes than a single street possibly needed, tiny local-run markets super and flea, and as I was embarrassed to notice, some New Age medicine stall.

"Well, that's pretty much the place, I mean Downtown's prolly got a hell of a lot more to offer, but eh I still like it here, ain't anywhere near as crowded.
Oh right, guess I'll see ya tomorrow morning! Let's hope Felicia doesn't try to burn the school down on the next day" Amelia gave a bright farewell.

"Yeah, same" I said simply I return, as Amelia promptly skated off. I then realised I didn't know the directions from this off-road alley back to my grandparents' place, until I remembered what century this was and brought up the street finder App on my phone. Still was quite a walk back to Burbank, but I reckoned I could make it in time.

-|-|- Goal: Readjust to normal society -|-|-
My grandparents' home was an old Spanish Colonial house, whose front wing had been converted into a little memorabilia store, since their days as animators were decades ago.

I walked around and rung the bell on the side-door, only for a loud shouting and scrambling to come my way as my own Granddad then came out and brandished his walking stick at me!
"Stay back ya hooligan, I'm warnin' ya, I was top of my class in self-defence, and I ain't takin' anything from the likes a-" he barked in my face, my Grandma fortunately was swift to step in "Urgh, lemme at 'em Hotaru!".

"Calm down, Junichi, why it's only your dear Sarah, my you must've given her an awful fright" my Grandma as she pulled Granddad out of the way. "Ahem, so sorry you had to see him like that, dear granddaughter, these past years have, um, not been kind to him. I thought your face would help soothe his troubled mind, but oh well, such is life".

So what I'd heard my parents whispering about was really true, Granddad was going senile? The same man who'd given me presents and showed me old cartoons when I was still in elementary school?

"But come in, come in! I haven't seen you in years Sarah, and my how you've grown, into such a charming and delicate young thing too. Hah, and I here I was fretting away, night after night, that you'd gotten caught up in crime or something just as dreadful" my Grandma brightened up, with me giving an uneasy grin at her words.

As the sun has gone down by now, not that LA cared much about that, we soon tucked in to a rather large meal of ramen, meat, vegetables and desserts, I guess Grandma was going all out for my arrival.

I was too stuffed to give much conversation, though I did get to ask my grandparents how business was coming along. "Well it's..." Grandma only sighed, she mumbled a bit before saying "Oh, never you mind that, my dear. Just you focus on enjoying your youth, let us old folks sort out the serious stuff".

With dinner finished, I-
[ ] -Headed straight to bed, I was too exhausted to do anything else.
[ ] -Started unpacking, I'd better get it done sooner than later.
[ ] -Went online to research local crime, since I'd heard almost everyone mentioning it.
[ ] -Went online just to see what was happening in LA.
[ ] -Decided to play on a handheld I'd brought along.
[ ] Write-in.

QM's Note: Went out for a while, hence why this update was a bit delayed.
Will try to have the next update be a bit more of an 'Event'.
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