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Richmond, MO

"Ah, hello there visitor @#*:+ Error! Error! Unable to to check visitor data! Data files corrupted! Cleaning date filed... Data files cleaned. Ninety five percent of the data sorted in the data files were to corrupted to save... Welcome visitor 0000000001 to Chimera facility 50123. We hope you have a pleasant day."



Walking... Walking... You haven't stopped walking for how long? You cant even remember when the last time you had slept in a comfortable bed. The last time you talked to another person. Even SEEN another person. But... Perhaps you have found the place you have been looking for? The place that can help make your dream a reality?

[] The one who walked away
-"Such lies that prevailed in you home. 'The suffering of one allows us all to not suffer ourselves.' They told you. Lies. Deceit. You'd show then all. And that is why you started walking, and hadn't looked back since the day you had, looking to rid your home of this lie."
OC From "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas".
+A city of wonders: Omelas is a place where many miracles and wonders exist. No poverty, no sickness, and advance technology very beyond what the rest of the world could make. Begins with the knowledge of my pieces of advance technology that you could use, such as the cure for the common cold, cancer, and many other ailments.
-"They do without what they don't need": Omelas may hold many wondrous things within its walls, yet, many things that would be considered normal in the rest of the world, they do not even think about. You will have to research a few things that others may find ridiculous... Like guns.
[] He who shrugged.
-"Society had been all but destroyed, and then, rose many cities ruled by what were, in your opinion, councils filled with tyrants. They who devided society and attemped to control all that anyone thought or did. Tried to limit what technology was rediscovered and what technology, no matter how easy it was to reproduce, was banned for all time. You escaped such a city, feeling into the wild to hide from your brothers and sisters. You wish to free them from their servitude, yet, you know many would not understand, and that the councils of tyrants would try to destroy you and remove anything you did. So, you must fight to see your dream come to reality..."
OC from "Anthem". The book.
+To live free: You fled from a society that destroyed individuality. And, to make sure none can force you to obey cruel masters like the ones you have escaped from, you have learned how to hide from those searching for you very... Efficiently. You begin with a high amount of intrigue, and tge trait "to live free".
-After the end: You have heard stories about the world that came before, of how it was "horrible". Yet, it most likely was a paradise on Earth compared to how the world is at the present. Yet, what could have been lost with the time that has passed? Begins with an dark age's level of technology.
[] Fleeing the Fallout.
-"The world had died, and humanity survived, like a stubborn cockroach, to continuine doing what we do best, trying to thrive, no matter the cost. You've heard the many, many rumors, that there are places full of life, where societies from before the bombs fell still existed, untouched by the radiation plaguing the wasteland. Many called these places myths, fairytales... But you saw hope. Hope to find a home where you could live the rest of your life in peace... But, even you know that the horrors of the waste are always waiting for an opportunity to strike at any openings that they can find."
OC from Fallout.
+Walking death: After years of walking the wasteland with a gun in you hand at all time, you've become VERY efficient with guns of all shapes and sizes. Start with a large amount of guns and ammunition and the trait "Walking death".
+Wasteland wander: You've spent years wandering the wasteland, and so, you've met a... Interesting array of people. And, so, you've learned quite a bit about how to talk your way out of a bad situation. Begin with higher diplomacy and the trait "Wasteland wander".
-A broken world: Your world was nearly destroyed, and so, much of the technology that would have been simple to recreate and utilise generations ago now have almost become impossible to. Access to advance technology such as laser and plasma based weaponry, but, will require much research to be able to buiod more of these pieces of technology. Including ovens and toasters.
-Terrible business sense: You weren't one of those fancy ranch, caravan, or bar owners, so, you don't actually have a single clue how the cap economy works. Or how how economies work in general. Begin with a lower amount of Stewardship and trait called "Terrible business sense".
[] The last one standing.
-"Your brothers laid slain at your feet, killed by your own hand. The madness that had consumed them... Then monsters that they had become... You tell yourself that there was nothing you could do, yet, your regret not seeing the signs earlier. Perhaps, perhaps you could have prevented their fall and helped them stay pure? But, the past is the past, and you had to move in lest any other abomination find you and rip you to ribbons. And so, you ran, and ran for days and nights, until finally, you fell to your knees in shame... And then you got back up, and walked away, not caring where you ended up. 'NO MORE!' You had thought at the time, 'I shall not run from my failure any longer! If a monstrous beast finds me, it shall not find me running in fear any longer!' And so, you walked, slaying any beasts you found, not caring of what could happen to you, for only by your death or the death of your enemies would the sin of your cowardice be cleansed."
Frome Warhammer 40K, a follow up vote will determine who exactly from the 40K verse you are.
Advantages and disadvantages to be revealed in a follow up vote.
Welcome to Project Chimera everyone, my first quest ever... This is probably going to go horribly. But, let's have fun while we're at it.
[x] The one who walked away
i've never seen a quest based on this book, should be interesting
Not really interested in yet another space marine at all.

[X] The one who walked away
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Not really interested in yet another space marine at all.

Hey, it might not be a just a Space Marine hiding behind the 40K option. It might be an Elder are Tua, or a different race. But, that all depends on if that option is picked this round and then who is picked in the next vote. So, Space Marines may be picked anyway if the 40K option is picked. It's all up to you guys, really.
[X] The one who walked away

It's an interesting story, and I'm intrigued by what a quest based off of the book would be like.
A tie, and I have absolutely no idea what to do but wait for more people to vote.

Well, until the tie is broken, does anyone have any questions about, well, anything? Such as what I should do in the events of a tie?
A tie, and I have absolutely no idea what to do but wait for more people to vote.

Well, until the tie is broken, does anyone have any questions about, well, anything? Such as what I should do in the events of a tie?
I think it should something like, take the two options and ask people to pick between them no write ins no add-ons just those two and then after the new vote about a day or so the winner is the winner no ifs ands or buts.
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[X] The last one standing.

I vote a Sororitas. So many Imperial Guard and Space Marine quests - let's see a Sister of Battle traveling...wherever the hell this is!

Cigar-chompin', beret-stylin', rifle-totin', grade-A cast-iron veteran Badass Bolter Bitch. The sort that never gets the kudos Geedubs hands out to their Ultrasmurfs. ;)
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A tie, and I have absolutely no idea what to do but wait for more people to vote.

Well, until the tie is broken, does anyone have any questions about, well, anything? Such as what I should do in the events of a tie?
Or a more common thing ive seen is that the nex vote after that wins which happens to be Last one standing and from after this point have it in a new vote
Welp, it seems as though there's a tie. Welp, then, I'm holding a revote with only the two options that are tied:

[] The one who walked away.

[] The last one standing.