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  • any chance you'll get back to A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm?
    Hi there! I've got every plan of getting back to SEW, but unfortunately, I kinda hit a bit of a roadblock. I know exactly what needs to happen next, but my brain refuses to let me work on it... the fact that I'm now into coursework deadline hell doesn't help matters, either. I've no intention of letting that fic die, though, I can promise you that! Just gotta get my brain to work...
    thanks for the reply and I hope your muse comes back soon, but don't forget to do the best you can at school
    Hello! I really enjoyed Shadow, Eon and Worm, I hope you get back to it soon, it's been a year since the last chapter, but it's quite a fun story. I'm looking forward to seeing more, especially since the S9 are coming next timeline wise.
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