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  • Well, I'm not going to ask for a deadline of when you'll write again, but if you do write again, would it be possible to post a notice of the next time before you go on hiatus? I actually spent over 3 months checking your fics daily, sometimes more than once a day, before finally losing hope and giving up. I would be very grateful if next time you would post a warning so that I can suffer less.
    So, are you going to come back to the "Don't Be the Tsundere", or is that fic dead?
    It's not dead. I've just had a lot of real life stuff bogging me down.
    Kay. So, when is it going to come back?
    That's funny. I was just checking on this today and I went to see your profile. Sorry to hear stuff is crazy TimeMaster. Hope stuff eases up soon!
    Did you like my like-bombing? :)

    By the way, in 'Don't Be the Tsundere', I liked the fact that Rin -when trying to avoid becoming like her future self- is going to manipulate her past self... making her into the b!*ch she called herself earlier.
    Timemaster. As I don't know how to send a PM I shall write you in here. In chapter 34 of your Negima fic, there is another 'Whales' error.

    "Hey Rin, can't you ask your family for help getting us to Whales? I mean they do pay for your single room."
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