
Somewhere, Maybe


Sometimes, when a Hero falls, something rises in her place. (My story: Ripples In The Stream, ME fic with a crossover Protagonist)

"Being willing to be a monster, makes everything easier..." Just_A_Dude || "The stupidity of humans never surprises me. What does surprise me is how the fuck are they still alive." PrinceJonathan || "Over the course of human history, more change has been wrought -for Good and for Ill-, by Knives in the Dark, than ever has been wrought by Swords at Dawn or Honeyed Words over a Treaty-Table..." S0ngD0g13 || "If you need more energy in one place than a significant fraction of the output of an entire star then I must seriously question whether the thing you are trying to do is really as good of an idea as you seem to think it is." Neruz || "Relativistic exploding nuclear buckshot. I would rather not be on the wrong end of any of those four words, much less all of them." michaelb958 || "Oh please, if I've learned anything from Star Trek it's that Physics is a total switch who may start out playing at being all authoritative, but actually loves being defied, dominated, and forced to obey." Czlyydwr Llrngw || "Protons are boring until you realise they exist because three quarks are stuck in an eternal game of musical chairs. " Norr