Shade, believe me. You and some Oz-whatever guy would get along realy well. You have the coffee and he have... well... 1990s Vale-iant Coffee Brew Maker.
Then canon Ozpink said that it's actually hot cocoa...
Hello, coffee-madman. I have read "I Have Materia" and "I Have A Very Strange Master". It is days since I finished, and I can now properly articulate my words after so much gushing.
Keyboard Killers is not simple keyboard clicker game. In which you should kill meteors to save your starship and your friend dragon (^-^) . You should be very fast to able to complete the game. More then 500 apm on hardest levels !!!
I'm nearly finished with my Paper, but I've been emptying a house my mother sold recently; so it's taken its toll too. Normal writing procedures will resume next week if everything's fine and peachy.
Tomorrow from 18.10 circa till 21.00 circa I'll be in Frankfurt's train station waiting for the Flixbus that will take me home. Should anyone be interested in meeting up and having a bite in Frankfurt, just notify me.
So the N key of my keyboard actually works once every four pushes. It makes for an interesting experience in attempting to write. I could use the laptop's keyboard, but then I'd end up with my wrists hurting. Gr...I actually have to put the writing on hold till I get the new ergonomic keyboard. ç_ç sad shade is sad.
Just realized I'm missing on the word counter! And now what will I do!? How can I judge the end of a chapter if I don't have a valid way of counting up to 1K or 2K!?