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  • I only ever saw SAO Abridged, never could get into canon. Saw this on SV and thought hey why not.
    Turns out that
    1) It's just as bad as I thought
    2) Still loads of fun to watch other people despair at it
    3) It is astonishing how much of the Abridged was taken mostly verbatim from canon
    Since I wouldn't have learned all this without your Let's Watch, thanks a lot for that!
    Yet another new avatar. No particular reason except for how great C&H is.
    I just realized that C&H stands for both Calvin and Hobbes and Cyanide and Happiness.
    <--In case you're wondering where IWIWMHA was yesterday. Symphogear is dangerously addictive
    Okay, enough of Magical Girl Kirito, back to the old avatar.
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    ...unless that is Kirito disguised as a cup!
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    Is missing post-it saying "NOT A MIMIC," is therefore probably a mimic.
    What happens when the mimics figure out how to turn into a Post-It saying 'NOT A MIMIC'?
    If IWIW Sao is back, does that mean In Memoriam? Or should I not be getting my hopes up.
    Ehhhhh, probably not, but we'll see.
    Ah, rip. Well, either way, just want to compliment you on it because In Mem is really great.
    We did see and it was great!
    I actually agree with you, I was just making the appropriate joke :V. She was great all the way through, but her sacrifice at Ep. 21 really clinched it for me.

    (Also, it's CHRIISTIIIINNNNA, not Kurisu. Get it ... uh, correctly wrong? Intentionally inaccurate? Something like that >.>)
    This is Colonel Shockz, Orange Inkling Team. Attempted takeover of Blackbelly Skatepark ended in complete failure. Death toll...too many.
    Other random note: often times for science article, they try to find the flaws in their own research to see what needs further study. Its similar to in school when you did science and had to say there may have been error because of air resistance or something; its purposefully over-critical.

    again though, I do agree that its not a cut and dry case
    Thing is, I'm not saying "haha they're wrong because they said they might be wrong", I'm saying "even the people would be most invested in presenting the data a certain way are saying that the data does not, in fact, point quite that way."

    At least that's what I'm reading it as.. I fully admit my own biases might be influencing my interpretation here.
    If I had the power to turn invisible I would go to North Korea and stick googly eyes on every pic of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il
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