Well okay then, Votes closed. Next post coming up soon!
Adhoc vote count started by Mother Nyx on Apr 17, 2018 at 10:16 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Sarah Kanazuki
    [X] Female.
    [X] Asian-
    [X] Los Angeles
    [X] XVII - The Star
    [X] Jennifer Amari
    [X] Female.
    [X] Arab-
    [X] San Francisco
    [X] VIII- Strength
    [X] Wei Zhou
    [X] Male
    [X] Asian-
    [X] Los Angeles
    [X] VIII- Strength
    [X] Matthias Reed
    [X] Male
    [X] African-
    [X] New Orleans
    [X] XVIII - Moon
    [X] Valkyrie St. Victor
    [X] Female.
    [X] African-
    [X] Chicago.
    [X] II - The High Priestess
    [X] Max Varela.
    [X] Female to Male Transgender..
    [X] Hispanic.
    [X] New York City.
    [X] XVI - The Tower.
    [X] Alicia Nieves
    [X] Female.
    [X] Hispanic.
    [X] New York City.
    [X] XVII - The Star
San Leonardo.

As you can imagine, it was a particularly slow and frequently halted drive along the highway from the Airport, so much that I entertained thoughts of getting out and just walking the rest of the way, would save on fare too. Decided not too in the end, as I knew that'd put me right out in the heat and smog of the sweltering Monday sun, and at least this cab had air conditioning.

It felt like hours, but sooner than I thought we pulled up at San Leonardo-
[ ] Senior High.
[ ] Catholic High.
[ ] College.
[ ] Art School.
[ ] Law School.
[ ] Write-in.

I'd been requested to tour the school along with a couple other transfer students and newly enrolled. That and it was closer to the airport than my new residence-
[ ] -an apartment my parents were now renting, they were planning to move to California either way.
[ ] -my Grandparents' old Colonial House, they used to be animators back in the day.
[ ] -a friend of the family's bungalow.
[ ] -a Church that'd offered to provide accommodation to the stray and wayward.
[ ] -a rehab clinic for former criminals.
[ ] -a Buddhist retreat they'd set me up at.
[ ] -some cheap hotel I was only at until proper accommodation was found.
[ ] -Wait, I got mixed up. San Leonardo's is a boarding school, it is my new residence.
[ ] Write-in.

-Which was all the way over in-
[ ] Alhambra.
[ ] Azusa, 'Canyon City'.
[ ] Burbank, the 'Media Capital'.
[ ] Downtown LA.
[ ] Lakewood, the 'quintessential suburb'.
[ ] Pasadena.
[ ] Torrance, 'Japan's Trans-Pacific province'.
[ ] Write-in.

"Alright, thanks Miss" the cab driver mumbled as I paid him the fare and walked out, it kinda surprised me that he even bothered with a response.
Yep, sun was beating down as much as I thought it'd be, though luckily I spied some rainclouds coming my way; well I hoped that's what they were. I walked up the stone steps and then across the dry, tiled walkway that led up to the looming, brown-brick school, from how it looked I figured it might well've been a former convent. Good for me that the abundance of trees surrounding it added some much needed color and shade.

The time of day, the sounds of murmuring and a quick peek through a window told me that classes were very much in session, yet despite this I could still spot several students sneaking out across the grounds.
[ ] I'd better report them when I meet the teachers.
[ ] Eh, know I should dob on them, but I can't be bothered.
[ ] Of course I won't report them, let them have their fun.
[ ] I nervously take a closer look to make sure they aren't Phantom Thieves. (Write-in)
[ ] Write-in.

I entered the tall, oaken front doors and sat down on a plain white couch in a just as plain waiting room. Whoever was supposed to show us around was obviously still occupied, so I guessed I might as well start up a conversation with my fellow students, even if none of them looked to be the most appealing crew.
[ ] Hmm, a girl with long, prematurely white hair, wearing a leather jacket and torn jeans, clutching a lighter. Certainly caught my eye.
[ ] A black-haired girl with blacker lipstick, dark blue eyeliner, piercings and her hair in dreadlocks. Yet her bangs-shrouded and fidgeting self don't give off that much of a rebel aura.
[ ] A scrawny-looking girl covered in tattoos, her head shaved and a skateboard (indoors) spinning on her fingertip. Sheesh, her complexion looks seriously awful, has she slept in days?
[ ] A slumped over guy in a patched-up backwards cap, wearing the most baggy, unfashionable clothes I'd seen. He also smelled so bad that flies were coming up to him, yet his dopey smile showed that he didn't seem to mind.
[ ] Wait, is that guy a cop?!
[ ] On second thoughts, don't really feel like talking right now.
[ ] Write-in.

To recap:
[ ] What sort of school is San Leonardo's?
[ ] What sort of housing you got set up?
[ ] What suburb?
[ ] Report some truants or not?
[ ] Who to talk to?
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[X] Senior High.
[X] -an apartment my parents were now renting, they were planning to move to California either way.
[X] Downtown LA.
[X] I nervously take a closer look to make sure they aren't Phantom Thieves
[X] Hmm, a girl with long, prematurely white hair, wearing a leather jacket and torn jeans, clutching a lighter. Certainly caught my eye.
[X] Senior High.
[X] -an apartment my parents were now renting, they were planning to move to California either way.
[X] Pasadena.
[X] Of course I won't report them, let them have their fun.
[X] A scrawny-looking girl covered in tattoos, her head shaved and a skateboard (indoors) spinning on her fingertip. Sheesh, her complexion looks seriously awful, has she slept in days?
[X] Senior High.
[X] -my Grandparents' old Colonial House, they used to be animators back in the day.
[X] Burbank, the 'Media Capital'.
[X] Eh, know I should dob on them, but I can't be bothered.
[X] Wait, is that guy a cop?!
Little bit. People find it hard to coherently vote for more than 3 items at once, but it doesn't get too bad until you exceed five options
[X] Art School
[X] -my Grandparents' old Colonial House, they used to be animators back in the day.
[X] Eh, know I should dob on them, but I can't be bothered.
[X] Hmm, a girl with long, prematurely white hair, wearing a leather jacket and torn jeans, clutching a lighter. Certainly caught my eye.

All I know about the local city sections is that we should probably avoid downtown. *Shrug* Well, living there anyway.
Er, anyone think I might have been a bit excessive with how much stuff there was to vote on in this post?

To an extent, yeah. I know other quests with a lot of votes, but it's typically not ideal; largely because achieving any kind of consensus is hard. I wouldn't worry too much about it personally; I think what you're doing is borderline acceptable, but it's definitely something to keep in mind for future votes.
[X] Senior High.
[X] -a Church that'd offered to provide accommodation to the stray and wayward.
[X] Burbank, the 'Media Capital'.
[X] Eh, know I should dob on them, but I can't be bothered.
[X] Wait, is that guy a cop?!
[X] Senior High.
[X] -an apartment my parents were now renting, they were planning to move to California either way.
[X] Pasadena.
[X] Of course I won't report them, let them have their fun.
[X] Wait, is that guy a cop?!
Thanks for the feedback, in the future I definitely won't have any more than three items per update, unless maybe I have a really good justification for it.
Voting still open for roughly another day, but here's a tally anyway. Burbank and Pasadena are currently tied.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Apr 19, 2018 at 1:52 AM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.
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[X] Senior High.
[X] -my Grandparents' old Colonial House, they used to be animators back in the day.
[X] Burbank, the 'Media Capital'.
[X] Eh, know I should dob on them, but I can't be bothered.
[X] Wait, is that guy a cop?!
Votes still open, needing a tiebreaker between 'parents' and 'grandparents'. In case the tie gets unbroken, I'll go with whatever vote first broke it.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Apr 19, 2018 at 7:02 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.
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Votes closed, update soon.

For choosing not to report the truants, you've gained +1 to Kindness, and haven't shifted along the Lawful-Chaotic axis.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Apr 19, 2018 at 10:58 PM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.
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A 'Warm Welcome' to your New School.
Had to admit, this guy being a cop was kinda the only thing that made him stand out. His sunken frame was slumped against a wall, his dark-skinned hand trying to swat away strands of thickly curled black hair from his eyes.

"Ah, hello there" I mumbled, seeing if I could start a conversation with at least someone here.

"Oh, hey, 'sup? Ah, take it the badge and gun got ya a bit on edge? Don't worry, it's all okay mademoiselle- er, young lady, just doing a regular inspection here," He smiled at first, but then leaned a bit closer and whispered to me "Listen, the teachers here don't want me telling anyone this, but as I'm law here I think you've gotta right to know. Been receiving reports there's a gang of Phantom Thieves operatin' on campus, that they've gone beyond just thievin' and into drug-pushing".

"Pfft, chatting with a cop? Ha, didn't know our last arrival would be such a narc!" I could hear that silver-haired girl laughing at me, I tried to give her no heed... nor had enough Guts to stand up to her.

Her remarks however just prompted a sigh from the buzzed skateboarder girl "Hey, lay off her 'Licia, have some respect for the new kid, ya know?". The goth girl declined to comment, while the backwards-hat boy looked to barely care.

The cop gulped before he spoke to me again, saying "Miss White-hair? That's Felicia Lucas, she would've just gotten back from juvie for arson, prob'ly here 'cause she got expelled from her old school, I imagine anyway. Best you just try to keep clear of her, sheesh, she even gives me the creeps. But ah, don't tell anyone else on the force I said that.
The skater's Amelia Crawford, known round these parts by her graffiti tag 'Babel'. We've run into her a couple times, she's never done anything worse than fine-worthy though... far as I know".

Despite less than reassuring news of my fellow arrivals, I chuckled at him and said "Think they're Phantom Thieves?".

Instead of a laugh back, he just fell silent for a bit, nothing leaving his mouth but a few umms and aahs. He at last sighed and said "Tell ya the truth, if they were I'd have no way ta know. Whatever tech these Thieves use is stumping us right now, plus the other cops seem ta barely give a shit about a crime wave like this, still claim it's a passing craze".

Our little talk was broken up when a teacher finally came our way, someone tall, wrinkled and grey-haired yet still with enough of a spring in his step. "So, everyone here? Good, you may call me Mr Chandler, I will be your Homeroom Teacher for the year and-" he quickly glared at the others "-Disciplinarian, if it comes down to that. Now if you'll please follow me in single file".

"Oh hey Chandler, where's Monica?" Felicia snorted out, only for his head to turn at her like an owl's.

"Follow me in single file" he intoned.

"Well, guess this is where we part" the cop mumbled, but before he went he was courteous enough to extend his hand "Jea-er, Gene Frank Harry, proud to serve".

"Sarah Kanizuki, likewise" I managed to smile back.

* * *
Mr Chandler's introducing our school was as bare-bones as you'd expect, Homeroom, English, Math and History classes here, Library, Gym and Sports Fields over there, Science Lab and Administration way over there. Mostly our regular classes were at the front of the school, the Admin block was in the back, everything else sandwiched in-between around a large, dusty courtyard.

The tour ended when we approached by a female teacher in glasses, with long and puffy scarlet hair, and a young woman, brownish-blonde with blue-green streaks, dressed in what looked like a modified male sports outfit.
"Oh, this is Mrs Bailey, she will be your Science Teacher" Mr Chandler tried to say simply, though I caught him gritting his teeth "And Ruth Anderson, one of our much-touted Sports Captains".

"Valerie Bailey, my dears, oh I do hope Horace here hasn't cast too dark a cloud upon you already~," she giggled. Feebly attempting a more serious tone, she then said "I can see the five of you look none too enthused, but rest assured we can guarantee a bright and productive year at St Leonard's!".
None of the other students seemed amused, if they were even paying attention. The most was a quick nod and a strained grin from the goth girl.

"Ah, oh my. Miste-oh dear I'm so sorry, Miss Ruth, maybe I'd better hand this off to you" Valerie Bailey swiftly steeped out of the way, with the athlete coming forth. Naturally, her first instinct was to try and greet me with a smile and a handshake.

"It's okay, Mrs Bailey, I ah, get that all the time.
So Sarah is it? Hey, welcome to St. Leonard's, hope to be seeing you around!" she then made an effort to curtsy, despite wearing a uniform clearly not designed for it "Hey, are you into sports much? It's just that some of our teams, Football, Baseball, Tennis, Boxing, heh even the Chess Club, are a few members short".

I told her I'd think about it, at which Ruth smiled in return.
"Oh hey, you got a Skateboarding team here, Parkour possibly?" Amelia piped up.

"Well, not officially I admit" Ruth hesitated a little.

"Heh, I'll probably take whatever helps vent my anger the most" Felicia somehow smiled and snarled at the same time.

"Pretty sure that ain't how psychology works" the boy with the backwards cap and patchy clothes (who I was since told went by Bertrand Stevens) mumbled quickly. Wow, I was surprised he had the courage to joke back at Felicia. That, or he simply didn't care, the latter was more likely.

"Well, I'm not really much of a sports person..." the goth girl mumbled, who I'd learned was named Tiffany Ellen.

"Same, way too much moving around. Hmm, might join that Chess Club for the sitting still" came Bertrand's response.

"And so ends our tour" Mr Chandler cut in "I trust you to have been familiarised enough by now".

"Oh really, but we were just getting to all know each other!" Mrs Bailey whined.

"Eh, that's life for ya Teach. Well, I'm off, places to be ya know" Amelia smiled and headed off.

"Hah, amen to that. Time to blow this joint" Felicia flashed a grin.

"No skateboarding in the halls" Mr Chandler intoned again, even though Amelia hadn't even set down her skateboard.

"Well, I do have practice to get back to, busy schedule for one of St. Leonard's brightest, hehe" Ruth gave a more pleasant smile.

As for me...
I supposed there was some time before I'd been scheduled to meet with my grandparents, guessed my parents and I might have gotten the time zones mixed up a bit, coming all the way to LA from-
[ ] New York.
[ ] Chicago.
[ ] Honolulu.
[ ] Seattle.
[ ] Atlanta.
[ ] Write-in.

So lucky for me I still had a whole afternoon free, all the more precious since school would be starting only the next day for me. Hmm, so what to do around town?
[ ] Just stroll around and take in the sights.
[ ] Find somewhere to eat.
[ ] See what fashions they have here in LA.
[ ] Maybe take a hike in the wilderness?
[ ] Just stay around the school or its surroundings for a minute more, see if I can spot anything about those drug-dealers.
[ ] See what one of the others wants to do.
[ ] Eh, just head straight to my grandparents.
[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Invite Amelia to come with me.
[ ] Invite Bertrand.
[ ] Invite Felicia Hahaha no [You do not have enough Guts].
[ ] Invite Ruth No way, she's off practicing, and I'm no pro athlete [You do not have enough Proficiency].
[ ] Invite Tiffany.
[ ] Go on my own.
[ ] Write-in.​
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[X] Boston

No real reason really, my brother is just from there.

[X] See what one of the others wants to do.
[X] Invite Amelia to come with me.

I really want to spend more time with Amelia- probably my favorite OC so far- but I don't see any of those options that would distinctly appeal to her, so I say we leave the choice up to her.
[X] Chicago.
[X] See what fashions they have here in LA.
[X] Invite Amelia to come with me.