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  • I was unable to accomplish any of the goals I set for myself today. I am deeply disappointed, to say the least.
    A little drowsy, but I can manage. What's disturbing is that it's the middle of the day... or is it?
    Interesting, SV's members have increased by one today. Welcome to SV, Satorin~ I hope you enjoy your stay here and don't read to many minds while you're at it :V.....
    Thanks! I shall be for the most part a lurker; I am quite occupied by RPs and chat going on over at LD, but I will drop by when I find something of interest~

    But as for reading minds--- I can't just pass that up. I find enjoyment in seeing people squi-- ah, don't mind this sadistic-sweet Satorin m'dear~
    LD? What's that? Though other than that it's nice to see the number of ASEAN SV-ers rise as well....
    Let's Danmaku, a Touhou community that grew off a writers' hangout at Fanfiction.net and now consists of the FFN-hosted forums (where RPs and story advertising take place) and a discord server (where most of the socialising takes place). Strange thing is that these two halves don't share admins, so I suppose it's a pretty informal community.

    That said! ASEAN ne? Glad to meet someone from my region! :D
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