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  • Hello, will you continue your forage into the fanfic world? I especially enjoyed the Lakes of Green, Reloaded and wonder if you would continue it, even though I am fairly certain you will not... especially after more than 4 years.
    Hey man, I was curious if there's might be a chance of you picking up your TWD story again. It was a pretty good read, pity it was so short.
    Maybe at some point. Focused on my original Novel rn, but I'm sure I'll eventually get back into TWD. I have the whole collection thing on steam so I need to play them.
    Hello, any chance for a continuation of your horizon zero dawn fic?
    I'm focusing on my original novel right now. Perhaps in the future. I intend to play Forbidden West at some point, and will probably re-play Zero Dawn for the Platinum beforehand
    Enjoyed Lakes of green reboot, well written and fun, similar to PA SI's, but with its own uniqueness, also left an omake so hope you don't mind that. Hope all has been well, and hope you have a happy winter.
    Hey! Glad you enjoyed it! It's been a hot minute since I've written for that story. I've got a half-written chapter somewhere so maybe I'll give SV a christmas present
    Fingers crossed for that. REALLY like the story. Surprisingly hard to find Zerg focused fanfics that are not abandoned or have gone so severely off-the-rails that they no longer really qualify as Zerg.
    Yo, I just wanted to say that Small And Sweet was such a joy to read that it reignited my love for the game so much that I bought the Definitive version to experience everything again lol. Anyways, I hope all is well with you :D
    Thanks for your kind words. :D

    All is well. I've lost motivation for that fic at the moment, but I always go back to TWD, so I'll probably get back to it at some point.
    Hi Stranger Danger ! I love your Zerg fanfiction, when are you coming back to it ? Keep up the good work ! :D
    Just got full time work, so less time to work on it, but the next chapter is coming along nicely
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