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  • Just finished reading your Pokemon Master Taylor. There was a lot of fun ideas. There's still two burning questions I have though. What was Little Cloud supposed to be/do? I could never figure out its function or form beyond "thing that hovers". Secondly, what was her egg going to hatch into? Thanks!
    Tropes was quite fun. That last chapter was an interesting reveal. So, her "tropes" are actually extensions of others' powers, and her own Shard is spawning virions to subvert other powers, or provide her boosts when needed... Cool! I wonder if that means that her own power was one of Abaddon's?
    That's actually a very accurate assessment of what Taylors altered-QA was doing.
    Huh. Nice to know I was correct. ;) I have to wonder -- aside from the obvious jailbreaking of their shards during her "worthy opponents" powerups or "sidekicking," are the hosts getting any other benefits to this takeover? For instance, would Sophia become somewhat sane, or Leet manage to make something without blowing up? I.E. the process removes power quirks as well as limits?
    Just wanted to say I've recently binged your Pokemon Master Taylor fic and absolutely loved it. I hope to see more of it some day
    Actually I just reread that when looking to cut things from my favorites, it didn't quite make the cut to keep it but if it came back i'd go for another reread.
    Needs a re-write honestly. It was my second work and looking back on it I cant help but feel its only 'meh'.
    Certain members of Cauldron had Dragon try and censor the word "Cauldron" on the PHO forums. Dragon did obey the letter of the order while pissing on the spirit of it by making it /obvious/ that the word "Cauldron" was being censored.
    Huh, guess I haven't gotten to that bit of canon yet. I'll add this to my resource file.
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