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  • Man, has it been that long since I made a Profile Post? Time flies when you're having fun huh? Still no fics, still no quests. I am a damn good analyst though, so I have that going for me. Interesting parties are free to leave comment, and no, that wasn't a misspell.
    Yeah, I follow Devourer too. Nice job, a little barebones, but her story is far from over, so it's understandable. Class is also perfect, Foreigner are capital W Weird in terms of Parameters and Skills, leaving lots of room for customization, as well as the logical sense it makes.
    Oh, wait, you split it into two halves, that's where most of the content went. I retract the barebones comment and now put forth the idea that you add the first section's info the the other. Your sheet though, so do as you choose. Good job either way.
    I still need to fill out Blake's Dialogue chart, then once that's finished, I can make the masterpost.
    This is my home page. There is currently not even a welcome mat. Not much of a home, huh?
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