[X] Fight to win.

I don't really see a way taking a dive gets us anything with anyone here (well, might give Weiss an ego boost but she could also figure out we meant to lose >_>). 'bout the only thing it does is conserve our own resources, but I'm not certain we've figured out a proper offensive use of Pyre just yet anyway.

Sure, we could probably light the area on fire right now, but we haven't tested that :V
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[X] Take a dive.

Jaune sucks at fighting and the detective would default to just shooting someone. Overall we're a support rather than a proper fighter, it's better to come off as week than to give anyone a hint of our true nature
[X] Take a dive.

Both we and Jaune are pretty clearly not good melee combatants. While fighting to win might achieve victory, there's nothing to be gained here from victory. Weiss isn't Nora, she doesn't have that ingrained confidence that lets her be a good sport about loss and injury. Our team...well, no matter how the fight ends, they're still clearly going to think that we're scrub-tier. May as well get a head start on that training arc by being able to fully admit to them that we are not yet strong.

Let go of the poison that is victory. Let the fight be its own thing.
[X] Fight to win

Frankly I'm iffy on Mr. Dark (Darque?)'s ability to throw a fight without being obviously "I'M THROWING THE FIGHT GUYS".

We're probably still going to lose, Jaune Classic isn't a front line fighter and and Darque's "Throw up all my digested meals at you" favorite battle tactic is off the table, but at least we'll lose trying.
[X] Fight to win.

I think it's for the best to show some authenticity, don't want to come off as too artificial.
Ngl I do like how Pyrrha and Jaune are low-key bonding over their teammates being such fucking weirdos.


Taube's Semblance seems to be stormy swordbeams rather than invisibility or anything, apparently the tall fucker is just really easy to overlook. Russell got to beat down the aristos (good for you bird-guy) and even though he's probably not formally trained he's pretty handy in a fight and knows how to use his shadow-clone thing to best effect. Plus he seems to have something like camaraderie with Taube and Sky (not with Cardin but that's not too surprising, dude doesn't give a shit). Yang's striking a much more overprotective big sister note than anything, despite Ruby being the smolest murder-wind. Weiss is skilled and well prepped but off-balance without her backup dancers. Also racist.

Really the big fracture point in our team is that Ren and Nora are incredibly codependent friends from childhood who have a dynamic that's impossibly hard to slot in to. On top of a ten year quest to become the best at killing Grimm and Semblances that make it hard for them to interact with people.

The detective thinks you should just shoot her. You don't have a gun, obviously, but he thinks that sounds like your problem, not his.

if when we learn how to manifest our detective-stand he just pulls out a fucking grimm gun and shoots people i will die a happy man

You're coming at this from the wrong direction. It's not about you, it's not just about her, it's about everyone else. This is about the spotlight you're under, pinned by the watchful eyes of eleven trainees and one seasoned veteran Hunter. Fight too hard and you may expose yourself. Don't fight hard enough and you may expose yourself anyway.

It's basically impossible to avoid some kind of negative repercussion. We've established ourselves as fairly friendly but prone to digging in our heels and biting back if someone tries to talk down to us or drag us around (see: Pyrrha at the airship and Cardin in the conference room) so however this plays will be interpreted in the context of that.

If we fight to win we maybe worsen the relationship with Weiss and possibly risk catching the attention of Jaeger and some of the other experienced fighters (so Cardin, Pyrrha, and Blake mostly, plus Weiss) who aren't expecting Jaune to be able to throw down that well. We're support and, beyond that, we're a bland face from a legacy family. Nobody's really heard of us, they know our name more than they know us, and we didn't display any particular aptitude in the forest. While people might not suspect anything they'll definitely take notice of us as someone with potential if we put in a strong showing. It'll also mean that the Shadow now cares about winning things for the sake of winning things. Our mission isn't especially served by us winning. Ingratiating ourselves among the student body, spying on the teachers, and getting close to Ozpin aren't really boosted by a notable victory here.

Flipside, if we throw it Cardin and Blake will notice it and most likely file it away. Pyrrha will definitely notice and it'll prompt her to dig deeper into why because she's just a lil' bit hypercompetitive and will probably start shit over following someone who pre-emptively rolls over. And Jaeger will tell and lecture us at a minimum. But it also means that we're not standing out all that much (or, at least, as much as you can in a class of twelve). Which more obviously benefits our duties here 'cause people know we're not a doormat but we're also solidly middle of the pack and thus not someone worth a ton of attention.

[X] Fight to win.

Mostly because I like the idea of Shadow absorbing a valuable human trait: being weirdly competitive about shit that doesn't especially matter.
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"So I already read a little about you," you blurt out. "Your dossier, I mean. Us team captains get one on each of our teammates and part of the meeting this morning was reading one and I picked yours."

"And Jaune, my boy..." Nora pats your shoulder with such a solemn look on her face that you honestly can't tell she's being sarcastic or not, "... you chose well."

The string dissipates as the bow splits in two, coming apart at the grip to become a pair of curved swords.

Ruby moves.

It's not that you see her move. It's that you notice where she's been. Russell's startled cries, the sound of Crescent Rose scything through the clones like wheat, the puffs of black dust that burst from the 'corpses' in lieu of gore, and the swirling wake of dying rose petals that follows at her heels. She's killed two clones by the time the survivors start to react. She takes the third in the back of the knee as it tries to turn, and this one doesn't disappear. It just falls flat on his back with a cry of pain, stunned and defeated.

Ruby returns to her starting mark in a flash, skidding an inch or two as she returns to a more natural speed. A moment of perfect quiet descends as all observers process the display.

Nora raises her hand and snaps her fingers, pointing skywards as she strides forward for her second bout.

And just like that we've turned into Kamen Rider Kabuto.

[X] Fight to win.

We'll probably lose either way and there doesn't seem to be a downside if we do win, so why is this even a question?
[X] Take a dive.

Both we and Jaune are pretty clearly not good melee combatants. While fighting to win might achieve victory, there's nothing to be gained here from victory. Weiss isn't Nora, she doesn't have that ingrained confidence that lets her be a good sport about loss and injury. Our team...well, no matter how the fight ends, they're still clearly going to think that we're scrub-tier. May as well get a head start on that training arc by being able to fully admit to them that we are not yet strong.

Let go of the poison that is victory. Let the fight be its own thing.
I don't get what you're saying. Like you said, they'll think we're shit either way, so we might as well try to win.
Can we do a write in of sorts?

edit: changed vote.

[X] Fight to win.

Since this is our first fight, getting experience is more important than winning or losing.

Plus as the Jeanne unit, we'll be taking 90 turns to finish any fights anyway.
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Can we do a write in of sorts?

[X] Drag the fight out as long as possible to fight in order to analyze her fighting style (and get used to fighting ourselves).

Since this is our first fight, getting experience is more important than winning or losing.

Plus as the Jeanne unit, we'll be taking 90 turns to finish any fights anyway.
Zerban doesn't accept write-ins outside of specific circumstances.