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  • Happy Birthday!
    Thank you. It is my Poker year since I have a straight flush: 1 guy, 23 years at my workplace, 54 years of age. 12345
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    You're welcome! Sounds like a good birthday gift this year would be a deck of cards then.
    Heidi and Rosie --another pair of girl rats buried nearby. Not sure if I can handle another tiny cuddle passing, but we did get Bandit, a Pittie the wife and daughter took pity on at the shelter (back when Mahogany got loose and ran off during his first big seizure). Mahogany got to meet him but passed soon after.
    My rat done gone away. She haunts my chair, looking for scritches. Socks, the boys joined her. Mohogany, Germ Shep + Hound sleeps at feet.
    I just read the Calico Sequel and I'm sad that at least three potential plots that never went anywhere.
    First the plot that centered around the university that was started in the 1800s (Taylor's ring early on)
    Second was the lack of resolution to Blasto
    Third is the secret society that the tattoo woman and Rune were members of. Their story sounded like Eve somehow predated Parahumans by thousands of years.
    I Hope there will be a Maincraft 2 at some point, maybe including her Canon Powerset as an Enhancement to the Minecraft stuff ala the Classes portion.
    It wasn't fridge horror, but there is room for a bit of horror in any story with Eldritch Worm Space Whales, yeh? (stupid 420 limit)
    Aww. I was more hoping that she could get Dragon or Leet back on board before Coil found out, and get the server back online. That or the server was running locally ON her manifested phone, since she did still have her powers at that time. I'd have loved to see a non-coma reboot from that point on.

    How would that even _work_ with SAO, though?
    Or perhaps that she had to work with the SAO system for a bit _until_ she could contact Leet and get the server switched? Either way, I'd love to see that go somewhere. Then again, I can't imagine how Minecraft and SAO would mix, but I have to imagine that Eidolon would end up weeping in a corner. That might be fun too.
    Were you going for fridge horror with the ending of Maincraft? Cause I got that in buckets full. Cause a depressed and deeply abused girl got everything she wanted - and more. And then gets to find out that not only did none of it happen - she will rapidly realize a lot of what happened there is impossible. I can't see that ending anything but poorly.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked the story, aside from that end.
    The ending to my understanding as someone who has never played or probably will play Minecraft in it's myriad versions, this is the built in end for vanilla Minecraft (insomuch as it has one) as being a Maybe/Maybe Not a Dream.
    It wasn't fridge horror, but there is room for a bit of horror in any story with Eldritch Worm Space Whales, yeh? (stupid 420 limit) Woops, replied to the other guy on yours.
    I had that thought too, but it was hinted that it's actually fine, since she still has the powers from her dream. Meaning that she can build back up to what she had.
    (Incidentally, that's the other reason why I hope Leet can be convinced to put the server back.)
    In "Tooling Up Interlude" in the Calico Lucky Seven sequel, Miss Militia is commenting that she can't produce one-off weapons when she already made a copy of the Halberd, which was ALSO tinkertech. I think that might be an error.

    I laughed my buns off at the pacman scene, by the way.
    The Halberd qualified as she had noticed Armsmaster made multiple instances of each base as well as the components that he snaps into the current base. She can do any Tinkertech that isn't a one-off run. ;) By the way, have you been reading Blanket or do you prefer completed stories?
    I had started it, but there's a LOT of _bizarre_ crack in there (I prefer the funny/awesome kind). I'll probably read more at some point.

    I like the Calico L7 ending a bit more. I was kinda sad when she just faded away again in the original. It probably could use an epilogue, though. Hint hint.
    You mad genius! I loved Maincraft. The improbably large XP, all the reveals and action, and the amazing twist at the end referencing the end credits...
    I hope there's a sequel someday.
    My rat done gone away. She haunts my chair, looking for scritches. Socks has joined her in the ratty beyond. Now two boys, hairless old men.
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