• i was looking up Feats and stuff for Cyclops, when i found out that Mutants have shared abilities, such as better immune systems, resilience, and immunity to Aids.

    would any of that be a thing in Pound The Table?
    The last bit i could see leading to a few plot points considering the time period?
    Okay, given I just got done reading it and I seem to be the only person who's asked about it recently - is Sympathy for the Devils on substantial hiatus, or has it been discontinued?
    This isn't meant to be hostile - I deeply enjoyed the story, but just wanted to see if there would be more in the future. My apologies if my tone was hostile-sounding.
    October Daye
    October Daye
    No worries. It has, unless something changes, been discontinued — I'm disappointed with the state of RWBY, and would rather not give it more of my attention.
    Finally got around to reading Lamarckian. The start was comparatively weak; despite already being a fan of your work and familiar with the setting in question, I still bounced off the story twice before this attempt, and nearly did so a third time. Still, once I got past that it improved significantly and I enjoyed the rest of the story quite a bit, which also somewhat salvaged my opinion of the first bit as well.
    You scared me at first your FGO story would be one of those crack inserts not gonna lie. I'm happy to see I was mostly wrong, thank you for taking on such an endeavor!
    October Daye
    October Daye
    Yeah, I'm not a fan of those crack inserts, so there was no way I was going to be party to one. Instead, we're playing it all dead serious (outside of comic relief), complete with the best ship in all of fiction: Actions x Consequences.
    ...So...I'm curious. Is there a reason so many of your SIs are (presumably, at least) genderbent as part of the process?

    Not that you have to answer this at all, I'm just sort of wondering.
    Just finished Lamarckian; damn good job turning Bakugo into a decent person. Have you considered writing more of it?
    October Daye
    October Daye
    I have been sitting on my outline and stuck with writer's block on it for months now. I want to continue it badly, but I'm having trouble getting words on the page. In this case my usual pacing trick is working against me: I'm going into the final exam arc next, but by my usual chapter schedule I'm 8 chapters off of the arc climax... which is too far. Which means I probably just need to re-outline the arc...
    I've had similar pacing problems in the past, if you want a second pair of eyes to look anything over and maybe knock an idea loose.

    If not, then without reading anything further, my best advice is to sit down, write a few hundred words even though you know it's crud, and then rewrite because seeing it on the page and seeing why it's cruddy specifically will help you get a better grip on what to fix.
    I apologize for how aggressive this is going to sound, but in Lamarckian could you please take the valentines and chistmas omakes out of the regular threadmarks because they are SPOILERY AS FUCK and that's really not nice. They're cuter than rabbits but really shouldn't be with the main fic so you run into them while in reader mode.
    Maybe one day Helios will update I found it today after searching for Worm/Okami crossovers after reading constellations again and wanting more, I'm really sad that it hasn't updated in 2 years but I will cross my fingers and hope one day it will update once more
    I didn't want to necro, but I just read Up In the Air in one sitting and it was pretty fantastic. You guys did great work, and that Lung fight was epic. Thanks for the read!
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