• Hey, just read you are working on a Girl Genius RPG. Are you still working on that?
    Got it pretty much done-ish, then moved on.
    Got the link to the google doc where it's held in the thread here

    New Girl Genius RPG system (fan-made) looking for feedback and playtesters!

    Hello all! @I just write and I have been working on a new pen and paper RPG set in the Girl Genius 'verse (by the Foglios), and we're looking for feedback. If you're interested in the setting, or if you'd like to try out a new game system, feel free to take a look at the google doc, or come...
    Hi just read emergent AI quest and was wondering if you were ever going to start it up again? also I blitzed hive daughter and thought it was great I hope you start writing again and that you are well.
    Xianxia Cultivation quest was my favorite out of all of them, I just reread it and thought I'd leave a message.
    Thanks. Just sad that I've sort of lost motivation for it.
    It happens, and maybe you'll create something in the same world later on.
    Give Daughter. Fantastic story. Really enjoyed it. Hope an epilogue is posted. Would love to see Taylor's effects on the WH40k universe.
    I'm liking your story Hive Daughter (I have a soft spot for tyranids in general).

    At a guess from your writing I thought you might enjoy my story Onward To Providence.
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