I'd be happy with a merge, adopting the Bagira, permitting anything else in 9x23mm, and with a special dispensation for the Schaubler as an easily carried officer's pocket pistol, so long as we keep the actual combat weapons all on the same cartridge.

That would hopefully spur both civilian and martial pistol development domestically.
I'd be happy with a merge, adopting the Bagira, permitting anything else in 9x23mm, and with a special dispensation for the Schaubler as an easily carried officer's pocket pistol, so long as we keep the actual combat weapons all on the same cartridge.

That would hopefully spur both civilian and martial pistol development domestically.
Is there an actual lack of domestic pistol development though?
Holy crap I thought I had updated this already. Fucking papers have driven me mad.
Adhoc vote count started by Sarpedon on Mar 30, 2018 at 9:55 PM, finished with 43 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Final Countdown
    -[X] The Bagira is to be adopted as the general service pistol.
    -[X] The Selbstladepistole C53 and Schaubler are to be approved for private purchase.
    [X] Plan Encouragement
    - [X] Adopt Bagira as universal service pistol
    - [X] Permit officer private purchase of any pistol chambered in Bagira 9mm issue cartridge to spur continuing private sector development of pistols.
    [X] Plan: Final Countdown
    -[X] The Bagira is to be adopted as the general service pistol.
    -[X] The Selbstladepistole C53 preferably in 9x23mm SR if possible, and Schaubler are to be approved for private purchase.
Self-Loading Pistol Commission Stage Six Part One
With the decision to adopt the Bagira for the cavalry, and the C53 and Schaubler as additional options for officers, the chaos only begins.

The Baal Concern and Dr. Frankengatsch's backers begin drumming up anger in the media over the intention to adopt a Balkh pistol design (never mind that it will be produced by Waffenfabrik Tschepele for domestic sales,) and having blocked out all native pistols from consideration for the cavalry. There are conspiracy theories coming from every which way, which accuse you of doing everything from conspiring with The Jews to undermine the military (because the commission was pretty Jewish, with Rausenstein, Dogali and Smyd all being jews, but the city the Army Ordinance Board is based in is majority jewish,) or having a financial stake in Waffenfabrik Tschepele, to actually having received significant bribes to cover supporting your lovechild with Mrs. Arbatescu.

While none of this is going to affect production directly, Waffenfabrik Tschepele and Bagira et Cie are starting to get cold feet, the General Staff are wondering what you did, and the Kaiser might have to make a decision.

Choose TWO
[ ] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[ ] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[ ] Attempt to shutdown publication of the spurious rumors on the grounds of national security.
[ ] Throw up your hands and start this competition over again to try and satisfy native interests.
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[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.

Trying to quash the rumours will only encourage them, I feel.
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[x] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[x] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.

some nice photos in the newspaper of the failed tests should quiet people down.

to actually having received significant bribes to cover supporting your lovechild with Mrs. Arbatescu.
we have a child with her or is that a lie along with the bribe?
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Offer an "exclusive look" into testing for some of the less terrible papers to get your test results to the public. Pay them a little extra under the table to call the rest latent homosexuals who's never handled a real gun in their life too.
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
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That's one of the many lies circulating.

Mrs. Arbatescu is a nice woman about the same age as Anton Varsa's desceased son, and could have flings with much younger, more attractive men if she wanted. She plays the hell out of the young widowed mother card instead.
well now you just made me want to go and have our guy seduce her!

kidding, How is our family by the way? does he have more kids and hows the wife?
well now you just made me want to go and have our guy seduce her!

kidding, How is our family by the way? does he have more kids and hows the wife?
Two surviving adult children, out of three that made it to adulthood and five overall. You live with your wife, your son's widow and child, and a maid. You've got eight grandchildren overall, three of whom are commissioned or will be receiving commissions within the next five years.
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[X] Throw up your hands and start this competition over again to try and satisfy native interests.

@NothingNow would it also be possible to get someone respected and independent to provide a testimonial as to the validity of the process?
@NothingNow would it also be possible to get someone respected and independent to provide a testimonial as to the validity of the process?

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

That's the kind of newsy we are handling here. Soft words and ethics are for boring people that write dry papers for flammable magazines of science and philosophy. These are people who demand action, stir the blood of a nation, and call for the headsman. One does not parley with them- you go on the attack!

Mrs. Arbatescu is a nice woman about the same age as Anton Varsa's desceased son, and could have flings with much younger, more attractive men if she wanted. She plays the hell out of the young widowed mother card instead.

The fact she leases a suite in the townhouse of H. Kalia Kaplan for when she is in town produces no end of rumors, of course. And him a married man, too!
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[X] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[X] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[x] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[x] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.
[x] Publically present the Kaiser with some of the surviving arms from the testing phase, and that helmet with the dent and the cracked visor.
[x] Request to publicly publish the data from the testing phase to defend your decision.