• You know that's really damn annoying to demand that I respond to your snip after literally 3K words of responses to comments and other snips....
    One suggestion., Love the recent Luana piece, but you may want to remove the link to my SV snip if/when you post it to SB to prevent the Mods being nitnoid since they haven't cleared that snip *yet* for crosspost, alas. Don't want you to get into trouble because some of them are apparently non-fans of me.
    I know. I plan to crosspost mine only after Leferts crossposts yours.
    May be a while just FYI since it has to go through SB Content Review and that is sloooow. (not helped by me turning out 1 snip/day or better for HatSG for a while now). Just FYI.
    Oh! One minor thing I noticed., Should be Jan 17th and not the 27th for the Luana piece :)
    Hey, by chance are you on Discord? Sunhawk wants to talk to you.
    No worries, I PMed you the gist of what he just told me VOIP. He's calling it for the night, and I can set up something in Discord if you and he want to talk personally via PM or VOIP tomorrow. Anyway, short version is that it's a great idea and we love it, BUT we need to avoid a RL religion derail.
    So I PMed you a specific tweak he recommends that should hopefully prevent the feedback going into 'this Christian sect is the One True Faith you heretics!' in thread.
    Also I sent him it in GDocs and Pmed you the link to that so you can see any suggestions he wrote on your draft (Haven't looked on that of the last few hours, UNDERTOW sucked me in for planning).
    BTW, feel free to look over and comment on my Grouse and Deckard entries on HATSG TV Tropes since they're your OCs. :)
    As a side note, if you wanted to continue the Charles/Grouse dynamic after MAYFLOWER, I should note that Jez and company might offer him immortality, or alternately Alondra offers him a place as a crew faerie on her hull....
    It would have to be the latter, as I already wrote Charles' death scene (a pulmonary embolism in bed after retiring).
    No worries. So yeah, it's up to you if you want to go that route, Alondra would offer it to him after working alongside him when the SoS drops. Your call if he accepts the offer.
    That recent story looks really good. Just one minor thing: did you get with Harry Lefferts about when he wants MACUSA to collapse to put the date on that snip?
    I was purely basing it on your Snippet about the arrest of Raven, which was set 4 days earlier. If I read too much into it, then I apologize.
    No prob, just get with Harry as to when he wants Pilgrim to go off and how. (Also Bear got black bagged, then Goose got her ass blown up around December 13-14th, and then Raven vanished sometime between then and new year, so call it weeks versus days for the comment).
    But yeah, I have no problem at all for this snip, just ask Harry when he wants to have it happen, since at this point, the USG is moving with the Aurors so MACUSA is visibly collapsing. (Oh yeah Raven would be an Adept or Master, depending, Goose & Bear are Adepts)
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