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  • Star Trek ships are more powerful and better than Star Wars ones *runs away*
    You run away on a Starfleet ship. You fly a few lightyears for a few days at high warp. In a system a dozen lightyears away you enter orbit of a planet thinking your safe. A Star Destroyer falls out of hyperdrive on top of you. It crashes into your ship, leaving it a pile of burning wreckage on it's prow that takes a bunch of disgruntled stormies and Imperial Navy spacers a week to scrape off.
    1) You cannot aim at a ship which moves at different FTL type and speed.
    2) Unlike 40k ships SW ships are not designed for ramming (especially at FTL speeds lol).
    3) It is canon now that FTL things are able to pass thru SW shields. So teleport + torpedos = win button.

    Trek wins.
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