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  • "Okay, fine, we resigned ourselves to the Americans invading a killing a million Iraqis, and we all agreed there would never be any consequences for it ever, but you see, Ukrainians look like us. The horror!"

    To be clear was that addressed at me, since I had previously mentioned I'd like to do War on Terror talks in the PM and also that I quite literally have family in Ukraine. (char limit)
    Normally I would take a lot longer to respond, but as you did extend this courtesy (and it's not an irrelevant topic): no, I can emphatically say that it is not addressed to you. In fact, I had forgotten that you, specifically, references having relations in Ukraine (you're not alone; that does not diminish their relevancy, anymore than it does for the others, in fact...
    we probably at some point at people with family in, for example, Iraq, or even potentially the Gaza strip, though said users have a particularly dark tendency of "going away" for reasons you and I can both speculate on).
    That particular statement is, without much hyperbole, paraphrasing an argument largely unique to leaders of NATO's European members (quite specifically.

    (Because of how this board works, my entire response can't really be relayed to you like this, so I'll send full in a PM.)
    Soviet as in parts of the Soviet Union.
    Interesting. I would start with Mongolia, though Xinjiang works--Tibet is a hard sell though. But I lack imagination.
    I have a new actually. I am writing a new chapter about why Xinjiang and Tibet ended up as Soviet.
    Soviet as in part of the Union, or Soviet as in leftist one-party council democracies? Interesting either way. Maybe you're the one I should be sharing my unpublished 1999-set science fiction adventure about a post-Cold War USSR experimenting with trans-dimension communication in the face of American military hegemony.
    I also read your fanfic again...Kanna is a Sakura Wars character with serial numbers filed off, right?
    Yes. I am exceptionally guilty of that, but mostly, it was an homage to the original character-with-numbers-filed-off-even-more-so in the original "Soldier of OZ" story that I did about ten years earlier. See if you can spot all the others I shamelessly employed! BTW, I'm still not use to profile comments, so if I'm slow to respond, that's why!
    Also, what chapter are you on?
    Soooo....I don't suppose you happened to read any more? Yes, I am that greedy (plus I'm looking for motivation to hurry up and finish chapter 76).
    Your Gundam WIng fanfic is well-written.
    You, my friend, have made a mistake. Because now I have no choice but to gush all over you for reading my primary work, and ask you for feedback of any kind. What did you read? What did you like? What did you dislike? How are the characters? Particularly the female characters? Are you still in the early chapters, because my writing style has shifted pretty extensively in the intervening years...? On and on and on...
    when you say the outlaw star manga was more risque than the anime, do you mean there wasn't any of the strategic posing to avoid nudity or something else?
    Sort of. Not much was available to me personally, but I recall there was pretty clear full frontal nudity from Hilde and possibly Melfina, and a pretty clear shot of Gene having sex with Hilde. I don't remember much beyond that, and the differences in the characters too (Aisha and Suzuka were sort of swapped).
    You're welcome.
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