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  • One thing I don't understand is why the protagonists in TFTUF attack the Reich when they were willing to work with the Dilgar. Shouldn't they have at least tried to do diplomacy?Not to mention they should have encountering lots of Third and Fourth Reichs out there.And why was it so easy for them to steamroll the Reich anyway? Still,on the whole you're a good writer.
    Ridiculously good Doctor Who story.
    Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed TPOAN. I'll just be over here taking my blood pressure meds and ignoring that I'm approaching the tenth anniversary of when I started writing it.:rofl:
    Hey Steve, your images on the Cascadia roleplay in rule the waves have all gone borked.
    Photobucket became dicks and forbid external image viewing now. And re-directing hundreds of images for an LP that, from what I can see, doesn't really get much attention anymore is too much effort for me to undertake right now. Maybe at some point I'll begin re-upping the images to imgur and changing links.
    Quick question: Will Robert Dale ever command the Aurora again or will his path diverge from it from here on out?
    He will no longer be captain of the Aurora. That part of his life is over. If he ever sits in that chair again, it'll be for a special occasion only.
    I absolutely hate MLPs fandom, and it's spoiled the show for me. But I too would pick it over WH40K. It's just a depressing universe of death.
    I've never watched the series myself. But I've seen the darker side of the fandom... and yet the series still interests me more than freaking WH40K. :)
    Could you threadmark Power of a Name? The new Reader function would make reading it much easier.
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