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  • alright! now we're quite literally going somewhere.
    I have no idea. Tempted to write up a whole new vote, since the current write-in doesn't make much sense to me. But it would be a whole lot easier to decide if we had some listed options, instead of just write-in boxes.
    Write-ins are great when your readers actually know what they want to do, where they're headed, and how to get there. Right now though we're too early in the quest to have any real goals, and nobody is POSTING so there's no discussion on what our goals might BE. I'm... also not used to being in a leading position in a quest, but that's not something YOU can fix, lol.
    i added some more options to the bottom of the turn post?
    The HFY in the 343 stuff definitely tends to be too much, but I think it was done well in the Bungie stuff.
    Posting this here instead of in the thread for the obvious reason of not wanting to go too off topic.
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