[X] Fight to win.

Mostly to figure out how to drive this body. Would be better to do it under less straining circumstances than "a spar with little to no limits" - like, Iunno, run through basic moves with spear-banner and warm up - but eh whatever we'll (probably) live.
Considering she was just talking about stealing all the boys and girls, then complained about Jarc's lack of reaction...

There's only one way of interpreting it.

Fwiw I actually really like Shadow's little slip-ups. They're not really in the vein of "WHAT IS THIS STRANGE THING YOU CALL 'BOOKS'" but they have to pay more attention to nuance so there's a, like, fraction of a second buffer where stuff falls through. And sometimes between the two and a half brains we've got something just gets lost. Nora's one little bit of surprise (and this being the girl who shrugged off getting swordbeamed in the face) was when she was deliberately offputting and Jaune should have gotten it and just clearly didn't. She picked up on it even if she didn't quite know what it meant beyond "huh, must not have been paying attention". In the same way Yang noticed how we got along well with Ruby when Ruby only gets along with the weirdos and just kinda shrugged.
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[X] Fight to win.

Taking a dive tanks the Weiss social link because she thinks we're taking pity on her, especially after her loss against Russel, as well as all the other weird eyes everyone will cast on Jaune falling at a critical yet obvious moment.

Fighting to win doesn't necessarily mean we will actually win, just that we'll give it a good bash on the way. Just trying his best, which is all he has to do right this second.

It just might result in Jaune D'Arc accidentally revealing some murky fluid he'd rather keep to himself.
[X] Fight to win.

It just might result in Jaune D'Arc accidentally revealing some murky fluid he'd rather keep to himself.
Granted Fighting will probably result in us leaking fluid anyway but it's funnier to see Jaune try and possibly eat shit then lame it out
[X] Take a dive.

...Yeah, I'm... pretty sure we'll be losing anyway? I mean, our weapon is a goddamn banner. Jaune has no combat skills. Detective might but it's not what people will be expecting. Weiss might have lost that last bout but she's not incompetent with a sword and she's not an idiot either.

The only way we can fight to win is by leaning on our true nature in front of an experienced Hunstman, which as ideas go is all kinds of bad.
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[X] Take a dive.

...Yeah, I'm... pretty sure we'll be losing anyway? I mean, our weapon is a goddamn banner. Jaune has no combat skills. Detective might but it's not what people will be expecting. Weiss might have lost that last bout but she's not incompetent with a sword and she's not an idiot either.

The only way we can fight to win is by leaning on our true nature in front of an experienced Hunstman, which as ideas go is all kinds of bad.
I think part of the idea is that losing a fight believably is actually fairly hard. And Jaune nor the shadow are skilled enough to do that. And I can't imagine Schnee's reaction to finding out her opponent threw the fight.
Especially with so many good fighters in the room; teacher, for one, would almost certainly notice and would be livid.

Weiss would be even more livid and most likely a bit hurt because "not being taken seriously" or something.
[X] Fight to win.

Nora and Pyrrha seem to respect strength, so we will have to show we aren't a complete pushover
Really? Nora dismissed Taube pretty much as completely as she did Sky, and Pyrrah doesn't seem to respect strength so much as smash herself against it to prove something.

[X] Take a dive

Weiss clearly needs a win, and it's better to underperform now than build high expectations for later. At worst, she'll think we're trying to curry favour with her.
[X] Take a dive.

Preferably while not flailing the banner like we just stole it.
I wonder why Ren is considered so weird here? It can't just be his personality.

Edit: changed vote
wants to see weiss frustrated
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For the record, these are Mr. Groom's hints for getting on to the Weiss route:
"Now that one," he replies. "That one is a special one. I know her kind, of course. Just a poor young lady of exceptional breeding, all the money in the world and nothing she can buy to fill the void inside, longing for naught but the warmth and comfort of a man in her life. Her upbringing will have made her proof against mere platitudes, of course! She should be well-accustomed to envious suitors looking to pry her dowry out from under her father's watchful eye. The key is persistence, my young Shadow. You must persist long past the point at which she would have driven more weak-willed men away, long enough to convince her that you care about her for herself. Perhaps a few romantic gestures, lavish showings of how little mere money means to you. In time, she will succumb."
Now, I might not be the best to ask (as I am the type to skip in-game hints and go straight to online walkthroughs), but to me giving up the first fight does not exactly speak of perseverence and instead smells of the kind of platitude Weiss is used to. I doubt we're the first person who went easy on her because of her last name. We're not really close enough to her to claim it's because we felt she needed a win either, and it would instead come off as empty platitudes.

So if you're voting for us to take a fall for Weiss' sake, well, I don't think it's the right reasoning. A much better reason is being afraid of accidentally barfing out a raven in the heat of combat.
As an infiltrator, we're actually relatively well covered for either option in regards to the staff:
Fight to Win? Jaune Darc has already shown in the preliminary exam that he feels he has something to prove, and wishes to assert his own identity relative to his family name. Beyond that, trying to win a spar isn't exactly weird even without that motivation.
Take a Dive? While Jaeger wasn't there for it, Jaune Darc has already shown concern for Weiss' well-being beforehand, and he might've thought this was a good idea to boost her ego. Might even work, who knows?
Pfft we're not safe on either front here, Ozpin totally already knows, the dude's shifty and insghtful like that. And potentially an old Grimmfiltrator himself, who even knows man?
As another student, there's the more obvious potential issues:
Actually win? Weiss probably flips in one way or another and gets personally ticked at Jaune... which isn't necessarily a bad thing, anger being better then indifference. Also probably gets some degree of respect from the other students for winning. Might reveal our black goo though.
Actually fight, but lose? Weiss enjoys a win and we conform to current expectations otherwise. Probably get some tips on how to not suck too >_> Might reveal our black goo though.
Toss the fight convincingly? As above, and Jaeger - who seems pretty chill so far - may-or-may-not rat us out right in front of Weiss :V Might reveal our black goo though.
Toss the fight badly? Weiss probably flips over the disrespect, Pyrrha more then likely flips over our being a bad competitor, and we probably lose some respect all around - Jaeger may-or-may-not give a crap while telling us to actually try next time, i'unno. As before. Simple fact is we're about to get fake-stabbed, fake-frozen, something. We simply don't know how durable the human shell is at the moment, so any combat of any level could potentially reveal our goo. I expect it to require more then a little bruising at least but...

As an infiltrator, the safe option is probably tossing the fight... but we've got 10 more of these coming up and tossing every single one of them is not going to be allowed. We'll be back at the current dilemma eventually anyway.
As a student, the safer option is probably... tossing the fight, because we're more likely to show off unintentionally if we really try to get stuck in, meaning we'll end up shunned/stabbed for being a Grimm, and thus cannot be a student :V

Better potential gains from fighting. The risks are the same, if somewhat more pronounced.
Probably the best for cover would be to try hard, then get ass kicked literally as far as possible without being exposed, and then spending the rest of the class in a fetal position around the family jewels.