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  • Yo man you should re write space ninja summer camp you even got a shoutout on Space battles lol
    I hope that "The New War" quest didn't ruin your story thread for Space Ninja Summer Camp. Especially since Taylor, who's taking the place of the Player Character Tenno, wasn't on the Zariman. I do hope you continue writing that, because it is really good.
    Are you ever going to update your Warframe fic? It's one of my favorites and it being dormant is making me sad. I hope you haven't lost your muse.
    Just re-read your whole fic. I don't want to press when is the next update but do you still accept Tenno interludes and if ever, another omake about Taylor introducing other festive holiday? Especially April Fools?
    *Discovered Space Ninjas today*
    *was sad when current end was reached.*

    I don't want to pester you, but, is an update in the works? I'd love to read more.
    A ( small ) Tenno interlude is in the final edit stages. I hope to be posting it soon and the next chapter is maybe 25% done? Sorry.
    Yay! Thanks! I can't wait to see it!

    Also, no reason to apologize, it's not like you have to do it or owe it to anyone. I'm just happy to hear this is not the end for Tenno Taylor!
    Will we be seeing more of Space Ninjas in the near future?
    I hope so. It's not dead. I still want to write the story. I have a ton of excuses (summer, new dog, work, racing) and some of them are even valid, but after this long of a dry spell, the conclusion is that I'm lazy and there are a ton of good stories from better writers to read.
    Hey, you're alive! I was wondering where you went. I do think there's interest in the story, y'know? And either way I'm still around to help you beat it into shape.
    I do wonder how many chapters there are between 5.0 and 6.0. The update was good, but surprisingly short....
    The interlude spoiler has some info on the next installment. Ch5.0 is currently @ 9.6k words. So, it will have more meat, but it is more of a slice-of-life chapter for Taylor...
    Well, fine, as long as we see the next chapter soon. So how long until that is released?
    hey man you ok? I am just wondering where the next chapter of space ninja summer camp is coming along.
    I'm about 60% done with the next chapter. I have the main POV done, but it needs some work. I'm currently working on reaction POV's to help fill it out.
    Ah... ok
    The chapter is 99% done. Just being beta'ed as I put the final touches and tweaks. It's more of a house-keeping chapter and that might be why it's been so difficult.
    (totally not stalking you or anything, but) Are you the Sleethr who wrote the beautiful story called "Whisper"?
    Is that run away because you didn't know where to go next in the story or because you didn't like writing in the Whateley world?

    I think if Uber and Leet shanghaied a Winslow class and forced them to play a VR game they built, Whisper could show up in Brockton Bay.

    Seriously, H1 and E88 or ABB are almost interchangeable.

    So much of Whisper could be rewritten to work in BB.
    Yes and yes because the Whateley Universe plotline is a little slow to progress.

    I did have an idea for a U & L VR game gone wrong for Taylor. Whisper would be an excellent PC name for a friendly player to join Taylor...
    I was really looking forward to Whisper going camping. H1 would attack. Ex Seal sensei and daughter would have so much fun.

    Taylor camping would be fun. Maybe on mars?
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