Numenera Quest. I Swear I did not Touch the Yellow Button.

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Numenera Quest. I Swear I did not Touch the Yellow Button.
Also Known As
The Apocalypse is...
First Character Sheet/Prologue


Ten books I have published. More await!
Numenera Quest. I Swear I did not Touch the Yellow Button.
Also Known As
The Apocalypse is Totally Not My Fault

Character Sheet:

You are an (Adjective) (Noun) who (Verbs).

In order to expedite things along, the first character will be generated most democratically in the most democratic of ways: Absolute Quest Manager Fiat. Do not worry about it. He's probably going to die horribly and we'll all laugh as the next one comes along, this time done by the likes of you. Maybe. Unless you actually like him and wish to keep him alive. Good luck with that.

You are a Doomed Nano who Talks To Machines.

Stat Pool (Edge) | Max | Total as of Last Post:
Might 9 5
Speed 13 13
Intellect (1) 14 14

Maximum Effort: 1

In your Inventory you have:
A Light Ranged Weapon: Railgun Pistol (2 Damage, Speed Check, One Asset to Hit)
Book on Numenera (Made of Human Skin, Whispers in the Night, Comfy Pillow)
Random Oddity: A small sphere filled with glittering darkness and stars. At the center something twirls and crawls, chaotically whispering haunting words that etch themselves to memory, yet fade away to nothing within mere seconds. It can be sold for twenty-five shins.
Bag of Light Tools (Contains a bit of anything)


(Occultic) Weapon: Attachment (Level 8) An extremely heavy biological ovoid. When attached to a projectile and activated, shoots a slug at medium range on a single target, causing 8 points of blast damage.
(Anoetic) Weapon: Handheld (Level 4) A large, almost weightless lens. When activated, shoots a beam at medium range on a single target, causing 4 points of crushing damage.

Abilities (Trained):

Numenera Training
Speed Defense
Intellect Defense against loss of sanity
All tasks involving electrical machines

Inabilities and Drawbacks

Doom (no XP for every other GM intrusion, cannot refuse GM intrusions)

Special Abilities

Practiced With Light Weapons
Jumpy (+2 to Speed Pool)
Machine Affinity (Trained in all tasks involving Electrical Machines)
Distant Activation (1 intellect) (You can remotely activate machines, costs one action)

The Day You Discovered A Bio-Plague Under the Bed

You had a name once. It was a very pretty name too. You reckon you had feelings once too. They belonged to you, just like many other things in this rotten world of yours. Is it your world? You don't really remember. Maybe you fell from the stars; maybe you were thrust into it through a crack in the wall. Maybe you blinked, and suddenly here you were. Perhaps you're actually not really you, but an Avatar of someone else, clad in the safety of their hidden vaults, acting like an unwilling flesh puppet of their will.

It is a sad state of affairs, but if this isn't your world, it doesn't really matter anyway. You're in it now, and you'll live in it. Of course, you could claim you have a name, any name, but that would be wasting time, and time is of the essence. You shouldn't have pushed that Yellow Button.

You really shouldn't have.

But you did, didn't you?

Being color-blind is no excuse.

You are in a square room. There are many broken lights, but a few still function and showcase the tragedy that is the pressed yellow button on the nearby counter. It's not a counter as much as a living, breathing, pulsing mass of organic flesh; it beeps and it quivers, but there's something unfortunately biological in the way it works. If it weren't, you could have perhaps tried to better improve the situation.

The room has no discernible features, if not for the counter with the pressed yellow button (a pustule, more than a button, truth be told) and a few twitching lines of flesh that seem like taut strings on an harp of sorts.

There are three main strings of sinews that you can make out on the pulsing flesh, a thin one, a thick one, and one riddled with blueish veins. The walls have eyes, quite literally. Well, they didn't have eyes when you came in through the door behind you, but now they do, and they look positively curious and attentive. The door behind you is open, but you have no idea where it leads.

You could have sworn you knew, but then you must have forgotten. Or perhaps pushing the yellow button made you forget? It doesn't really matter, you forgot anyway, and now's not the time to think about it. You need to get out. Maybe.

Or maybe you can sit in a corner and be done with this. It's not like you need anything from this room, do you?


Maybe not.

Maybe there's nothing nearby either. Just a waste of oxygen.

Actions Available
[X] Touch the thin muscle string.
[X] Touch the thick muscle string.
[X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins.
[X] Try to pry out the yellow button.
[X] Poke an eye on the wall.
[X] Leave through the open door.
[X] Sit in a corner and die.
[X] Try to remember why you're there.
[X] Do Something Else. (Write-In)

Notice: You may do more actions. They will proceed in order of vote. Say you decide to touch the thin muscle, then the thick one, if the thin chopped your hand off the actions will stop, otherwise they will continue on.
You can die. That's all right. It's part of this peculiar idea that came in my head.
Numenera isn't about fighting. It's about exploring the unknown and discovering long lost things and what they do, how they function, and whatnot.
Don't worry about leveling up. Exp. Or the like.
Also, this might probably die in a week, or maybe not. While it lasts, have fun.

Adhoc vote count started by shadenight123 on Feb 9, 2018 at 10:53 AM, finished with 13 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Try to remember why you're there.
    [X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins.
    [X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will bring your memory back?
    -[X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will...​
    [X] suddenly burst into dance whilst screaming TWEEDLE BIRD! TWEEDLE BIRD! TWEEDLE BIRD!
    [X]Press the Yellow Button (again)!
    [X] Leave through the open door.
    [X] Open your Book on Numenera up and let one of the Room's Eyes read out of it.
    -[X] Touch the thick muscle string.

Adhoc vote count started by shadenight123 on Feb 9, 2018 at 1:08 PM, finished with 13 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Try to remember why you're there.
    [X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins.
    [X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will bring your memory back?
    -[X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will...​
    [X] suddenly burst into dance whilst screaming TWEEDLE BIRD! TWEEDLE BIRD! TWEEDLE BIRD!
    [X]Press the Yellow Button (again)!
    [X] Leave through the open door.
    [X] Open your Book on Numenera up and let one of the Room's Eyes read out of it.
    [X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins.
    -[X] Touch the thick muscle string.
Last edited:
[X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will bring your memory back?
-[X] Push the yellow button. If pushing it made you forget the first time maybe pushing it a second time will...​
[X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins.
-[X] Touch the thick muscle string.
Prologue - Part 1
Try To Remember Why You're Here

You knew you had a reason for being there. It was the obvious reason for you being there in the first place; no one just so randomly appears somewhere for no reason. You must have covered the distance somehow, you must have gone form point A to point B for some inscrutable reason. If only you could remember what your point A is, then perhaps you could remember what your point B is supposed to be.

Check on Intellect. Difficulty Demanding (9) Passed (Check for next roll in room)

You try to remember. It's murky at first. You heard the voices. You always heard the voices. They try to distract you, or maybe they try to help you. You don't understand them. But the voices do not stop. They keep on hammering against your skull. They keep on pleading, wishing to be let out. You didn't push the button. The button was already pushed. You pushed the button. The eyes were closed, but then they opened. The button was pushed, so the eyes opened.

The room hums. It buzzes. The eye-infested walls start to bulge, veins slowly appearing from the otherwise sleek surfaces. They grow. They start growing. They twitch and thrum. You can see a yellowish liquid pouring through the veins. It soon turns reddish once it comes in contact with the air, and then it becomes flesh. It forms new veins.

You remember the room before this one. There's something there, something important. It's something big. You know it's something painful too. It's big and it's bad, but it's better than this. You think. You don't know.

What you know is that you cannot stay there any longer. The eyes are staring at you. They are accusing you now. You can feel their stares. You can feel the desire to flee grow within you.

Check on Intellect Defense. Difficulty Difficult (12) Passed.
You resist. You've felt worse. You've suffered worse. The fog in your head is clearing. The air in the room is heating up. You don't have much time. The voices are whispering. You need to leave. The voices are whispering. You shouldn't have pushed the button. The voices are whispering. You didn't push the button. The voices are whispering.

You don't have much time.

Actions Available
[X] Touch the thin muscle string. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Touch the thick muscle string. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Try to pry out the yellow button. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Poke an eye on the wall. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Leave through the open door behind you. You know there is danger.
[X] Sit in a corner and die. You know you will die.
[X] Try to remember more. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Do Something Else. (Write-In) The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Try to remember more. The voices are urging you to flee.
I can not tell if the Voices are good or bad? perhaps fleeing will lead to our doom.
[X] Leave through the open door behind you. You know there is danger.

Always trust voices in your head!
[X] Touch the muscle string with blue veins. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Try to remember more. The voices are urging you to flee.
Maybe we can learn what we are supposed to be running from, and if we should take a corner whenever possible or just keep running forward. And if just maybe they have a ranged attack.
Prologue - Part 2
Prologue - Part 2

You need to remember more. You cannot just throw yourself into danger like this. You know danger will always be present by your side; you know doom awaits you. You know the clock marks twelve, and rings deeply with the sound of a Requiem, but that does not mean you wish to die. It does not mean you wish to face the unknown without the gleaming beacon of light to guide your path.

No matter how draining the knowledge may be, you need to know. And you will.

Check on Intellect. Difficulty Intimidating (18). Failed.

Alas, the darkness refuses to budge from the seams of your mind.

Check on Speed Defense. Difficulty Challenging (15). Failed. Four Damage Accrued to Might Pool.

A tentacle lashes out from the wall, filled with crimson veins and with sharp, cutting talons on its tip. The scratch it leaves on your arm is deep; it easily cuts through the cloth. More eyes pry themselves open from the once pristine, and now utterly covered in flesh, walls. You see more tentacles starting to form on the walls. The command console in front of you is getting overrun by the talon-like tentacles.

You have little, precious time left.

Actions Available
[X] Pry the Console Free of the tentacles. You need to input something into it. The Voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Shoot the eyes on the wall. The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Leave through the open door behind you. You know there is danger. The Voices are yelling at you to leave.
[X] Sit in a corner and die. You know you will die.
[X] Do Something Else. (Write-In) The voices are urging you to flee.
[X] Pry the Console Free of the tentacles. You need to input something into it. The Voices are urging you to flee.