• I hope you're enjoying your trip through EOAE.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Well, the Quest I'm most proud of as a work of literature has to be Jedi Initiate Quest. If you want one that's not ongoing (and is on an even longer hiatus) there's Roaring Age, which I like a lot, but is certainly less popular and polished than JIQ.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    Alright. PurpleLovely's ratings spree through EoaE is making me want to finally catch up through all of EoaE. I'm clicking in every once in a while, and I'm getting repeatedly reminded of it. EoaE legit was friggin' amazing to play in. I might have to only read story posts to catch-up though.

    Then Jedi Initiate, I suppose, to actually be voting in a Laurent quest again. ^_^
    Well Oh I am slain! maybe that's my secret, sneaky ninja plan! Get everyone that participated interested in it again, and there'll be a lot of people to comment and discuss with when I finally catch up! But really I just genuinely like a lot of your guy's posts. It's been delightful to read through.
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