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  • For anyone still wondering about ShirowShirow, just found him (on the net, reddit) and he seems well enough.
    What happened?!
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    ShirowShirow says work has been eating his time way too much. He never got the time to restart a game even though he would have liked...
    That's acceptable. It was a bit worrying to have no idea if he was alive, though.
    Hi. I... don't quite know how to say this. You seemed enthusiastic about @DaLintyGuy running a game based on Murderhobos'R'Us, and I was having fun analyzing the system, and I've made a variant of it that I was thinking to run a campaign in. I hope that's okay?
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    I am sorry to bother, but have you heard anything from ShirowShirow? He hasn't been online here since the last time he posted on Murderhobo's RU and I am pretty worried all thigns considered.
    Sadly, I have not.
    Your last post was about being sick, I hope nothing went wrong there.
    I can't seem to get time of last activity for his PSN ID, (which I'm pretty sure is kosher since it's in his signature,) but adding ShirowShirow to the google search leads me to his Steam ID, which says it was last used seven days ago. So I've stopped panicking.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Well in that case I hope he will pop up sometime soon again.
    Looks like the Murderhobo RP is getting super popular. So many people posting their sheets and jumping in. The poor Antagonists are going to be overrun by heroic madman^^
    Yo. It's been a long time since Murderhobo's R'Us. Any chances of a revival?
    Awesome! Literally my first real quest/RP on SB/SV so it'll be awesome to see it come back.
    Huzaah! I think I still have my Rocket Launcher Mage character sheet. What'll I need to change?
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Oh my this sounds awesome, I just looked at your Profile because Horatio liked a post of mine inside the Murderhobo RPG and god, this makes me happy. That game was one of the funniest ones around. I hope I get a place to join.
    So, out of curiosity, what was the looming threat in your X-Com game?
    Wow. I don't know who either of those are. Thanks for telling me.

    I'm going to try an X-Com quest like yours in the future, and I might want to ask you for help. Would you be down for that?
    Sure. I'm disappointed my own petered out like it did, but I guess that's what happens when you lose New York.
    There a chance it could be revived? That sounds pretty fun.
    You should probably look over the data for character creation in Murderhobo when you have time. There are still inaccurate/lacking things. (EP is now Spirit x3, not x2 if I remember right and there is nothing saying how many PP you have Access to at the start.)
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