
Looking for a good sci-fi read...

Quotes... because my sig is not big enough to hold them all
''If I remembered half the things I forgot, I would forget the things I already remember'' By MeowMaker11 on BoL.
"The only other sane man in this galaxy is a robot parading across the stars with a veritable zoo of Xenos species, powered by the dying screams of Daemons." BigBoom550
"Huntsmen and alcohol were a recipe for destruction , probably written by a sexually-repressed chef on hard drugs" Aleadrex
''Mr Arc I have not slept since last night' the man answered honestly as he took a sip of coffee. 'I currently have blood in my caffeine stream'' Coeur Al'Aran
Necessity is the mother of invention. Warfare is often its father.Dirtnap
You know what, go ahead. Purge the alien, as you Mon-keigh are so fond of saying. You are already stapling rockets to a moon, how much stranger can things get? Now pay attention to the damn road and cease bothering me with these insane drabbles.: Blackhole1
"Query: But Master, how am I to ensure the termination of hostilities if I cannot terminate the hostiles?"Randy The Black Knight
Hyper-wheel of Shipping, turn, turn, turn! Show us the fandoms that we should burn! Mantech1
"I put my face in my hands, groaning and trying not too think to hard about how I accidentally became a grand chessmaster that used entire countries as pawns. Being laughed at by Mayor Christner wasn't helping."QuickDeath007
"Philosophy is describing a rock. Science is poking it with a stick. Engineering is using it as a blunt instrument."RagnarokAscendant (shamelessly stolen from his sig)
"Home is where the nuclear explosions are !"gavinjon
April 8
Where logic has never been before


~Motto:Diplomacy usually works, but in order to start it you usually need something to threaten the opposite party with...if they're guns, blackmail or sanctions is irrelevant.
~Worthy Quotes :'If it exists, I can weaponize it. Now, can we please talk this out like civilized beings or do I need to start introducing you all to the mating rituals of the other races in the galaxy?'
'There is a time and a place for the truth...That time is never and that place only exists in rumors.' Deus_Ex_Transhuman
Well, if we could stop talking about the pros and cons of commiting mass genocide in some misguided attempt of kindness, that'd be grand.Simulium Novitius
"On Total War" Me

