I'll just give you guys 10 more minutes to finalize. Be sure that you won't regret your choices with your Hobbies/Talents.

EDIT: Wait, Space Multiply has a point. 5 minutes were in fact up. You know what that means...

Votes closed.
curses foiled again! one day I will conquer my greatest enamy the passage of time.
Okay. So I'll make my case. I don't expect to win, and get sad, but I'll try.

So! To the people who read post!

It doesn't seem like you've put much...thought into Miranda. There's no comments on how you want their character to go, which is worrying. The protagonist shouldn't be something that is made with no discussion. So it's worrying that people are changing talents and hobbies without justifying them.

Handywork...is not a skill. It's a phrase for a broad amount of things, and shouldn't be here.

Running is a boring description for something that could be interesting. Say track and field instead, or free running, or something that specified how running is important to the character.

Scrapbooking, puzzle solving, film making, and swimming is fine, if not very complicated things. Though some talents should be switched for hobbies and vice versa.

Everyone likes predator sense.

Miranda Hawking is an iffy name, but that's me being petty. It feels like a 'smart' rich girl with a surname she really doesn't deserve.


And I lost. Haha. Haha. Well bye.
Last edited by a moderator:
Breakfast Blundering
Anything you remember of yesterday was a mist. Like waking up from a nightmare, you were jolted out of your gentle sleep. And in the light of day, you were greeted with a reminder. A streak of crimson flowing through your arm remains, dried up, but it still stung. The scar was there, but most of your memory already went out the door.

What your faceless self did have, was a slight idea on what you were doing. Giving yourself some time to decide, you recall that you were snapping pics for your scrapbook. Maybe... You could skim through it to remember?

Your scrapbook lied next to your body and you quickly reached for it, and flipped the pages from one memory to another. Every single photo you've stuffed in your book was a recollection of places and people you cherished, but that isn't what you were looking for. As you ignore the searing graze on your arm, and the longing feeling for food, the pages kept flying with every flick of your hand. Those eyes of yours scanned through each image in the span of seconds, getting impatient for every failure.
This continued on for awhile. After the hundredth or so page skim, you stumble upon a series of uncolored, obscure pictures.

These photos you took that night were your only clue of what the hell bit your arm. As the observant dolt you are, friend, you've took a closer look at the blurs, and had an idea on what it was.

Trip Down The Memory Lane
Choose one. This will decide what left you the Mark.
[] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[] Kraken (Unlocks the Leviathan Transformation. +3 Strength. Offers Skill: Maddening Stare.)
[] Fenrir (Unlocks the Lycan Transformation. +3 Agility. Offers Skill: Unchained Rampage.)
[] Wyvern (Unlocks the Draconic Transformation. +3 Tenacity. Offers Skill: Scorching Wings.)
[] Naga (Unlocks the Serpentine Transformation. +3 Allure. Offers Skill: Poison Spitter)

Yes. That's the only thing it could have been, as hard it is to believe yourself. You close the book, keeping it in your hands, as you ponder on what this means for you.

But first, you were hungry. Your stomach winged and complained about not being full. But in your head, there's a sick feeling that it's not food that your guts want you to eat...

You can't let other people worry about this, that's for sure. Getting out of bed, you walk around your home, and look for something you'd want to eat.

Your Lodgings
Choose one. This decides where your story begins.
[] Living with family in a nice town house. (You have an allowance of $10 daily, but you run the risk of letting your family find out.)
[] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
(No allowance, but they won't snitch on their dear friend. Might even help you out if you ask nicely.)
What's for Breakfast?
Choose one to start up the day. Tip: Do your best to keep Hunger appeased and keep Nightmares as low as possible, or else bad things will start to happen.
[] Something ordinary, like good ol bacon and eggs. (Low chance to appease hunger. Relieves nightmares.)
[] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
[] Something alive, like rodents or stray cats. (Will appease hunger. May raise Nightmares.)
[] Write In... (???)
[X] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[X] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
(No allowance, but they won't snitch on their dear friend. Might even help you out if you ask nicely.)
[X] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
What won in the end? I mean the combination of hobbies.

I am leaning Alien or Wyvern.

[x] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[x] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[x] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
Sereg's vote won the dice roll, so the hobbies/talents are Film Making, Running, Scrapbooking, and Handywork (Which I edited to Craftiness, which is limited to material preservation and options when making stuff, because Handywork is way too general of a term).
[X] Wyvern (Unlocks the Draconic Transformation. +3 Tenacity. Offers Skill: Scorching Wings.)
[X] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[X] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
[x] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[x] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[x] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
I'd like to call this the pretty snake plan!
[X] Naga (Unlocks the Serpentine Transformation. +3 Allure. Offers Skill: Poison Spitter)
[X] Living with family in a nice town house. (You have an allowance of $10 daily, but you run the risk of letting your family find out.)
[X] Something ordinary, like good ol bacon and eggs. (Low chance to appease hunger. Relieves nightmares.)
I must not be a sore loser. So. Fish girl. With sharp teeth and crazy strength, the kind of tomboy that just make those hearts swoon.

Act normal until further notice. Reject the urge. And might as well live with the family, since they won't matter if we don't interact with them now.

[X] Kraken (Unlocks the Leviathan Transformation. +3 Strength. Offers Skill: Maddening Stare.)
[X] Living with family in a nice town house. (You have an allowance of $10 daily, but you run the risk of letting your family find out.)
[X] Something ordinary, like good ol bacon and eggs. (Low chance to appease hunger. Relieves nightmares.)
[x] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[x] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[x] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
5 minutes. Last chance to revise or to join the alien bandwagon.
And don't worry, its still possible for Alien to be a charming fellow and get stronk like Fish Girl route in the case that it wins.
[X] Wyvern (Unlocks the Draconic Transformation. +3 Tenacity. Offers Skill: Scorching Wings.)
[X] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[X] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
[x] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
[x] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
[x] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
Votes closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Alchemy on Apr 23, 2018 at 9:06 AM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Living with friends in a cheap apartment.
    [X] Something exotic, like tropical fruits and old cheese. (50/50 chance to raise/decrease hunger and nightmares.)
    [X] Alien (Unlocks the Invader Transformation. +3 Mental. Offers Skill: Xeno Spawn.)
    [X] Wyvern (Unlocks the Draconic Transformation. +3 Tenacity. Offers Skill: Scorching Wings.)
    [X] Living with family in a nice town house. (You have an allowance of $10 daily, but you run the risk of letting your family find out.)
    [X] Something ordinary, like good ol bacon and eggs. (Low chance to appease hunger. Relieves nightmares.)
    [X] Naga (Unlocks the Serpentine Transformation. +3 Allure. Offers Skill: Poison Spitter)
    [X] Kraken (Unlocks the Leviathan Transformation. +3 Strength. Offers Skill: Maddening Stare.)
Your First Day
[Alien Route Chosen]
Your skin has become alarmingly pale ever since you've been wounded. You have grown an affinity with technology, learn much faster, and can speak a broken alien dialect. Occasionally, you emit waves of energy that disable lesser technology.
To be honest, you look slightly better. At least, for a girl that was just ambushed by some beast.
You are yet to find out what your monstrous form is, but it's probably something similar to whatever alien bit you. You don't want to stick around and wait for it to happen.
[Attribute Increases | Mental: +3 | Charm: +1]
[Popularity and Infamy will both rise faster.]
[New Skill: Xeno Spawn [ACTIVE]: By allowing yourself to grow hungrier by 2 states, you can implant a parasite into an unsuspecting/defeated target. The parasites will transform the host into an Invader under your control.]

You're a newcomer in a decent complex, with three of your peers who are all friendly enough. The four of you once agreed to split paying the bills evenly, and thus, each of you have to give up $100 a month to avoid getting kicked out. With the next deadline being a week from now, you should probably find a job.

Monetary Crisis: Get $100 by next week or you're fucked.

But first, you need to get something for breakfast, since you've been starved all night. After taking a shower and getting yourself a casual dress and sweater, you ran down the stairs and rushed to the nearest fridge, conveniently placed next to the dining table. While you passed through, it appears as though the rest of your friends are wide awake, getting their own morning snacks and giving Mortimer the pug his daily pats.

"Sleeping Beauty finally got up!" A frizzy haired blonde gets up from his seat and gives you a childish bow, with a milk-mustache from eating his Honey Stars cereal. "Thank goodness, I thought that I was gonna have to send Mort-Mort to lick you awake."

Cameron snickered for a moment, and invited you over to join breakfast club. While you were looking for some food in the fridge, you catch a cookie thrown at you, most likely from the poster boy of "Local Boy Ruins Everything".

"Wow, your instincts are, like, out of this world! So, Mira, what happened to that arm?" Cameron asked. "Did you go one-woman army and fought off Lycans?"


"Yeah. Doggo people. Furries. They're the newest big hit next to killer clowns. Heard that if you got bit by one or even scratched, you'll become a Lycan too..." Cameron explained, using his jacket to wipe off the milk on his mouth, and gave you a wink. "Don't worry, I won't tell! Just don't fight with Mortimer over chew toys, alright?"

"Real funny," You respond, and take out a Dragonfruit, and a small platter with blue cheese. "coming from the Were-mouth."

"Touche, Meri. Touche..." Cameron went back to his cereal, "But if everyone has a bit of monster inside them- Then doesn't that mean there aren't any monsters at all now?"

Before your discussion could continue, a girl with red hair takes a seat next to Cameron, holding a plate of burnt pancakes. "We... Need a new oven." She groaned, while she used a fork to cut through the charcoal.

"What happened?" Cameron asked. "Don't tell me you set everything on fire like last time, Sheryl."

"Nope. This time, it exploded! I dunno jack about cooking without a microwave." She tossed a piece of pan-coal right into Mortimer's mouth as she spoke. "Maybe I should stick to darts. That's all I'm good at anyway."

"Well- Other than cooking, you're way more talented than Cam." A boy with an eyepatch, Jack, approached the table with a plate of some mystery meat, before giving Cameron a one-eyed stare. "At least Sheryl doesn't pay rent with monopoly money."

"Oh come on, that was one time!" Cameron yelped.

With everyone all in the same place, they got around to finishing up their meals, talking with one another about their plans for today, and something about how much of a pain the Landlord is. With every bite from your Dragonfruit and aged cheese, you feel your mind being at ease- And by the time you've finished, your stomach thanks you for your offering.

[Nightmares and Hunger has reduced. You are now stable.]

As the day is just to begin, and since all of you have nothing better to do, you think about things to keep you busy. Dying of boredom would be the worse way to fade away, after all.

A Monday Morning
[] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
- [] Go Job Hunting (You might find a way to earn good money with this. You'll need Charm and Mental.)
- [] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
- [] Just hang out at home, procrastinating. (Enhance your hobbies and talents, or even learn some new tricks from friends.)
- [] Get film footage (0/10 Complete. You could probably sell this once you've finished, but make sure it's entertaining.)
[] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
- Cameron (Available)
- Sheryl (Available)
- Jack (Available)
- Mortimer (Available)
You've reached one of the gameplay elements of the quest, cool! Allow me to give you a run down on how this works.
Each day has four sections. Sunrise, High Noon, Eventide, and Nocturne. In each time frame, you'll have several options to choose from.
Some events/areas/skills/NPCs are only available at certain times, so don't miss out on them.
If you have friends, which you actually do, you can choose to bring them along! Every friend, while they're not all Exceptional, excel in certain ways that can prove beneficial to your plans.
For instance, Cameron is a social butterfly with a sense of humor, Sheryl is good with ranged knickknacks and ruining machines, Jack is street-smart and tough, and Mortimer is a fiesty doggo with moral support.
Since you only have a few friends to choose from, you can only have 1 to tag along each time.
But for now, things are relatively simple. Our MC Miranda is yet to be used to this new area, so, options are limited. Choose wisely, and be mindful of the get $100 before the end of the week mission.
Don't worry. You'll get to fight things later. For now, have the social and Slice of Life stuff.
In the future, when you have access to choices with a heck ton of options, please vote by plan. Thanks ;-;
Check "Friends" in the Character Sheet for what the NPCs are like, what they're good at, and what they feel atm. You can also see your current Friendship Level with them. As you advance the Friendship Level, your bond will as well, and you might get special perks.
[x] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
- [x] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
[x] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
-[x] Cameron
[x] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
- [x] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
[X] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
- [X] Jack (Available)

I want to spend time with Jack to figure out what going on with him considering the dog is also reacting badly to him.
[x] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
- [x] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
[X] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
- [X] Jack (Available)
A day sounds optimal. At the very least this avoids the problem of the update going up and the vote being over during one's sleep.
I'm sorry. I assumed that people were going to bandwagon, so I ended votes early. I'll be sure to have the time for voting longer, at least a day or two. Does that seem like a good time frame?

Well, i couldn't even read the update before this one until now, so I guess for me it's better a day of interval. I mean, it was 4 in the morning here when you made that update, and 10 for this one.

By the way, I was going for the wyvern one .-.

[X] Morning Time! What to do... (Pick One)
-[X] Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood (Unlocks 2-3 areas. Adds photos to scrapbook. Might increase friendship.)
[X] Bring a Friend? (Choose One)
-[X] Jack (Available)
Input noted. I'll be sure to remember giving you a day before closing votes and making new updates. If there's anything else that needs improvement, let me know.