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  • I posted the replies of the PM up to Page 14 the rest will be incoming but that should get you started. There are also the thradmarkes in the main thread to check out.
    I'm still working on that Spoiler but I have to ask. Now that you have heard of what happened to the Dealmaker do you want to leave the thread? I would gladly have you stay on but it does seem like overall you have regretted the decision to join this PM. Or at least that's my view of it.
    Your on and I am Lord of the Rings on SB.
    Wheel of time
    Shield Crown also had something of his get rejected as well. Omce you get in the grove of things there are very few limits on what can be added to the setting or expanded on. You just keep trying and above all else its to have fun and good time working with others on a collaborative passion project.
    Wheel of time
    I posted the main bit for Malpura and his Cult on the end of page 6 and if you want to talk about the Music Emperor and or Dealmaker post your ideas freely.
    Wheel of time
    Page 11 now
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