Welp, I was about to flip a coin or roll a two sided die, but, it seems as though one more voter had appeared. Well, I'm going to just close this before there's another tie... So, vote locked.
Select character's name, gender and appearance
Now that that's done, it's time to choose a name, gender, and appearance for the MC:

[] Name.
-[] Write in a name.

[] Gender.
-[] Male
-[] Female

[] Appearance.
-[] Find a picture for what you want the MC to look like.


After this vote, the quest will fully begin.
[X] Courier 41
[X] Female

Screw it, let's go full cowgirl. Duster, heavy revolver, and fast on the draw - this is a girl who'll deliver your cargo come hell or high water.
+A city of wonders: Omelas is a place where many miracles and wonders exist. No poverty, no sickness, and advance technology very beyond what the rest of the world could make. Begins with the knowledge of my pieces of advance technology that you could use, such as the cure for the common cold, cancer, and many other ailments.
I'm curious exactly how extensive this knowledge is. Because with SCIENCE!!! one can make the human body EXTREMELY tough. Like, bullet-proof levels of tough. Sounds like people would have gotten atleast a general tune-up, to keep from accidents from causing woe. Like, make it so kids can fall from trees without any fear of bumps or bruises, let alone breaking anything.
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I'm curious exactly how extensive this knowledge is. Because with SCIENCE!!! one can make the human body EXTREMELY tough. Like, bullet-proof levels of tough. Sounds like people would have gotten atleast a general tune-up, to keep from accidents from causing woe. Like, make it so kids can fall from trees without any fear of bumps or bruises, let alone breaking anything.

Well, it's never actually stated in the story how advanced they are, besides them having technology that hasn't been invented yet. And not having weaponry... Or helicopters, for some reason. It's more of "if you want a type of technology in Omelas to exist, it exists, unless it's not needed." It's... Really weird once you begin to think about it.
[X] Plan Innocent
[X] Miranda Browning
[X] Female

We grew up in paradise, we are not going to be a bad ass. We do not know pain or woe or hardship. What's more, we are even kinder than one would assume from growing up in that society, because we walked away. We believed that our own happiness should not come ahead of the happiness of others.

So yeah, I do not see us being a bad ass, wearing a trenchcoat and what not. We don't even know what a gun is.