Pandemonious Ivy
Panties, Revolution. Big Drawers. Parachute.
Never forgetti, angels in my spaghetti
...Honestly this point we could probably replace the process of voting with a coin flip.
Fuck it, I decided to end voting early and flipped a coin. Came up Heads for Tala. I realize part of the issue with the consistent ties is probably people aren't really sure what each option does and where it leads, so people just vote based on relationships and guesswork.
So part of what I'm going to do is do a better job of filling out the boundaries of Vashti's ability so that people can make active decisions knowing about that. Most setting info will of course be kept locked away, because that part Vashti doesn't really know a lot about and without Mentsh I cannot justify too many lore dumps
What I'm going to do tonight is sit down and fully delineate Vashti's techniques under each school. Players need better boundaries of what she can and can't do. Also feel free to mention any other information you'd like put up that Vashti might know and I'll try my best to put it up on the stat sheet. The techniques Vashti has are not ones you'll be able to put XP in because they're pre-made techniques she's learned from the commentaries of other scholars. The way these techniques are framed should also give a better idea of how "magic" in the setting even works, which will then give a better idea for people who might eventually want to create their own techniques.
The other part of what I'm going to do is work better at providing options where players are more aware of the boundaries of each vote and what it might lead to. Hopefully that'll help contextualize things and improve confidence in where things are going, rather than every option ending in a potential bad end.
I mean.
The current tie was mostly because people had different priorities? The only thing unclear is the degree of emergency and how tight is the time limit, and this is a thing which we clearly shouldn't know anyway.
Also feel free to mention any other information you'd like put up that Vashti might know and I'll try my best to put it up on the stat sheet.
Are we aware of how specialization in certain areas over others affects people outside of us? To the point where we'd be able to recognize that oh, Godei seems to lean towards X, Y, Z, I'd tentatively guess specialization in A, B, C?
I believe this was asked before, and you'd know that Godei's speciality is Yatoni, followed closely by Zurahna. I'll put that in as well on an "ally" sheet along with some more detailed info about his skills.
Fuck it, I decided to end voting early and flipped a coin. Came up Heads for Tala.
I was kind of annoyed at this at first because a coin flip robs the vote of a lot of its weight, but I think I'm okay with it now, because I started thinking about it in a narrative sense. Sometimes decisions in life are irreconcilably divided, torn between two options that both desperately important and mutually exclusive. In this case, I can totally imagine Vashti being completely stalemated between going to her master of so many years or staying with her only friend who is being shunned by everyone else, to the point where she'd have to flip a coin to finally make a choice. It does happen. There isn't always a "best" way to do things.
Or, to paraphrase my mother when I take too far too long to make a decision, "Just pick one; you can apologize for not taking the other one later."
Yes, I'll be incorporating that indecision into the update. It just became very frustrating for me, because a good deal of the planning for the rest of the arc leaned on picking one of the options and it was very difficult to make a plan whilst both were suspended in a continuous tie, so I just wanted to get it over with earlier.
That's helpful, but I meant more in a general sense.
Could she tell (or at least wager a guess), without knowing, purely going off of idiosyncrasies of the individual and how they match up to each school?
"No pressure you guys, it's just literally everything riding on this coin toss."