[X] Plan Cold as Ice
-[X] The following pistols are to be advanced in testing
--[X] Selbstladepistole C53
--[X] Falkenhiemer: Develop a more efficent round; suggest double tube magazine.
I just have one question: Why? What's the point of trying to polish this turd?

[X] Plan Cold as Ice
-[X] The following pistols are to be advanced in testing
--[X] Selbstladepistole C53
It's a pity that Frankengatsch and Baal can't be convinced to compromise on a 7.62 round...
They could. Just you know, they'd neck down the Yagrush cartridge again. They're not going for a smaller cartridge, because that'd require really expensive reengineering you'd be on the hook for because this is Government Contracting and nobody works for free.
[X]Approve the following pistols for cavalry trials
-[X] Selbstladepistole C53

Infantry pistols can wait until the cavalry is sorted and we assess the also-rans for infantry and private purchase.
I just have one question: Why? What's the point of trying to polish this turd?

Because for one, its fun. For two, I like the design: it sets useful systems that can be adapted later. For three, its an ahistorical design, which means I like it more than copy pastes of IRL guns sans patent numbers.
I just have one question: Why? What's the point of trying to polish this turd?

Yes, It will have to be saddle holstered, people did this for hundreds of years.
It also makes a decent heavy thrown weapon at a pinch, suitable for breaking a bayonet line.
(I'm not kidding, this was -doctrine- for close order cavalry. Discharge pistol, throw, draw sword)
A man struck by several pounds of metal thrown hard from a cantering horse probably is not dead, or even seriously injured.
He is however somewhat distracted from the guy hitting him with a sword.
[X] Modifications Plan
-[X] Send the following requests to manufacturers.
--[X] Falkenhiemer: Develop a more efficent round; suggest double tube magazine.
--[X] Sarpu: Develop a dust cover or sealing system.
--[X] Bagria: Develop a stock
-[X] Approve the following guns for trials
--[X] Simon
--[X] Bagria
--[X] C53
[X] Plan Trinity

This looks to gives us the possibility of a decent cartridge or two for any future SMG development, and a range of options for further cavalry pistol trials in the meantime.
Another quest I help out with behind the scenes is Zeppelin Quest (mostly research because that's apparently what I'm good at aside from dead people,) which is something in kind of the same time frame technologically but has fucking Zeppelins and Waifus and shit. Because Questers love Zeppelins and Waifus.

Anyway, it's @7734's baby and @Strypgia has done stuff for it so it's a thing.

Plug over, I'm about to get back to grinding in FGO (because Medb get) and thinking about Beads and Brass stuff. Which y'all should read if you want to see me be all dry and boring about something that isn't guns or dead people.
Self-Loading Pistol Commission Stage Five
With the Bagira, Simson, and Selbstladepistole C53 selected to go onto trials, five hundred of each were procured even as domestic competitors threatened to make trouble for the commission. Individual officers and several artillery batteries, Cavalry Troops and transportation units at every end of the country were assigned appropriate numbers of pistols.

The Selbstladepistole C53 came out fairly well. As much as it is powerful, and the artillery and transportation units loved having an extremely compact carbine that could just be out of their way on a hip, unlike the standard service carbine. That the pistol and holster were about two kilograms combined wasn't as appreciated. However, the cavalry and some officers didn't like the bulky wooden stock/holster at all. Other complaints included it being perceived as being weaker than the current revolver (which actually produces 420J vs the C53's 423J) and feed strips being more finicky than the bandoleer of (privately purchased) speed loaders most troopers presently carry, they will admit to it being a major improvement over loading by hand, and wax paper wrapped feedstrips stayed more organized in a pack. It didn't do particularly well in the cold, but some of that is down to pistols just not really being made for a hand in mittens. The C53 was used in combat once, during a thwarted train robbery where the stock and rapid reloading helped the train crew to successfully repel the robbers.

The Simson was the loser in most comparisons. Officers and non-cavalry units handed it loved the size and handling, and the idea of the stock/holster. However, the thinness of the stock was frequently complained about. The cavalry were furious about only having two magazines supplied, and how they weren't fully interchangeable between guns. Cleaning was occasionally described as being difficult. While the grip was universally popular, the controls were difficult to use with mountain gloves on and it was again, less powerful feeling than the current revolver. The Simson saw the most combat use, with some assigned units operating in bandit infested areas, and engaged in occasional skirmishes.

The Bagira continued to make a good name for itself. With its holster, it weighs just under 1100g, and this plus how compact it is, made it quite popular with everyone who actually had to carry one. The Cavalry troopers who used it begrudgingly admitted it was more powerful than their previous revolvers, even if it was again a pain to use feed strips to load it compared to speed loaders. Most of the controls were usable in winter, and the pistol was fairly simple to take down and clean. Combat use of the Bagira was less common than the Simson, but reports were more positive due to ready ammo shortages being less of a concern.

With the results of the field trials in, it is time to adopt a service pistol, and to approve a number for private purchase.
With the Bagira, Simson, and Selbstladepistole C53 selected to go onto trials, five hundred of each were procured even as domestic competitors threatened to make trouble for the commission.
Ah, crap.

[X] Adopt Bagira as service pistol
[X] Approve Selbstladepistole C53 for private purchase

Just to make sure: @NothingNow these guns do use the same cartridge right?
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[X] Plan: Final Countdown
-[X] The Bagira is to be adopted as the general service pistol.
-[X] The Selbstladepistole C53 and Schaubler are to be approved for private purchase.

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[X] Plan Let's Get Some Institutional Experience with Box Magazines, Shall We?
--[X] Adopt Bagria for cavalry use
--[X] Adopt C53 for general use
--[X] Keep the Simson around as an option for individual officers et cetera that buy their own weapons.
----[X] Strongly encourage the manufacturer to come up with a sturdier stock solution.
[X] Plan Encouragement
- [X] Adopt Bagira as universal service pistol
- [X] Permit officer private purchase of any pistol chambered in Bagira 9mm issue cartridge to spur continuing private sector development of pistols.
Well... Bagira or C53, that is the question.
On the one hand, Bagira is better. On the other, C53 does not fund enemy's MIC.

[X] Plan Complicated
- [X] Adopt Bagira as universal service pistol, so long as it is produced locally (Full production cycle) along with 9x23 cartridge
-- [X]Otherwise adopt C53
- [X] Permit private purchase of any pistol chambered in the cartridge used by pistol adopted into service.
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