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  • Yay it's my birthday! without a party... because I forgot to arrange one while promising every1 I 'd arrange it... oopsie?
    oh... I just noticed that I had entered Fifth day of february as my birthday when it's the Sixth day... oops... but meh, one day here and there is not so big a deal am I right?
    oops! It has started happening again. First on fanfiction dot net, now in here and SB... I see an update and I feel like "meh,not now"
    oh... that's a lot of quotes in the multi-quote... maybe I should put them somewhere...
    I had almost forgotten how much I loved Penny Polendina... this quest made me remember it. Quest:"We Have the Technology - Penny Quest"
    this quest is awesome. Penny is awesome. latest arc put her int BULLSHIT range but that just makes her even more awesome! SUPER AWESOME quest all in all. also the rolls were bullshit good at certain critical part. Which was awesome. :)
    Note to self: some people aren't like me and do NOT automatically wake up when their phones ring. Like my dad and little brother.
    Another draft to trashcan! I once again had a great idea. Idea that I ruined by my poor storywriting. Next idea goes to Idea thread instead!
    Had a thought, maybe I should make my google drive idea folder accessible to all? I do have over hundred drafts there...
    Wouldn't mind seeing some of them.
    Enjoying yourself?
    Yes, thank you very much. I usually skip anything that isn't threadmarked with threads that have lots of pages, but your magical girl quest thread is too interesting to skip.
    Thank you. If you get any questions, feel free to ask. We're particularly welcoming of new players.
    jesus likebombing christ you're thorough

    Glad you're enjoying!
    You bet I'm enjoying your stories! They are good and deserve every rating they got! Almost every single chapter made me feel for gods sake! That doesn't happen! Well it used to not happen... not until this week with your stories it seems :)
    dang you.. now I have to binge read the entire thread chain again. cures you for reminding me of extremely good quest from times gone by.
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