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  • I was looking through some of my posts in Kirook's Reconstruction quest, and I was just wondering why you found this one funny?
    It's like saying Macbeth in a theater. Unexpected results in a quest are half the fun and I thought your comment was tempting fate.
    Heyo! How's it goin?
    I'm just working to fix my health now, alongside a good break. I'm hoping next year will be more productive, after spending this month of December recuperating.

    Financial problems too, huh? I can relate. I hope yours get better.
    Money's tight, and real life problems always come before anything else. No matter if half of you is screaming that by not writing enough or well enough you're failing or somehow deficient. Tell tht voice to shut up, and focus on your actual needs first. I'm not gonna judge you, and nobody who is decent will judge you either.
    Thank you and same to you, truly. I'd kill for a paid vacation these days...
    And yeah, taking care of your health has to be the priority, stay hydrated my friend. Not to be morbid, but I've heard very nasty stories about what chronic dehydration does to the body. I'm glad you're course correcting.
    So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    It's art of an Ophanim from this site.

    I picked up off of google images years ago, I don't know what Demonic Paradise is about, but I do know I like the depiction of the angel.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Thank you for your time.
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