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  • Have you abandoned I am not a child's play thing. (please say no I really liked it) if so please ask one of the site admin's to lock it.
    I just came across your story Weaving Blind. I guess you were right about Wheel of Time stories being cursed to be left unfinished. :)
    I found it a promising start though.
    A shame you didn't take it up again.
    It's not necessarily completely dead. I've pulled up my files on it a couple times recently and considered reviving it. I'm working on some other stuff right now though, specifically getting a consistent full-time job.
    Are you ever going to get back to your Star Trek SI fics "Of One Mind" and "Under the Raptor's Wings"?
    At some point probably. I have bits and pieces written. None of them are really dead, I just haven't been able to get any work done on them recently. I'll probably pick one of them up if/when my inspiration for my current stuff fades.
    So... has your muse ever got back to this yet?
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