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  • I'm having a REALLY bad month. First I got scammed, then my PC tricks me into permanently deleting 200GB of game mods that are no longer publicly available.

    So no real progress made on anything. I'm trying to take my mind off the horrible things that keep happening to me.
    Been playing Waaay too much Cyberpunk lately. Some first impressions after my first 48 hours? Judy is adorable.
    As a side note, mind if I add Pope, Mobile and Massachusetts to UNDERTOW? (Figure Mobile finally gets that monkey off her back and Pope gets bailed out by one of the Japanese CAs). I also found some potential art for Mobile (figure her ponytail can't be seen from that angle).
    Feeling really bad, some bastard hacked my Youtube account, I don't know if they're still kicking about
    The idea that I *might* piss someone off is absolutely horrifying to me. The mere *thought* that I might have upset and driven away someone *again*, completely unintentionally, made me sick to my stomach.
    I don't go out of my way to piss people pff and drove them away from me, but it has still happened in the past. I have no wish to do it again.
    There have been some good moments this year, but we can all honestly say that the bad has almost certainly outweighed the good. So fuck you 2020! Get lost! Wanker!
    So I need to make a decision about my snippets on the HatSG thread. My current ideas, whilst sound, just do not seem to fit on the thread. But Harry Leferts has not told me they are unwelcome, in fact it's other people who are telling me my works are tonally dissonant from the rest of the fic.
    Massachusetts does need to have a long talk with Jean Bart afterall. And then there's character futures. What do I want to happen to the characters in the HatSG snippets? What conflicts do I want to arise, how do they solve them?
    3. Frankly, I need help to realise my ideas. I've been writing stories on and off for almost ten years now, but I've never really finished anything. A lot of it comes down to motivation, as that is my main driving force. If I'm not motivated, I don't write. It amazes me how Harry Leferts and SisterJeanne can pump out snippet after snippet almost daily, and here I struggle to make one thing a month.
    So as of now, I am making the decision to at the least, put my snippets on indefinite hiatus. It's probably for the best.
    Today we remember the Twin Towers, and the 2996 people who's lives were ended in a senseless act of terror and violence.

    Never Forget 9/11/01
    Safekeeping this code for Youtube, gives me old UI back when put on the end of URL's
    Do your best to avoid the virus guys. Follow the advice, wash your hands more often for at least 20 seconds, preferably with soap.

    Work at home if you can, only go outside if you absolutely have to.
    Cough into tissues and bin them immediately, then wash your hands. If you don't have a tissue, cough into the crook of your elbow.

    This will be extremely hard to do as it's habit for most of us, but touch your face as LITTLE as possible. Preferably not at all. If you must, use a tissue and bin it.

    There are a lot of people I care about on this site. Please stay safe, I don't want to lose any of you.
    Looking back through my post history, I'm reminded of the KC fics we lost. Greatest Generation and Belated Battleships. It's real fucking depressing.
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