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  • Hey everyone.

    As some may have noticed, my quests are either marked as cancelled or on indefinite hiatus. With real life troubles continuing to play havoc on just about anything and a seriously uncooperative muse, nothing seems to work right now. I may continue things later or start new quests, but it is unlikely for now.

    I am so sorry.
    It might not mean much, but I'm quite sorry to hear that you are having unfortunate IRL troubles. I hope it gets better for you, and wish you the best!
    Hello sorry if I am bugging you but I was wondering if everything is ok because it been a few months since you last posted.
    Hey, good day. I am alright, but also sorry to say that for the time being - with IRL problems arising both in terms of work and just life in general - I have stopped writing. Things are too hectic, too chaotic - and writer's block is not helping. Sorry.
    Happy Birthday!
    Yeah, very far off, unfortunately - would love to have something like that exist IRL.

    It has been somewhat of a tension-filled day for me today, though. So again, I really appreciate it!
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    If it did, on the bright side, world hunger would be solved. On the other hand, I'd probably be very very fat...

    Either way, glad I can at least brighten your day, even if just by a tad.
    Mhm! You are actually the first to congratulate me online, heh.

    Now, time to lie in wait and to ambush you on your birthday with a pleasant surprise :V
    Short question, I don't know if I'm annoying but are you still doing your quests?
    Hey, you ain't bothering me! The main problem regarding the quests is writing up results, beating the writer's block, and getting to post a nice, long response. I have been busy with vacation, work, and with other, private things: But rest assured, an update will come soon.
    Excuse me, but who is your current avatar?
    That would be miss Gremyashchy, drawn by Ryan Greytorn on Danbooru/Safebooru. Danbooru may contain NSFW advertisements, but you can disable those by enabling safe mode in the settings on your Danbooru account.
    So quick question are you still going to do Restoration of Order and Peace: An Imperial Quest or is it dead now.
    Eternal Lord
    Eternal Lord
    It's okay I was just wanting to make sure you were doing a rework. Thank you for doing a rework that quest was real fun. Also good job usually quest authors usually don't make a rework of their quest when they've hit a brick wall thank you.
    Thank you for your vote of confidence! This has been my very first quest and even post on this site, and I was, and am still, very happy with the audience it created: The least I can do in return is give you all the best experience with the quest, right?
    Eternal Lord
    Eternal Lord
    Well goodbye. Good luck with your rework. Thank you again.
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