• I can't tell if it's ironic or not that you're reading the Totally Winging It series :p
    Heheh. Yeah, I've had various eye-themed usernames for about half my life at this point. I guess it was destiny. :D

    I've never seen that used to describe being ninja'd, which I'm guessing is what it means.

    Never actually heard the term before, thanks for explaining :)

    Also, thanks for taking part in the quest. It's really nice to see more activity present there compared to the early days (five votes per choice *shudder, twitch*) and you've been one of the more active and also insightful contributors of the thread since then. Just thought I'd let you know it was appreciated ^_^;
    Wow, thanks! I do love your Quest; it's one of the few that I check on even when I'm on my phone.

    Although there is something to be said for being *too*addicting; after all, I'm *supposed* to be working on a final project right now, not faffing about on SV. ^^;;;
    I'm honestly quite deeply flattered by that. Thank you, very much :)

    Now get back to your final project! Education is important, darnit!

    *muttermutter* Kids these days *muttermutter*

    Dude, Sayaka's pissed off. This REALLY isn't the time for petty pride, since that'll just piss them off. Being a pushover for our friends is NOT a problem.
    Except it's not working. They're not listening to us, because they're teenagers and to a teenager an apology means that they're right and you're wrong, and that means you owe them something. By constantly apologizing we're allowing them to think that they're right to keep pushing us around, and that's where the discussion will stall until we stop surrendering to them.
    Well, sure, but we can have it stall. Stalling means things won't escalate and I'm okay with that under the circumstances, because in the long run, they'll think more favorably of it than us being terse about it. They feel like the injured parties, and to an extent they're right- we just need to stay calm and get things across at their pace, not ours.
    Can we NOT come over as basically happy to throw Sayaka under the bus and not care that she's upset? :/
    Mami will rebuke Sayaka plenty and she'll apologize on her own. Right now we need to calm her down.
    Because it's a stupid idea that rarely ever works and DOESN'T give anything productive? It keeps getting voted in and NEVER gives anything but joke responses and useless fluff.
    Oriko was trying to help US. We need "tools", ie: people not us, to win against Feathers according to her so she was setting that up through her actions.
    Ah, in that case I guess I *was* right then. I mean, WE certainly considered both Mami and Homura as allies, but until the Oriko situation neither of them would work with the other, and it took a common enemy to get them to do so.
    Not up for awkwardness? :p
    Eh, it feels ambiguous enough to work and not really have issues. It's basically just more of the usual blaring subtext with a bonus of Sabrina saying that she likes something about Mami that's part of who she is. I'm more or less fine with it on reflection.
    Maybe in a couple of days, but right now it's been less than 12 hours since Breakdown 2: Breakdown Harder. Maybe wait until Monday before we start with the semi-accidental flirting?
    Ehhhh. This just feels like the appropriate timing for it and tbh Mami needs the self-esteem boost overall, now more than usual. Look at it as effectively saying "I like you for who you are".
    hey @TheEyes Ruby Lords of Ashes Quest really really need yourself.

    Also could you come over to jaune side of the quest and help us kill an titan?
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