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  • The infraction mentioned that I apparently "Made Up"

    Celebrities sexual assaults Megathread 2

    Unless of course it was the police that did the violating. But hey if your lucky they probably won't charge you to clean the blood off the lamp they shoved up your ass as part of their "interrogation" like they did the last poor bastard. You know it's pretty disgusting how it's always the same...

    I'm not going to bother appealing it and playing along with their bullshit games. To any users here that are Mods over there: you're fucking cowards all.
    Looks like the SB Mods are busy covering for racists and facists again. Even willing to outright lie on mod posts while banning people for calling them out. Though I suppose that is business as usual for them.

    Celebrities sexual assaults Megathread 2

    Unless of course it was the police that did the violating. But hey if your lucky they probably won't charge you to clean the blood off the lamp they shoved up your ass as part of their "interrogation" like they did the last poor bastard. You know it's pretty disgusting how it's always the same...
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