Triforce of Courage Quest (Legend of Zelda/RWBY)

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Once upon a time, there was a land called Hyrule, a kingdom that was bordered by other kingdoms...
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The Definition of Insanity
Land of the Free
Once upon a time, there was a land called Hyrule, a kingdom that was bordered by other kingdoms where other races called there own. The mountains were claimed by the Goron, who fed upon the rocks. The rivers and lakes were claimed by the Zora, fish people that were able to live above and below the water. The Gerudo, laid claim to the deserts, a tribe of woman who only had a male once every thousand years, the Rito claimed the skies, bird people wished to fly freely all across the land, and in the center of it all were the Hylians, whose people claimed the fields and the woods. There the people lived a peaceful life, for thousands and thousands of years, until one day a remarkable artifact was discovered by the Kingdom of Hyrule. A golden emblem of three triangles, created by three goddesses, after creating the world. The Kingdom made it their symbol and right to rule the land. Sages were called from all over the land to verify its authenticity and power and determined that the artifact held powers that even they could not fully grasp. They revealed to the people that it was possible for the artifact to grant the wishes of its bearer.

While the other races toiled for their own success, the people of Hyrule began to prosper because of the Triforce, the kings and queens of Hyrule sought to be fair and give to the other races but they grew discontent over time. The Kingdom of Hyrule did not wish big enough, did not give enough, was too prideful in its dealings with the others. The Triforce despite all the great good it was doing in the world was only leading to discontent and rumblings of war, isolation, and animosity were only growing. The Kingdom of Hyrule was faced with a choice, keep the Triforce for the good it did for the kingdom and bring on the outbreak of a war, give it to one of the others in hopes that it might be shared freely and not abused, or to destroy a powerful artifact that had ended famines, curbed plagues, and led to mountains of riches being discovered. The current king pondered this choice for most of his life and retained the Triforce without being able to end the discontent and he would be handing that burden off to his daughter. At least if everything had gone according to plan.

Near the princess' 10th birthday, a male Gerudo appeared in the kingdom, and attempted to steal the Triforce and make his wish. It did not work, for when the thief attempted to touch the item it shattered in his hands, thinking the Triforce destroyed, the thief departed and though the kingdom cried at the loss eventually the balance of peace was restored. But the Triforce had not been eliminated, only broken and scattered, the pieces going to a place and time that the thief would never be able to go. A place where it might do some good. This is the story of the:

[] Triforce of Wisdom
[] Triforce of Courage
[] Triforce of Power

as it found itself in the world of:

[] Worm
[] Sailor Moon
[] Dungeon Keeper
Adhoc vote count started by LordPanther14 on Mar 12, 2018 at 9:51 AM, finished with 23 posts and 17 votes.
Character Sheet

Name: Celadon Nottingham
Age: 10
Weapon: Sword and Shield/Bow and Arrow
Last edited:
Reserved for just in case
Adhoc vote count started by LordPanther14 on Mar 12, 2018 at 11:20 AM, finished with 27 posts and 21 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by LordPanther14 on Mar 12, 2018 at 11:47 AM, finished with 27 posts and 21 votes.
here's my thoughts for good pairings:

RWBY+Courage. the issue in that world is that the people are besieged by darkness and fear that seeks to divide them. a Beacon of Courge can unite them.
Worm+Wisdom: show me one worm character who doesn't use wisdom as a dump stat. on a less joking note a bearer of the triforce of wisdom can light their path to salvation.
Dungeon Keeper+power: change the game by having a hero powerful enough to turn the tide or a keeper powered by the Triforce of power rather then the dark gods and therefore free of their evil and schemes.
[X] Worm
[X] Triforce of Wisdom
Down with rwby as well
Adhoc vote count started by pancakes on Mar 12, 2018 at 4:41 AM, finished with 20 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by pancakes on Mar 12, 2018 at 10:06 PM, finished with 33 posts and 19 votes.